lionz's Forum Posts

  • You can add several conditions together, you can do this with those you mentioned to filter the instances. Or one can be a sub event. Did you try this?

  • You have the variable you just didn't use it in conditions, get rid of the repeat and use NumOfBloonsSpawned < 20 instead, that means it only creates one every 0.5 seconds until there are 20 of them.

  • To make the time random you use a random time instead of a set number of seconds, every 5 seconds won't be random but you can use every random(a,b) time to make it different each time.

  • 0 is 0,0 so that's setting cow and 99 to the same cell. Probably age is at Y=1 so 0,1. If the data already exists in a spreadsheet you can load it into the array.

  • Sure if each row is a different instance then each column can be a statistic

  • Ya this was my guess, nice

  • Show us the variable set on the object and the layout names

  • Not sure what the problem is? Create a second snake and pick it with events, or create completely new objects for a second snake it's up to you.

  • What did you try so far because that's kinda basic if you're already using an array. You would use compare x,y to see if it's 50.

  • Well first of all those events are different to what you shared in the screenshot and are using different objects so thanks for that confusion. You have a separate event there that says on animation finished set platform behaviour enabled, how do we know that when the block is at the top that the invisible animation had time to finish? Probably the oject is floating as a sprite with disabled platform then platform is enabled some time later which is why you see it drop. When it drops down to the lower level probably the animation has finished so platform is enabled on time. But I can only guess because it's invisible.

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  • Containers are for building objects in parts like you're doing here, check the manual for more info.

  • Make them into one object then with different animations or animation frame.

  • What I mentioned above then would work well except you are using 8 different objects, usually it would be 8 instances of one object. If it is 8 objects then you group them in a Family, and you say pick a random instance of Family.

    Since you want only one visible at a time you can start a timer behaviour on the object. Then on the timer finished you can pick a random object again.

  • Are you using 8 sprite objects, or 8 instances/copies of the same object? 8 instances would be more usual. Are you saying you want to make them visible one by one until all 8 are visible then reset them or are they being made visible/invisible randomly?

  • Make use of System pick a random instance of Sprite : set visible.