linkman2004's Forum Posts

  • Auto mirror should be checked, then you can use the "Compare" condition under system to check the X speed of the object, like this:

    +Sprite[Platform].VectorX greater than 0
        -Sprite: Set angle to 0
    +Sprite[Platform].VectorX less than 0
        -Sprite: Set angle to 180[/code:1lxe7j41]
    [url=]Here's a CAP file to illustrate this[/url].
  • Create a global variable called 'FPS'. Every tick, add 1 to this value. Every 1000 milliseconds, set your text to this value, then reset the value to 0.

    This method was on the wiki somewhere, but I can't find it back.

  • I found SetCopyFrameContent. This is my code(probably not correct):

    pRuntime->SetCopyFrameContent(pLink, pLink->info.curTexture, true, true);[/code:f1dg8ljp]
    When I run the plugin, Construct crashes telling me the texture isn't a render target.  Any clarification on this?  There doesn't seem to be much documentation in the line of graphics related stuff.
  • I guess I should have been more specific. I'm talking about doing this in the SDK.

  • Is there a way to retrieve the rendered frame as a texture? For examples, so I could change the texture on a sprite to that of the currently rendered frame.

  • Oh god , transitions don't work.

    this is actually a terrible build

    They work for me. Here's my file.

  • That's pretty cool. It seems to behave more like rubber than cloth, though.

  • wait... how is random() bugged?

    If you put random(10), it will return a number between 0 and 9 rather than 1 and 10. Though that's not so much bugged as it is a standard programming thing.

  • It would be easier to do enemy spawning using "Pick a random object" under CREATE_01's conditions. That will pick a random instance of CREATE_01. Then you just create the enemy at the location of the spawn point, like this: Enemy spawning

  • Chickens. Save the timescale, set the timescale to 1, and immediately timedelta begins returning non-scaled values, which you can then use on some custom movement events (for example). Set the timescale back to its old value at the end of the events, and then you have a loaf of events inbetween which use an unscaled timedelta.

    Ah, nifty. I hadn't even considered doing that. Thanks for the tip.

  • I thought about that, but if you're timescale is set to 0, then you'd be dividing by zero.

  • I'm pretty sure this would be possible to implement, but correct me if I'm wrong. I think it would be pretty sweet if we could get a TimeDelta expression that isn't affected by the TimeScale. This could be helpful for pause screens with moving elements.

    Maybe it doesn't even have to be a separate expression, maybe you could just put TimeDelta(1) and it would deliver a non-TimeScaled value. That could keep people looking through the expressions list from getting confused between the two.

    Possible? Yes? No? Chickens?

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  • Wow, that ****** And now it's such a great solution... oh, btw, can you somehow connect PS3 Controllers to the PC without too much *********

    PS3 controllers as far as I'm aware are standard bluetooth. You should be able to connect them like any other bluetooth device.

  • I agree. It's nigh impossible to tell the difference between two different arrays.

  • Trigger once is usually used in conjuction with another condition. For example:

    +If 'variable' equals 0
    +Trigger Once
        -Add 1 to 'variable2'[/code:382s0g7h]
    If the first condition comes out true, then the action within will only be performed once.  However, if the first condition later evaluates to false, then the action will trigger again as soon as the first condition is once again true, starting the cycle over.
    If you want the events under the trigger once conditions to only be run at the start of the layout, it would be better to put them as sub events to the start of layout condition.
    EDIT: [url=]Here's an example[/url] showing what I just described.