linkman2004's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the comments, guys. I've fixed the problem when going off the top of an area, so I'll be releasing a new build before too long.

    Also, it seems that when the grid area is smaller than the view size (I think probably just the window size), it just jumps onto the new grid position without scrolling.

    This is actually one of the things I warn against, as mentioned in the pseudo-documentation I posted. You should always make the areas the same size or larger than the window size.

  • Sure. Here's the compiled version with the music.

    Okay, I get the problem as well. Where in your code are you playing the music? Is it just in the "Start of layout" event? What format is the music in? I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but it might.


    Advanced Camera Plugin - v0.7b

    Download Now(with example) - 149KB


    ADDITION - New grid scrolling feature. This offers the ability to have scrolling like in the Zelda and MegaMan series of games. Two types of grid scrolling are present; uniform grid scrolling, where each area is the same size, and variable grid scrolling, where each area is designated by a specified area object allowing for different sized areas of scrolling.

    FIX - Some typos fixed.

    The ZIP file includes an example of the variable grid scrolling type. It should get across how to use it clearly enough, but I'll explain a little.


    In the "Grid Scrolling - Variable Size" action you are asked to specify which camera to use, the object that will cause the screen to scroll to the next area, the object type which will be used to specify areas, the scroll time, and whether or not to pause the game during scrolling or not.

    The object which is used to scroll will generally be your character object. The screen will scroll when the middle part of this object -- regardless of hotspot -- comes into contact with a new area.

    The area object is merely a large sprite which defines the borders of an area. These are placed in the layout editor. It is recommended that each area object be no smaller than the screen size. It's also recommended that areas don't overlap. If areas are overlapping and the player comes into contact with the overlapping section, you'll most likely start switching between the two areas endlessly.

    And that covers the important parts. As usual, and especially in this case, be sure to report any bugs. If you find one, make sure to explain clearly how it happened, or, better yet, provide a CAP file with the problem.

    Enjoy the new features!

  • This is really strange. Would you mind compiling the version you have with the music playing? Music and sound isn't included in CAP files, and I want to see if this is happening on all computers or just some. I can't seem to reproduce any errors involving music playback with this plugin.

    By the way, a heads up for everybody. Assuming I don't find any glaring issues with the additions I've made, I'll be releasing a new version later today. This version will include the requested MegaMan/Zelda style grid scrolling feature.

  • In your camera creation you have both the X and Y zoom levels set to 0, so the camera is zoomed out to infinity. You should set the zoom levels to something like 100 each, which is default size. That fixes the problem.

  • Hmm. Really useful plugin. Until I start to play music on the background. Then the camera just goes completely black. When I disable the music events, the camera acts normal again. Strange bug...

    I'm using the latest version of Construct.

    Huh, that seems really weird. I couldn't reproduce it, though. Would you mind posting the CAP with the problem so I can take a look at it?

  • That's actually a really good idea. I'll see what I can do about implementing it.

  • Can you do a limit camera effect?

    Would you mind explaining a bit what you mean, please?

  • You should be setting the angle after you create the new object. Since the new object doesn't exist when you set the angle, Construct is picking all instances of the bullet object that currently exist.

  • This has been discussed several times before, and unless something's changed -- which I don't think has happened -- exported EXEs use PNGs.

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  • That's really odd. If you could get the same problem in a blank CAP that could help me isolate the problem.

  • Strange. What kind of events from the plugin are you using? If you don't mind me seeing the CAP, you can PM it to me and I can try and figure out what the problem is.

    Time for a new update for this plugin:

    Advanced Camera Plugin - v0.6b

    Download Now(with example) - 135KB


    ADDITION - Add layer rotation exception action added. Using this action you can specify layers, by name or number, to add to a list of layers which won't be rotated. This is helpful if you want to rotate the camera but don't want things such as the HUD rotated as well.

    FIX - Conditions from the plugin now show the plugin's icon before them.

    This version comes with an example updated to take advantage of the new "Add layer rotation exception" action to keep the layer that the instructions are on from rotating. The action for this is in the "NonCamera" event sheet in the 1st event.

    As usual be sure to report any bugs you find.

  • Thanks again for the comments, guys.

    Hmm... It's really weird when I try it with my game, because when I start up a layout, there's a white screen. How odd.

    What version of Construct are you using? That might have something to with it.

  • Because not having this feature complicates my plugin. The best way I can see now would be for the user to create an exceptions list for layers they don't want rotated. Then I would have to loop through all the layers that aren't in the exceptions list and change their rotations.

    Not too terribly hard, but it still seems like there should be an option to disable rotation on certain layers.

  • hey link

    havent tried the plugin yet

    but if you have trouble fixing the shaky cam while transitioning between moving targets, i did alot of moving target interpolating stuff with the bone animator. pm me if you get stuck

    Thanks. I actually found the problem. No real way to explain it properly unless I took the time to explain how the plugin does things, but to make a long story short, I was checking for a 0 where I should have been checking for a 1.

    Anyways, new version is up:

    Advanced Camera Plugin - v0.5b

    Download Now(with example) - 135KB


    ADDITION - Camera shake action added

    FIX- Smooth zoom action didn't display correct information in event editor

    FIX - Switching smoothly to a camera that is following an object was jerky

    CHANGE - Transitions are now smoothed out more

    As you can see, the camera shake action has been added. This action gives you options for magnitude, duration, dropoff, and smoothness(heh).

    If you downloaded the first version of this, I highly recommend that you download the new one.

  • Thanks for the comments, guys.

    I'm still using 0.99.42 here is that the problem with the event you used?

    .99.42 might have had problems with the conditional operator using strings, but I'm not sure. But you are correct in what it should be doing.

    the only problem is that in the last example (with the two moving objects) the camera seems to be shaking in the transition.

    Transitions are usually at their best when the object/camera being transitioned to isn't moving. I've been trying to find a way to combat this, so I'll see what I can come up with.

    By the way, I'll be putting up a new version later today with a camera shake action, so stay tuned for that.