linkman2004's Forum Posts

  • RighteousNando - That's a feature in the original, and I plan to add it, but it's not in there yet. School is letting out soon, so I should have some time to work on this in a couple of weeks.

  • devMidgard - I can't know what's going on unless you provide a CAPX file. Did you create a camera before you set one to follow an object? You also need to make sure that your camera is active, which is an option in the camera creation actions.

    I'd suggest looking at the example file that comes with the plugin - that provides a good idea of how the system works.

  • It works! Unfortunately though the scroll speed when switching between the objects to follow is very slow.The speed at which it switches is going to be based on the amount of follow lag you have set - more lag means a slower switch time. Once I get smooth camera switching implemented - assuming that works in your case - this shouldn't be an issue.

  • CrudeMik - As promised, here it is:

    Download Magicam Alpha 3 for Construct 2 (Includes example)


    <font color="green">(ADD)</font> Un-follow object action. Allows you to remove an object followed by a camera from the camera's following list.


    Just a small little update, but it should be a welcome addition for those who need it. If you encounter any bugs, please pass the CAP file along to me and I'll take a look.

  • Kyatric - Thanks, man - I really appreciate the comments. :)

    CrudeMik - Is camera switching not working for you? I haven't found any problems with that, but it's tough to generalize without seeing what you have. In the mean time, I'll look at adding an "Unfollow" action and hopefully get a new version up tomorrow.

  • Thanks again for the comments, guys.

    CrudeMik - If you could post a CAP, that would be awesome. I'll have some time to look at it tonight and see what's up.

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  • I'm locking this thread - I don't see any good coming from it.

    In addition, please remain courteous to your fellow forum members.

  • Dakiu - Thanks, man - I'm glad you're liking it! I've updated the main post so it's easier to see - thanks for mentioning that.

    In response to your second point, zoom to contain dynamically zooms the camera in or out so that all followed objects remain on the screen. The margins are the amount of space between the edges of the screen and the corresponding edges of the nearest followed objects - it acts like a border around the objects, essentially. The second layout in the example file gives a good idea of what's going on with the idea.

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  • As mentioned, here's an updated version for everyone's downloading pleasure:

    Download Magicam Alpha 2 for Construct 2 (Includes example)


    <font color="green">(ADD)</font> Transitions. Specifically, movement and zoom transitions. Cameras can be set to transition from one position/zoom level over a specified period of time. There are conditions to check when a transition ends or is in progress and expressions to get the progress of specific transitions.

    <font color="green">(ADD)</font> Actions to set basic properties of cameras such as position, X, Y, and zoom level.

    <font color="green">(ADD)</font> Action to switch between cameras - I'm not sure why this wasn't there already.

    <font color="red">(BREAKING CHANGE)</font> Object following is no longer enabled by default -- there is now an action to explicitly enable it. The reason for this is the camera transitions - movement transitions disable object following and "zoom to contain" upon starting -- zoom transitions only disable "zoom to contain". These must be re-enabled manually upon the transition finishing.

    <font color="blue">(CHANGE)</font> All cameras are updated every frame now, regardless of their status as the currently active camera.

    <font color="blue">(CHANGE)</font> "Set scroll smoothing" action has been hidden. This feature is not yet completely, so I have made it inaccessible - if it's in your project for some reason, it will remain there.


    There may have been other small changes that I can't remember off the top of my head, so go ahead and poke around, try to break it, and let me know what you find.

  • Once again, thanks for all the replies, guys - I'm glad everybody's enjoying this so far.

    newt, that's an interesting idea, but I think I'd rather keep input out of the plugin - I'll consider it, though.

    Just thought I'd let everyone know that I should be releasing a fairly substantial update this afternoon (GMT-500), so be sure to stay on the lookout for that.

  • Thanks again for the comments, guys - hopefully I'll have an update for everyone pretty soon.

    retrodude - If you look at the example, the HUD elements are on a separate layer with the scale rate set to 0, locking that layer's scale factor.

  • I'm guessing you're talking about interface elements that move with the screen? To do that, create a layer above all of your other layers and set the parallax values to 0. This will keep the layer in place while scrolling and you can put your interface elements on it.

    Alternatively - and this is probably the best method if you're targeting multiple resolutions - you can add the anchor behavior to your interface objects. This will position them relative to the canvas based on where they were originally placed in the layout. This works better than the layer method because if you change the canvas size in game, all interface objects will adjust accordingly based on the edges of the screen they're bound to.

  • Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate it. :)

    Also i got a javascript error when i added "Set scroll smoothing" i left blank in field and it appears "Use{1} smoothing" in event list.h, yes, I forgot to take that out - that's part of a feature I'm still working on and as such it doesn't actually do anything yet. The smooth movement when following objects is achieved by using the "Set follow lag" action.

  • NOTE: This plugin is no longer updated

    Download Magicam Alpha 6.5 for Construct 2 (Includes example)

    Magicam is a plugin that allows for some more advanced camera options than C2's builtin functionality. Some features are smooth scrolling, camera transitions, multiple camera support, the ability to follow multiple objects, etc.