linkman2004's Forum Posts

  • This is asked all the time on the forums, and there are quite a few tutorials on the subject. I'd suggest looking there.

  • Try refreshing the page with ctrl + F5 -- this should reload the page while ignoring cache.

  • Sounds like containers are what you're looking for. I'd highly recommend reading up on them.

  • Pixel rounding is of no consequence when it comes to blurring, although it would probably be best to have it on for a pixel art game. What you want to do is enable point sampling, which is also under the project properties.

  • The way I do it is to have two instances of the background right next to each other, which reposition themselves when they go past certain points. Here's an example:

    Repeated Background Example

  • You can use the modulo (%) operator to determine divisiblity. Modulo returns the remainder of division. So if the result of the expression (n % 3) equals zero, you know that the number n is divisible by 3.

  • Use the loopindex(name) expression to get the current index of loop name. Look for this expression on the system expression manual page for more information.

  • You should check to make sure your text elements are positioned correctly on the Y axis, because this sounds like a positioning issue. Otherwise, it's hard to diagnose the issue without a CAPX, so I'd suggest posting one if possible.

  • The effect is commonly known as "Mode 7", which refers to the SNES graphics mode that allowed for the scaling and rotation necessary to create the 3D plane. R0j0hound made an effect that attempts to reproduce what you're wanting.

  • If you can think of ways to do this, you should give them a try before blowing them off as inefficient. I'd suggest posting your solutions here, and we can let you know how/if they can be improved.

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  • From what I can tell, Tapjoy doesn't have a JavaScript SDK, which would preclude its integration with Construct 2.

  • , this plugin doesn't help with that, no.

    purplemonkey, I did, but I haven't had time to roll out a fix yet. I'll look into getting it patched up ASAP.

  • The retro template runs at 60 FPS like any other C2 project. However, the template does turn on pixel rounding -- under project settings -- which can make movement look less smooth, giving the illusion of a lower framerate.

    Honestly, there's no good way to actually limit the FPS, and I definitely wouldn't recommend slowing down the game on purpose by overloading the GPU/CPU -- this would have huge effects on power drain, amongst other things.

    One way to fake an FPS limit would be to update your events every other frame -- for example, by incrementing a global variable by 1 every frame and only updating all other events if this value is even. This will effectively run your event logic at 30 FPS assuming the game is rendering at 60 FPS. However, using this method you'd have to roll all of your own movements, as behaviors would still update 60 times per second.

  • Phaeton, we're doing our best to remove the spam as it shows up -- believe me, we don't like this anymore than you do.

  • Use the "Compare two values" condition from the system object and compare the system expression LayoutName (which gets the name of the current layout) against whatever name corresponds to the layout you want to check for.