lennaert's Forum Posts

  • Sorry I didn't add some awesome music <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle"> I just managed to get this done right before school and now need to go (Oops. I'm late!) Good luck to everyone else.

    <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle">   thanks for the video, that was the first time I noticed the collision polygon button.   <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • I'd perhaps change the rules slightly - you mentioned that the game should be played by only one player. In such cases, most of the dev time would go towards creating a fair AI for the other player, but AI fairness is rather hard to measure.

    It would probably be better if the Pong game was made for 2 players.

    With an eye on pong's simplicity, and this contest being related to speed, perhaps there lies the challenge ^_^

  • Haha :D its a challenge then ! platform only, including a trajectory after disaengage :P

    But isnt the bullet a standard behaviour always included in construct 2 ?

    I didnt use the bullet from physics.

    I try to avoid plugins at all cost, most widest compatibility ... in fact .. i have 1 plugin installed ... that textbox slider thing ... but been looking how to get it out lol

    Everything I make is with default construct 2 stuff, enabling it to be ported to all platforms able :)

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  • About 40 minutes, but I had a visitor which I was explaining what I was doing as i build it :D

    she says hi

    web version


    First to score 15 points wins.

    if you are far better then the computer player then the computer player gradually becomes better.

    7 events, only thing not made with construct 2 tool is the original pong sound. (going for bonus points)

    Without audio would be 6 events.

    My first entry to a competition ^_^

    Enjoy :D

    edit: damnit, just realised I had to record it :


    I do hope their hosting location didnt die on them or anything ....

    Recently had a client of mine their hosting provider go bankrupt on them, eventually ended up loosing all their data ...

    Glad I still had their site in final dev stage, they just needed to rewrite the content :o

  • I took the liberty to grab victoryx's capx and change some elements, so the grapling didnt need the physics anymore :)



  • Moin Dutoit :)

    Yeah, not sure whast going on, seems like something borked :P

    Would be a good idead of Scirra to dump some official note about it on the forum for the time being.

  • Would have loved to give it a try, but alas, I dont use the moveto plugin from rex.

  • I believe you need to disable rotation on the bullet behaviour.

  • Can you show an example ?

  • As soon as you give it an instance variable, can't you simply add a check to determine shot type ?

    instance variable towertype="missle"

    and compare instance variable   

    towertype="missle", action shoot missles

    towertype="bullet", action shoot bullets

    that sort of thing

  • I havent tried it yet, but if you pop me a capx I wouldnt mind fiddling with it :)

  • yeah you need to set the image point origin for the hook in the center ;)

    double click hook, set origin point in center instead of bottom

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    On everything but the forum :\</p>

  • To not save a backup before upgrading is foolish. To rely on a programs autosave feature is doubly so.

    I can't see why both versions can't be installed at the same time. Having a Save older version option would just create a massive amount of work for Ashley in the long run in having to keep track of every tiny change.

    Ridiculous, in my opinion.

    I would much rather Ashley concentrated on ironing out bugs and introducing some much needed features.

    I wasnt aware Construct 2 was so finicky with versions :(

    I recently only got the beta cos of the tilemap editor to look around, but stopped after it crashed my construct ... unawae that continueing to edit my existing programs created with an older version could cause these current issues I'm experiencing ....

    Oh well ... thats the last time I'll use a beta :\</p>