Facebook plugin work with cocoon ?
ok thanks you
ok and advertisements work with Clay.io and Crosswalk?
everyone says that it does not work, why ?
I tried and Clay.io does not buy directly via google play interface . It goes through paypal, google wallet ect ...
but I put the key where?
great thanks you
So if I publish my games on google play how it's going? when buying this is a window of google play opens? or something like paypal?
ok but I do not like when asked CocoonJs information and screenshot of my game to enter prenium I really feel that they take the opportunity to steal ideas
hello is it possible to integrated Clay.io plugin for IAP then export via crosswalk? or there is another way to integrate IAP with Crosswalk?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
there is no way to solve the problem with Crosswalk? I do not really want to go through Cocoon because I felt there was a lot of Bug via Cocoon
hello ! pleas, Is it possible to use the crosswalk with IAP on Android? I find nothing about it and Scirra promised to work on the day of the release of the plugin
hello, i would like to spawn enemy with a minimum distance between them. How can i do that ? thanks