Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • When you select a layout in the project bar, you have access to a property "Event sheet" in the property bar that allows you to "assign" an event sheet that will be executed by the layout.

    All the layouts of your project can point to that event sheet. Their property needs to be set accordingly though.

    "Duplicating" an event sheet is not recommended, as global variables, for example, are unique and valid across all the project, so they won't be duplicated and there is no need for that.

    At last you can also include an event sheet inside another event sheet.

    If you are still having issues, do post a copy of your project to help others help you.

  • With the text object you will have to program everything yourself.

    The Text Input object though can be set as a text area in its properties and gives "magically" the scrolling bar(s) you are looking for.

  • You can find examples of camera implementations in the how do I FAQ for Construct 2.

  • For your issue with the button on the menu layout, you can see in the properties of the layout that no event sheet is associated to the layout, so no code is set to happen.

    Do change the "Event sheet" property to "Event sheet 1" and your "menu" layout will take you to your "game" layout.

    In your event 37, only the Buid object you are clicking is selected and you can then set a destroy action at the end of that event to delete this Buid instance.

  • You can do that even from the free edition when a game jam license is not available.

  • As mentioned in my previous answer the array size by default is 10.

    It means, by default and without further action on your part, it can only contain up to 10 elements.

    So when you try to put question 11 in the array, there is simply no room for it.

    The fix is very simple, in LoadQuestionsFromString, add a blank sub-event before the "each question" loop.

    Have this blank sub-event have the action QuestionsArray: Set size to (number_of_questions, 1, 1) and your array will fit the actual number of questions you are trying to put in.

  • This is doable.

    Even more since r134 with the Z-Elevation property that could help with this as well.

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  • Yes by using the dedicated sprite action "Set animation" and "link to" the instance variable there.

    You can check this tutorial that explains (amongst other things) how to do that :

  • Your other objects do not contain a behavior that interacts with the solid behavior.

    Add something like a 8-direction behavior to them and you will see them not go through solid anymore.

    Be sure to uncheck "Default controls" for them.

  • This is actually a top to bottom scrolling.

    To add the depth impression, the size of the balls do change as their Y position changes, but this is simply a 2D vertical scrolling.

  • Instead of fixed screenshots, consider sending the actual project (.c3p file) you are using.

    This will be easier to investigate and answer.

    Why are you using a for loop in event 9 ? You are not making any usage of the "loopindex" value.

    Are you sure your array's size is correctly set and ready to hold more values than the default 10 ?

  • This was made as contract work, I cannot share the sources for it and I have no time at this point to write a complete tutorial on the subject.

  • To be clearer, simply post a copy of your project in its current state.

    You answered your question in your first post : arrays.

    If you want some "database relationship" arrays and dictionaries are the way to go.

  • Moved to Construct 2.

    Check the official manual and the proposed solutions it contains:

    Also moved your post to the Construct 2 forums.