yumarod3: Ok I saw it.
It's a "bug" in the moving example, not the plugin itself.
That's also why the conditions "On path generated" and "on path failed" exist, so that the developper handle the behavior of their application according to the result of the generation.
If there's no path, there's no need for the object to be set to moving.
Anyway the examples are provided as it, as an illustration of how to use the PF.
They need to be adapted for each usage, not be simply ripped of.
You found yourself a possible implementation with the branch plugin, as I said earlier, you could simply use the "on path generation" conditions. In one case setting the move variable to 1 as expected and to 0 in the other case.
The PF itself only deals with finding/generating a path.
The movement is up to the developper as there could be thousands of ways and expectations on how should the object move.
BTW I believe there were automated movement behaviors that were released since the first release of the PF that could handle the movement easier, it needs a bit of browsing in the plugins list I think.