Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Yes, bumping after 30 minutes is not wise and hardly tolerated on these forums.

    Moreover during those 30 minutes, you could have gone in the How do I FAQ to "Understand the picking of newly created/spawn instances since R101 - LINK".

    You tell it yourself, you start by spawning objects on your layout.

    You then need to use the wait command (with 0 sec to skip one frame, and so have the actual instances "existing") for example before generating your obstacle map and generating your path.

  • Smileh: Are you sure your Layout "Unbounded scrolling" property is set to "Yes" ?

  • Again the font needs to be installed on the computer.

    Otherwise consider checking the tutorial on using your own font as webfont.

  • Use array or dictionary, or any type of data structure you feel comfortable using that will hold the general informations for the spell as a lookout table.

    Possibly use a contained array to your character that will hold the indexes to the spell and look for the required informations depending on its current level, and so on.

  • Jeff Skyrunner: It is not exactly the same problem.

    It has to do with loop and using the "wait" command. But the OPs issue is about spawning a massive lot of instances that freezes the execution when done in a single tick.

    In that, you issue was pretty different.

    Nevertheless, nice to know you manage in fixing your issue thank to this topic in the end.

  • You need all peers to have those data, so yes, I would broadcast the informations and prevent play/session start as long as the informations haven't been completely broadcasted.

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  • From the How do I FAQ

    [quote:13zlzu15]Explanation of lerp - LINK

    Even more clarification of LERP - LINK

    This is for lerp, but applies also for anglelerp since it is the same order of idea.

    Player angle = anglelerp(Player.angle, TargetAngle, MagnitudeOfMovementPerSecond (dt))

  • As long as you use "Has product ID" alone you don't need to restore purchase.

    If the user has bought a product "Has product" will either be positive or negative.

    Restoring purchase is useless...

  • The how do I FAQ does have implementation of lots of mechanic, amongst which orthogonal movement (also known as Grid movement).

    This tutorial also uses the orthogonal using the keyboard. Nevertheless, it is not too difficult to modify it in order to get the mouse work instead.

  • Jeff Skyrunner: You should post your capx in a topic of your own.

    The actual informations you are giving are not enough at all to help explaining what is going on.

    You mention a wrong number of instances being spawned, that apparently has to do with the value of iNumLaser, since it is used as boundary in your loop, but we don't know where it is coming from.

    And when you delay, you are actually using the wrong "iTargetX" value, since you delayed the command, but the actual ShipSelected coordinates used is not delayed.

    Either save the actual coordinates to use with the same time offset (like in an array in wich you would push coordinates, and read them when the wait command has finished kicking in.)

    Maydie: Unfortunately, I'm afraid you can't really prevent the freeze caused by numerous instances being created/destroyed in a single tick.

    A way to cheat, is to have the spawn occur over several ticks instead of a single one, but I'm very unclear on what you are exactly attempting to do in the first place;, so I'm not sure this would fit.

    Nevertheless, it is a bad design in the first place to destroy/Create a lot of instances in a single tick, and you should modify this idea first in order to be able to implement something more appropriate.

  • I would send an array containing the origin and finish of each lines (or various modules those lines are meant to link together) and have it being "built" as well on each peer side on start of the session.

    Once the overall structure is built, the fact that they are pinned will move them automatically on all peers equally when you move the core (since in the end they are pinned to it and all depends on the core, the angle, position, etc...).

  • If you export your project as Website and put it on some hosting file service like dropbox or google drive, and then access the public link from the browser on your android device (always prefer chrome for android if it is not the browser by default) you'll get a pretty good preview.

    If things work within the browser on your test device, they should work as well when exported and wrapped for android device.

  • You need/should click the "Make 1:1" link in the Size property at the bottom in the properties bar for the sprite.

    This will put back the sprite to the size of the texture itself, forgetting about the resizing within C2's editor.

  • I will try to reupload it.

    I have bought 1 exclusive item from store and resold it on scirra store,

    if i buy it exclusively and the item was indeed removed from the store,

    i should be able to resell it without copyrights issues i guess?


    If you buy an item from the store, whether exclusive or not, it DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU !

    You CANNOT try and resell it, anywhere on the web.

    Buying an asset in the store, the original author sells you the right to use the asset in the specific ways indicated in the licensing terms.

    You do NOT own the copyrights to the asset, the original author does event after sale/purchase.

    Exclusive license just means that you paid to be the only one to use the item and it is removed from sale so that no one else can buy it.