KSLR's Forum Posts

  • yeah it was on point but still came out blurry. weird I thought. Then when changing the scale to off it was remedied.

  • Fixed it. It was turned full screen in browser off. weeeeeee. Firefox still doesnt display the overlay effects correctly but at least it looks SQUARE!!! weee ok all done.

  • hmmm that didnt seem to fix it. Everyone is going to laugh at me if I dont fix this AHHHHHH. ok back to sniffing out a problem.

  • Hey guys I was wondering how to prevent my game from looking blurry and gross in firefox and other browsers. Seems that Mr Sombrero only looks sharp and handsome in Chrome.


    Thanks Y'all

  • This is an awesome list.

  • Wow this looks awesome!

  • wow this looks like fun! I will have to give this a go if I ever my Dungeon Crawler.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks Mystaz! I also like super hans. i think he could use some polish. once I finish my other projects maybe I will take a poke at it again. Maybe for OUYA or something. Just needs a dpad.

    No I dont think it was intentional. I was anxious at the end and had different versions for Kong and clay io . Its meant to be 16:9. And in the kong version there is an in bedded pixel font wish I think looks much better than IMPACT! LOL

  • I am not sure what I am doing here. But here it is.

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/19304324/Construct_2/MechBattle/WIP/Capture.JPG" border="0">


  • Yay!!! in the store!


  • I would like to see:

    Film grain overlays.


    Motion blurs

    Thanks for doing this guys! Scirra Lords For Life!

  • ok this is just a ROUGH ROUGH start to some mechy thingy WASD to fly and J to shoot. Just feeling out an Idea.


    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/19304324/Construct_2/Peridot/WIP/Capture.JPG" border="0">

  • well you can edit a group of sprites but for rotation it uses their individual origins. I was thinking more like you could build a tower and and then rotate the whole thing on an angle. For my other idea its useless ctrl drag is just fine. Not sure what I was rambling about there HAHAHA. ........... its not a smiley face...... its a wiener. HAHAHAH

  • <font color=red>ramble initiated...</font>

    I was thinking whilst making my platformer there could be some cool features too add. I think it would be beneficial to build level pieces from a collection of sprites and the manipulate them in the editor as a whole group. Also painting sprites to the grid.

    I think these would speed up and add to the complexity C2 Levels. Also I know the beast lord masters of Scrrrrrr have more pressing matters with making this awesome software but I think these types of additions would be great.

    <font color=red>...rambling complete</font>

  • ok thanks keepee. you are a wizard