kristithechocobo's Forum Posts

  • Oh and speaking of tablets, does anyone have an Idea USA tablet? It's what I've been using to test on android and the background sometimes vanishes when I try to test via LAN. and on my iPhone, where I'm testing it on IOS, the music doesn't play on LAN.

    Could this just be a Wi-Fi hiccup?

    yes, I agree with Scofano, test it on mobile ASAP. I had to totally remake Star Catcher for it to run properly on mobile especially with it being a "Catch stuff as it falls" game.

  • I've been able to get my file down to 20 mb and it;s running okay on mobile though there's this odd bit 30 seconds in where it slows down a bit...

  • Huh...maybe It's becasue I compressed all my images in export for web.

  • yeah, I'm trying a new file with a smaller layout size and so far it's working.

  • I'm working on my game Star Catcher and for it to run on a mobile device it needs to stay on the small side.

    Problem is, right after I get all my layouts (4) and event sheets for them made I add the compressed version of my background and the memory shoots up to 29mb before I've added any sprites or music or events! I have it at a standard 16:9 resolution landscape mode.

    Can anyone help me out?

  • Thanks, in the meantime I've been able to cobble something together using the gravity and the equation Whiteclaws suggested and it's working so far but thanks for the help.

    And why yes I do use RPG Maker. I'm making a game called Mary Sue Busters. It originally was a demo I made for a final in my game studies class and I'm working on a complete version.

  • I've been testing my game on my iphone on both CocoonJS and LAN and it works okay aside from a few seconds of lag here and there due to my game using a whopping 29 mb of memory...and on LAN the music doesn't play for some odd reason...

    and now I'm testing on Android and the music is there but the backdrop just vanishes leaving the text floating against a black void. Anyone know what to do?

  • I was working on my game Star Catcher and I have a layout for the final score of the game. Everything else in my game is running normally, but when the timer hits zero when I get sent to the score layout it shows the score for a split second then changes to 0.

    has anyone had this happen before? And if so what can I do? I've checked my variables and they're lining up properly.

    Edit: I was able to fix this, turned out I typed in the wrong layout name.

  • Worked too thanks!

  • well my game is a "catch stuff as they fall" game and there are other stars too so I'm setting it up where I ad one to streak everytime you catch a 1 pt star but its reset to zero on other stars and space junk.

    Edit: IT WORKED!!!!!

    Now I just want to ask how can I give ten bonus points for every ten one point stars that are caught.

  • I don't have a ground object, how would I do a streak variable?

  • Thanks! I'll let you know if this helps.

  • How would I do the second method? I just added the instance to my star and called it "streak".

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  • In my Star Catcher game I want to have cumulative points for consecutively catching the same type of star.

    for example for the one point stars, after you catch your first one the nest one is two points, the next three and so on and so forth.


  • I've decided to test on mobile with LAN instead of CocoonJS and it's running a little more smoothly but when I test it on the computer the music plays but when i test it on my iphone4S it doesn't.

    What's going on?