koshnaranick's Forum Posts

  • Where do I find the zig zag for C3?

    All of rex's add on or behaviors come as js files..

    seriously have no idea what Iam doing..\</p>

  • Hi there,

    I have found the plug ins and behaviors of rex.

    2 questions..

    1) these were made for C2, will they translate to C3. Being C2 is stand alone and C3 browser based.

    2) You are using version 251-2 of the construct editor... Iam using the the latest one I think, 285.3

    Is there a reason for staying with an older version?

    Thanks for the e-mail, will contact you soon..


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Corvs,

    I do not have that Zig Zag behavior.

    What is it?


  • Thank you both for your help..

    1StepCloser, thank you so much for taking the time to do this.

    Corvs, I have not gotten that far, Iam working on all this today.

    I would appreciate chatting with you both, so do you both have Discord?

    I can give you my e-mail to chat as well.

    Would you either mind chatting via e-mail?

    It is now 10am Monday, I just got up and saw this from both of you..

    gonna be working on C3 tutorials and readings today and going over what you sent Corvs..

    You guys able to tell me if you can upload to the forum your cap files?

    I can show you what I did and you can laugh and show me what I should have done..

    Be writing back soon,


  • Thank you for the reply, much appreciated..

    can you answer a couple questions for me then..

    One, would you mind doing the quick tutorial and see if you run into the same problem?


    two: how do I upload file to the forums? would have been easier to share them.

    Three: you understand the logic, how to write expressions or small code when needed in the event sheet, how do I learn to write these..

    I would like to animate the parameters of things..

    Do you run into any problems with your browser and any browser add ons, in other words, having an effect on C3 to work properly..

    I looked for the effects etc.. and all but they have not updated the documentation since 2017.. other than some stuff for C3..

    Is Lua the language I need to learn?

    Again, Thanks for your help in all this..

  • Hello,

    How do you upload the cap files to the forum so others can look at it and help you?



  • Thank you for the reply.. however the parameters dont come up for three Hue Sat and Lum and the the effect does not show up to select... so It seems to not see the effect alo, I went to the manual, little there..

    Please try the tutorial in Both C2 if you have and then C3, see if you get tuck where I did..

    Many thanks,


  • Hello all, I found this little tutorial and went to try it out in C3 but only made it this far: (See image)

    First though, to Scirra, I went to look up all about the effects in the game and found barely anything and updated several years ago.. is there another set of Documentation with those in it etc...?

    the effect doesn't seem to work with the same in C3 that I does in C2.

    When I go to "Parameters for Sprite as instructed, select "Set Effect Parameter" but when the dialogue come up in C3 it does not show the AdjustHSL effect like it does in C2.. no drop down menu to select from either, yet I can see that see effect "AdjustHSL" is added to the sprite.

    Which this has gotten me to a thinking..

    What is the thinking process I need to have for Construct, thought you can drag and drop, and create with the event sheets like crazy, when you need to create a variable or call the variable to adjust the effect on your sprite like here, yet, Its how to actually understand and write what is need? how do you know how to write the code, when to use "name.whatever" or () etc...

    I can create artwork all day, however I am stumped and when I went to do this tutorial, I did it first in C3 and it would not show the effect, yet in C2 it works fine, which led me to thinking that something in the way this must be done in C3 is different than C2, syntax.. something and I simply do not know what to read to understand how to write code and understand what and why Iam doing what Iam doing. So noob i shine...

    Link to tutorial:


    HOW DO I upload the files to show you! I cannot remember!

    I have two files for comparison.

    Thank you,


  • I cannot remember what the damn solution is!

  • Hi there,

    Opened your file and when I selected the house to place on top of the grass that I selected from the tile map.. drew out...

    Like I can with open art artwork, the transparency is not there I still see the

    areas that are suppose to be transparent yet I also see in your when I use the openart version It happens also..

    You have the art but here is this file... for some reason I can put art on one of them but on the other I cannot, I adjusted pix art size to fit mine but the open art was not having it so I did what I could and still I had problems using it on its own work..

    How do I share the C3P file with you?

    I created a dropbox account...

    How do I get you the file or the forum..

    Iam so new to all this.. and Iam getting beyond frustrated over something this simple, a alpha channel.. whatever.. I do not get it at all..

    Iam finally able to start learning Construct so Iam hoping that I hear from more than one on this issue..

    Heres a screen shot!

  • Hello all,

    Iam new to doing this but I made a tile map and

    when I bring it in and try and add my

    house on top of the island I have i get the white bg with

    it.. I cannot find the invisibility or whatever

    Iam suppose to do..

    Am i suppose to make the maps as a whole

    or can I make separate elements to put in?

    I have a tutorial spite sheet and its png.. and it works fine.. but the one I have created, I cant get the transparency to work.. here is the file..

    Any thoughts?

    Iam using PS to make these also.!

    The BG is clear it shows up here as a dark color but its transparent!

    The tutorial one I got from open game art works fine though..


    Game art one:


  • Thanks for the response.. Iam not familiar with


    Is this a browser made with Java Script?

    Sorry.. is this a browser used for C3?

    Im a noob.. gonna have to walk me through it..

    Thanks again for the reply and looking forward to your response..


  • thank you for answering.. much appreciated..

  • Hi all,

    Iam working on an idea that will have many objects on the screen at once most moving...Iam trying to keep the size of my assets low and hopefully not cpu intensive.

    I have seen people using vector art in C3, as well the use of spriter.

    Iam torn between the art of the pixel and the smooth of the vector image.

    What would you all recommend in creating assets?

    What would you all recommend period?

    Iam teaching myself pixel art atm but have no problem doing the vector.

    what is best for C3 in terms of memory, cpu when it comes to the art?

    basically I have no idea what Iam doing..

    Thank you for any advice and or help.


  • Upon reading about googles practices with our info and data, it is said that whatever you do in chrome they have a right to know so I was concerned that if I use chrome for C3 that my work would not be private and I would have to share with google what I do in their browser..

    FireFox seems ok and Brave Im Leary of atm...

    So I was asking the community if they had heard about this as well as any problems in using chrome or google products for your work?

    Iam asking Scirra team also..

    Just a little paranoia but someone has to ask so I'm asking.

    To be honest I prefer the stand alone app over the browser because I may not have an internet connection from time to time and that offline work has problems to it.. not that it doesn't work just that if you go offline and need to make adjustments or add a add-on while in offline mode, may not work till you are back online.

    This was a bug that was being worked on yes?

    Either way.. hope everyone has a great week and makes some money!
