Knifegrinder's Forum Posts

  • Ashley

    I'm starting to think that this issue is platform dependent...

    My logcats on android when I try to play a file in the music folder with appmobi scream in red about a soundpool buffer overflow.

    I wonder why bg tracks on appmobi are played through soundpool API instead of mediaplayer API.

    No problems using the same calls to appmobi.player with iOS

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  • Update: bg music plays after loading the same layout a second time.

    Example: title (no music) -> level select (no music) -> level 1 (no music) -> player dies -> level select (music playing) -> level 1 (music playing)

    Most C2 users will not experience these problems cause Phonegap build still uses 1.7, so I don't think there's the need to fix it yet. As phonegap development is like a mad's electroencephalogram there's the risk of breaking also the working 1.7 compatibility.

    I'm getting really annoyed too... Their update policy is totally crazy.

  • Well... Phonegap is a strange beast.

    I suggest you to work with phonegap 1.7 and compile your apk by yourself through eclipse.

    I use this configuration because i found it the best way to test apps on my phone with a good compatibility with c2 code. What you see in your browser is almost what you get on the phone.

    1.7.x is currently the best version for c2 projects.

    Then, since 1.8 they made some changes. Accelerometer stopped working as intended and now, with 2.0 even audio has some problems.

    Please note that playing audio on phonegap will impact heavily on FPS making your game choppy and barely playable.

    The only reason to use phonegap is to test your project on a real device with 99% compatibility while waiting for something more performing like cocoonJS or directcanvas.

    Personally, I'd never release an official app compiled with phonegap, the gap with native applications is embarassing.

  • Just a note for every phonegap user. Stay away from 2.0.

    The infamous accelerometer bug on android 2.x (crazy random values returned) is still there (the last good version is still 1.7.x) and now even bg audio music doesn't play anymore.

    I wonder how many breaking changes are going to do before reaching a decent update policy.

  • I tried to resolve this issue many times but still I can't figure where the problem is...

    Appmobi can play more than a sound, but on android music stops after 4-5 secs or when another sound is triggered.

    Checking logcats you can see that bg music on appmobi is not streamed but preloaded on an audiobuffer with a ridicolous size (about 100k) causing all the sound issues you are experiencing.

    I tried everything. I checked source code of appmobi containers, tried to change the c2runtime.js generated by c2, and after two days of swearing I found the solution. I switched to phonegap.

  • Open your .caproj file with a text editor, go to line 1502 and add a third collision point by yourself.

    Not working:


                                <point x="0.985401" y="0.5" />

                                <point x="0.0145985" y="0.5" />


    Change to:


                                <point x="0.985401" y="0.5" />

                                <point x="0.0145985" y="0.5" />

                                <point x="0.01" y="0.5" />


  • My main project is based on accelerometer inputs.

    you can see an old video (well... you have to guess what's happening on the screen because has a very poor quality :-) )

    I'll soon post a demo APK for android exported with phonegap.


    Every wrapper treats accelerometer data in a different way. You'll have to test extensively your code to find quirks and workarounds.

    For example in Clyde the same movement is captured with "touch.gamma" on appmobi and with "-int(touch.beta)/10" on phonegap. AFAIK CocoonJS doesn't support accelerometer.

  • One question for appmobi people :)

    Do you plan to provide an option (for iOS apps) to compile it with our own macs using Xcode, as phonegap does? If I want to upload a project to a cloud system it would be a pain! I have some projects that are 250/300mb+ in size (lot of music and retina GFX) and with my sh*tty 500kbps DSL connection, it is really bad.


    Appmobi released source code for this on github.

    It's here

  • Event 7 -> "Monster on collision with monster"

    change it to

    "Player on collision with monster"

  • AFAIK there's no way to obtain an AAC mono file.

    But this is not a problem. If you use an external program like audacity you can export mono WAV to a stereo AAC with half bitrate, half size and the same sound quality of a stereo file exported with double bitrate.

    (source: audacity manual)

  • Runs better than before and the render is flawless.

    I have a question.

    Is there a way to access accelerometer data?

  • Are you using some custom plugins? Directcanvas sometimes doesn't like them.

  • Whooops... downloaded the beta some minutes ago... and... ... my app hangs with a black screen.

  • Downloaded Dolphin HD + Phonegap addon.

    Stunning rendering performance (30-40 FPS) but tragic lags on touch input.

  • Apart from multitouch support I found gingerbread more performing in html5 rendering than ics. XPlay is running gingerbread?