Kisai's Forum Posts

  • Could it be possible to allow Construct to use other languages? Obviously, this just comes in the form of whatever strings and text you have in the game, but I noticed that upon trying to do that, be it an event sheet telling a text string to say something in another language, or weather editing the text string directly, it always just comes up as "?????" and stuff. Are there any thoughts of allowing Construct to be compatible with other languages in the future?

  • Remember that long-winded topic I made about what kind of menu I wanted to make? No? Well, I had to make one by myself anyway. I'm wondering how anyone else would've done it. Is the way I've tackled it okay?

    Furthermore, I'm wondering if anyone can explain why my animation sometimes glitches up. I have no idea why sometimes while jumping, the character will revert to walking animation, and sometimes, while messing around, there can be standing animation while walking. And the frames seem glitchy in the first place, like it's not really playing smoothly. I have no idea.

    About that menu, before I try tackling "Items" and "Abilities"... if you try the .cap, you'll see how I have all the menu selection done via variables and using text as the physical placeholders. I'm going to use text for the exact same thing for "Items", and have a certain number of preset places for that. Like, for example, two seperate strings of blank text, representing two item slots that are empty.

    But I have no idea how to get the game to remember a certain order of items acquired. Let's say for example, I DID have two blank strings of text as physical placeholders for items... and the player picks up "Potion"... How can I have it so that the FIRST text placeholder says "Potion", while having the SECOND placeholder text say "Antidote" or something if "Antidode" is picked up afterwards? Or vice versa, depending on item acquisition? How can I have the game not only display the text placeholders properly, but also FUNCTION properly? I'm guessing using Global Variables in some tricky manner or something... (As a side note, can item re-arranging be possible? Like, say if the player wishes to organize the items, or have them auto-organized? Probably getting even more complicated going that route...)

    That's all I had to ask really. "Why are my animations screwing up?" "How can I go about adding a typical RPG-ish item menu?" and "How would you have done this sort of menu, or is it okay as is?"

    P.S. I just thought... What if you have a Global Variable for "Potion", whose default variable is 0... and an "Item" Global Variable whose default variable is 0... Player picks up "Potion" item... "Potion" Global Variable is added by 1... to represent how many... and "Item" Global Variable is added by 1... Telling the game... "Make the Item 1 slot text say 'Potion'." But then, you'd have to specify to the game... "If 'Potion' greater than 1, AND 'Item' equal 1... Make the Item 1 slot text say 'Potion'." and so on for all the other items and quainities thereof...

    Z = run/cancel, X = jump/confirm. Very NES-ish by design.

    Warning: Trying to change to Full Screen or Window will make it crash, since apparently, so far, Construct cannot allow for resolution changes with Modal Layouts.

    Also, upon further testing for customization, wanting the ability to change the window and border color seperately, you can change the color of the menu with Q. W, E, A, S, and D keys, With QWE raising the RGB values, and ASD lowering the RGB values.

    EDIT: Oh gosh damnit, right after making this post, I go browsing at my leisure, and almost immediately find this:

    That movement with the scrolling and objects is EXACTLY the kind of thing I was going for with the cursor movement and menu selection pop-up in my .cap right there. I wonder if I should try re-wiring the thole thing so that the text and cursor move with sin movement or something... It'd likely be over my head or something though... And maybe unessecary, but I dunno. I'll wait and see what others might have to suggest.

  • I'm sorry, but I just had to ask, since it's bugging the hell out of me...

    Am I the only one on this board that finds this thread insanely offensive and sexist and insulting? I'm in the minority here? Really? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, really...

  • Um... Construct's SUPPOSED to be able to go into fullscreen even with a Modal Layout up? Oh... I thought it wasn't supoosed to be able to do that... Alrighty then. ^^

  • I found out what the problem was. I had it change fullscreen/window in a Modal Layout.

  • I normally don't use "WTF", but... WTF at this whole thread. And...

    [quote:3p5892a9]Will it have built in engines for quickly making games such as Animal Crossing and Ninendogs?

    ...That seems random to me. There isn't a connection to you, is there?

  • Every time I try to change my thing to full screen mid-gameplay, it seems to crash. I tried doing that with a blank, new project, and it worked okay, but with my current project, it just... blows up. Any idea what would make it crash?

  • Set the time scale to 0.

    I've done that at the same time as creating a Modal Layout object, and it had the exact same effect as without setting the time scale to 0.

  • Well, for the thing I'm doing, I used a Layout object and had it set to Modal. Then I had a global event that created the Layout at such and such X and Y coordinates.

    Basically, whatever you have that Layout object link to as a Modal can function as a pause menu I've found. Just make your menu in whatever layout it links to. You can create events in that layout to "close layout" and junk to make the Pause menu disappear too, I've found.

    Although, if you've seen my thread on this board, I know hardly NOTHING about programming, and you probably shouldn't listen to me. ^^; And as far as making a menu, well, you can see I DEFINITELY have no idea.

    But as far as pausing with a Layout object like that, I've found it kinda glitches up the events a little, and I mentioned that on this board before. Say you have a turret shooting bullets. If you can pause with a Modal Layout like that, and pause repeatedly, it kinda screws up the natural time it takes to spawn a bullet. But then stop pausing repeatedly, and it spawns bullets just fine.

    Apparently that's a bug from my understanding, so if anything, it'll likely be fixed and I would go ahead and pause with a Layout object anyway.

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  • Actually, I hadn't programmed it that far, if you check the events. ^^ Being a total n00b, and looking at the Uploads board made me more aware of that than anything, merely making a selector thing was an amazing feat in and of itself for me.

    And moreover, having it actually MOVE to a new item instead of instantly appear over it, and change SIZES at that was nothing short of impossible for my talent. So it's not supposed to be going much more than that.

    I imagine I'll have to make more variables and events to handle selecting items and having options expand downward and such. I looked at some more files in this board, and... I have NO idea how to properly utilize Functions and whatnot. Looks complicated as hell. ;_;

    So right now, I have a pause menu that you can highlight options with using a spiffy and nice-looking effect, but beyond opening up options and selecting stuff and DOING things, I doubt I'll get that far.

    Although I made some progress today in that... if you highlight "Character" and press up, it sets the value to 3, and likewise, pressing up on "Abilities" sets the value to 0, and to my amazement, the highlighter moves and resizes appropriately for that. ^^ So that was neat.

    So no worries, it doesn't go beyond that for this prototype. Considering how I've been coding this, it'd take another half hour or more to do the other selections. @;

  • [quote:1gv1e4x3]Yes, everything you mention is of course possible. It all depends on how devoted YOU are to making them. I would recommend simplifying your menu; make something that you can easily understand and edit at will. Don't let the menu be the main design barrier of your game, as no one will care if something is simpler or expands in a certain way.

    Well, I know, but I just want it to be all professional and stuff. Besides, I think THIS is going to be WAY harder than absolutely everything else I have in mind. I don't think gameplay in stages, or an overworld map is gonna reach this complexity. @; Gameplay programming sounds easy compared to this whole thing. And it's really possible? o_O Huh...

    [quote:1gv1e4x3]However if you really want all these features you should just sit down and logically rethink your approach. Somethimes things seem impossibly complicated, but more often than not theres a clean and simple solution which just needs to be discovered by rethinking what you did, what problems it has, and ideas for how to fix them. Hope this helps.

    Thanks. ^^; I'll see what I can do. ^_^ Thanks for the encouragement. ^^;; I'm not that knowledgable, but... I'll see if I can figure something out. I'm not sure if I'm even imaginative enough to think outside the box for this, but I'll just... throw a few things around, experiment. ^^;

  • I'm going to mostly ask about if my code can be cleaned up and if my ideas are at all feasible. I had a pause menu idea for my game, and had something kinda working how I wanted. For an example of what I'm aiming for in terms of presentation... a SLIGHT idea of what I'm aiming for, I worked something out in this .cap in this topic.

    But what I want to ultimately do is something like this:

    <img src="">

    If you try out the .cap, you'll see I have a basic video gamey menu selecting going on there. That highlighter thing changes size, and even moves from item to item. I'm pretty sure the way I'm doing it is WAY messier than something someone else can come up with.

    But, moving on, we see here...

    <img src="">

    We press "confirm" on "Character" and we see the list of characters we can switch to mid-gameplay.

    If we were to scroll down to "Weapon" and press "confirm"...

    <img src="">

    The character selection closes up, and the weapon selection opens up. These are just... placeholder icons... whatever. Just to give you an idea of how things would go. And the highlighter thingy automatically highlights the first weapon in the list, since there's no reason for it to be highlighting "Weapon" anymore.

    If we press up, the highlighter hovers over "Character". Press down, it highlights "Items". And if it returns to the weapons, it just highlights the weapon choices.

    <img src="">

    Here's where I think things might get REALLY complicated. An expansion of the menu into options the player might not have access to! I thought about this for awhile, and came upon the realization that in Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy games, if you go into the Item menu, there's several pages of blank lines that you can put the cursor over... But there's nothing there. I realised the programmers were making things easier by having an Item menu that has a set size, big enough to accomodate every possible collectable item in the game.

    I would have to do the same I guess, by having a preset amount of blank spaces, and enough blank spaces to hold all the possible items.

    Of course, how I'll do this in such a way that the items can be in ANY order, depending on acquisition, is beyond me. But then again, this whole plan is beyond my abilities. ;_; Hence why I'm asking if it's even POSSIBLE. @

    The highlighter thingy, as expected, highlights the first available item now, and its shape changes to accomodate the text size of the items as well.

    <img src="">

    Nevermind that the text would scroll down past the border. I'll do a little "erase" trick deadeye showed me for that.

    But here, we not only have an expansion for OTHER selectable things... but...

    <img src="">

    It becomes even more involved when selecting one of the possible customization options, expanding even further.

    I'm not sure if these ideas are even possible, and my ideas get worse. @; Before that though, I assume that there will need to be some preset re-positioning of all the text below whatever is currently selected. For example, you select "Weapon" and an event will need to fix the position of all the text below it a lower position.

    I have no idea how I'll have the game keep track of... any of this... But here's how my idea gets worse...

    For one, did you see "Resolution" there? I like full customizablity, so I'm going to allow the player to change the resolution of the game, weather it's full screen, or windowed, to a number of preset resolutions, and even allow for a custom resolution option, typing in whatever they want.

    This would mess up this little pause screen window severely, either making it too big, or too small, so I wanna do something where the modal layout's size changes to that of the edges of the screen, and the borders of the menu change size AND position to match that, meaning there'll be an event to always say, "Put the borders and modal at THIS position and size porprotionate to the window.", keeping track of that "window edge" stuff or whatever.

    And lastly, as if changing that highlighter thing's size and position to match the text wasn't bad enough, I wanna do a graphic with rounded edges, which probably means a seperate background tile for each corner, and each edge, and will have to move to the edges of the text, and expand in size as well, to make it look like an option is highlighted...

    But that's enough for the MORE complicated stuff. This along sounds crazy as is. @; Does anyone think this might be possible? Or should I just give up or something. ;.; If all else fails, I might end up having to ask someone to try making this for me. ><; But that can't work... What if there are any changes in the game design? New additions and whatnot? The menu will have to be tweaked to go with that!

    But really, a menu like this, drop down options and stuff like that... Possible?

    And as far as my more complicated ideas to go with this... Possible? I have no idea. ;_;

  • This is just to demonstrate the menu I had in mind for my game. A prototype, or a rough draft, if you will.

  • I'm not sure it was the .cap itself, because there WAS a transition to another layout, and it didn't cut off like it normally should, it just went on ahead, despite the fact I clearly clicked "Run Layout" instead of "Run Project" or whatever. ^^;; But I suppose I could try.

  • For some reason, if I try to run just a layout, it runs the whole project. Was something changed and they made it so that you can't run just a layout anymore, and HAVE to run the whole project?