kingpirux's Forum Posts

  • i had the same problem, it is fix if you activate the "front to back render", if disabled front to back and use the "Letterbox Scale", it triggers the problem.

  • i've noticed that the scirra arcade doesn't take the updates if you already played the game, just like html in any other server. But, for some reason in newgrounds this doesn't happend, in newground, each new update is instantly updated and the player can play always the last version.

    It's just a comment to see if that is possible, because updates were always a problem in html, and could be a very cool feature

  • thegodo the only think i can think right now, is a trick with layers, one layer have the effect of "clouds" and those clouds moving in one direction endless (like a runner), and this layer with a fusion effect that only shows up in the planets, so it will create the illusion of the planet rotating (actually moving), to increase that effect add the sphere effect and you should have something... :I idnt know i just invented, guess have to try it...

  • thegodo actually that depends on you quality, because a planet rotating could use only 16 frames <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" /> here is a trick in gimp

  • pretty cool fix you get here yes i relized that you where using physics, at the begining i thought you where using only 8 direction behaviour

  • thegodo the problem is that this plugin only shows a planet floating in the center of the layout, so if you want to see the planet in the center of the screen you have to use a layout with that size. The other problem is that the plugin doens't allow any other configuration than the generator, that means you can't move the planet, you can't place it where you want, and you can't tell it the size of the planet.

    Basically is to have a very fancy background

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  • just one detail, you are setting the "isavoiding" to true and in the same sub event you ask if it was set, you can actually delete that condition;

    I see you created a very fluid IA, but for the effect i think a mettod where there is only needed a bullet and a rotate; at start set rotate disabled and taking angle to a position (objective). If collides with a rock, check if there is overlaping at offset to your left,if not, slow down speed while activate rotate until there is no collision in that direction, if there is an overlaping at left, rotate in the other direction. When there is no more collision, deactivate rotate, and rotate angle to objective again.

    Actually they could become very smart (like a seeking missil avoiding rocks) or weird results...

    ill try to recreate it and show it later

  • I think that the biggest and most used Latinamerican group is in Facebook, the name is "Construct 2" as is, the banner sais Construct2 Latam, also you can go by c2la .org

  • family event should work as normal events, since i'm not picking one element, the family is a shortcut to aply an event to all the elements in the family, is logic that it picks all elements, or at least tries to do the condition in every element of the family.

  • Problem Description

    Families not picking objects.


    Should pick all objects that have the same variable than other object. It does nothing.

    [quote:3pbm115b]Pick all family1 + Pick all family 2 + family1.variable=family2.variable

    This only works once not for all members in the family, only one family member will be pick.

    [quote:3pbm115b]For each family1 + for each family 2 + family1.variable=family2.variable

    This works fine for some reason

    Attach a Capx

    (i cant upload capx (there is no upload button) and can't post url...)

    Description of Capx

    Start the capx and see the result.

    This should put all squares from one family, over the square in other family with the same variable number.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 Start as is and see that nothing happends
    • Step 2 Go to EventSheet and disable the first event, then enable the second event. See the result. Only one is pick.
    • Step 3 Repeat setp2 but enable the 3º, nothing will hapend
    • Step 4 Enable the 4th, it works

    Observed Result

    No object is pick

    Expected Result

    From the first event should pick the object that have the same variable than other, and put it one over the other

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack


    Construct 2 Version ID

    R202 64bits

  • one simple question... in the survey you never ask for our Scirra User. ¿how is this working? you will send the tickets to the mail used in amazon?

  • TomCosta it says "from 1 to 2 weeks", so between april 2 up to april 16

  • i need a litle twist in the HUE, can somebody help me? The thing is, that positive or negative value in the hue actually have no difference (are the same but backwards) i propose a change, when the image comes negative it could be cool if the hue is affected by the inverted version of the colours in the original image, except for pure black and white. Just like using "invert" and "hue" but not affecting the black and white (so the lineart, lights and others keeps untouched).

    is that possible? xD

  • i need a litle twist in the HUE, can somebody help me? The thing is, that positive or negative value in the hue actually have no difference (are the same but backwards) i propose a change, when the image comes negative it could be cool if the hue is affected by the inverted version of the colours in the original image, except for pure black and white. Just like using "invert" and "hue" but not affecting the black and white (so the lineart, lights and others keeps untouched).

    is that possible? xD