KHC's Forum Posts

  • I see that a few posts have been deleted as well, but when I go through my personal messages all the old pop up and not the new. So...

    I am not sure if you happened to see what I said before, but the images are random (perfect) but now the letter is not matching with the corresponding picture (beginning sounds). Would you mind if I send you a pm with a different capx. One that will maybe help you understand what the capx I sent is trying to do?

  • Hello Scirra Universe!

    Let me start by saying that I am currently using the free version, once this issue is resolved, I can finally buy the full version (yay!)

    I have a question, which I am completely embarrassed about having to ask (especially because it is probably something stupidly easy). I just cannot figure it out no matter how much I play around with it or how much I search on the topic, but here it goes:

    I have this lovely template that was posted quite a while back, that allows me to make a quiz-type of game. I was able to use it just fine for one of my level types, but now I am having an issue with my next level type.

    I have two sprites: QuestionSprite (22 frames)

    AnswerSprite (2 frames-current level)

    (The sprites are linked through arrays: ArrayTrivia,

    ArrayCorrectAnswer, ArrayQuestionOrder)

    In my previous level type, QuestionSprite would appear, and the player would click the AnswerSprite that matched the QuestionSprite. After each click both the QuestionSprite and AnswerSprite would change animations.

    For my new level type, QuestionSprite will be spawned from 4 different spawn points, each animation will be random, and will move from top to bottom. When AnswerSprite shows an image, player will click the QuestionSprite that matches. AnswerSprite should continue randomly changing animations, while QuestionSprite should never change.

    So here is my problem: QuestionSprite won't come up randomly, at all, no matter what I try. Every animation coming from the spawn points is Animation 0 (so instead of seeing different animations, its all the first animation in my sprite). I have tried using random(does nothing), int(random) (flips through animations too fast to see them), choose (which I knew wouldn't work, but what the heck right?). Also, if I try .width on any of them, or .animationframe, it either flips through too fast, or creates issues with AnswerSprite and QuestionSprite matching.

    I have been working on this for a while now (too long to say, because I am really ashamed I couldn't figure it out). If anyone out there could help me, I would appreciate it more than you could ever imagine! I look forward to hearing something soon (hopefully ) Thanks!!!

  • alextro

    Thank you for your example, the non-English content is just fine (Google translator is a wonderful tool hehe). This example is great, as I can actually see what is happening within the project. Again, thank you, this teaches me a lot, and helps me understand more for what I need!


    This example is lovely, thank you very much. I was unsure exactly what you meant, but now I get it (more so than before anyway). I will explore more with your suggestion to get my project where it needs to be. If I have more questions I will ask, as long as you don't mind. Thanks again, you have been a huge help!

  • cristiart,

    Thank you for your response. I apologize, but I don't know if I fully understand your advice as far as the "array object and load file." I am somewhat comfortable using arrays (though I will be rereading through the manual and tutorials on arrays again) but I am not sure what you mean by load file. If you wouldn't mind, could you elaborate for me please?

    As for the array object, would X = MAIN IMAGES and Y= ANSWER IMAGES? Also, if I end up using an array, will it be with one single sprite with both the "question - or MAIN IMAGES" and "answers - or ANSWER IMAGES" or will I use two separate sprites- one for the MAIN IMAGES and one for the ANSWER IMAGES?

    My apologies for these noob questions. I tend to be more of a visual learner, so when I don't have visuals, I tend to ask for as many details as I can get. I am really trying to comprehend, but some of this just seems super complicated (at least for now it does).

  • Hello Scirra Universe! I am dropping in, hoping that someone can help me with a little issue I am running into.

    I am somewhat new to Construct 2. I have worked over the past few months on the first part of my game, so I am getting more comfortable with the program, but I am still foggy on certain things, and how I should make those things work. Pregnancy brain does not help

    Today I am here to ask, how do I create a match while having a random multiple answer option. (One main image to 4 answer images, only the answer images can be chosen, never the main image, but at least one of the answer images should match the main image)

    Example of what is seen in my game:

    So, my question is this: How to I get the letter C to match with CAT, and when the letter C is selected to have the system read that it is a match. Do I need more than one sprite (say MAIN IMAGE is sprite1 and ANSWER IMAGE is sprite2; if this is the case, how do I ensure matches between the two sprites?)

    In the memory match section of my game, I had one sprite with multiple animation frames and multiple animations (to loop through all of the images I wanted to use in that particular level). I used the following (thanks to SimoneT) to make matches:


    So, animation frames 0-5 would be my pictures - ant, apple, airplane, anchor, angelfish, arrow and 6-11 would be the letter that matched a a a a a a, 12-17 were my next pictures- bat, bear, ball, banana, bed, bee and 18-23 were the letter that matched b b b b b b. (this is backward from the event sheet I've shown, but this worked easier for me).

    I thought to use this method for the question I have today, but I am not sure how to make it work with only one sprite (I don't want the player to select the MAIN IMAGE ever, it should not be possible to click it, but if I give that sprite the action to be clicked for the ANSWER IMAGES, won't that part also be able to be clicked?)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have spent the last week looking for possible options to learn from. So far I have found some neat ideas, but those specific ideas would be more of a drag and drop to the correct answer, when I want mine to flip through as the answer is chosen, similar to the games Logo Quiz, or Guess the... trivia only instead of typing in the letter word, the player would choose the correct letter (or image).

    Thank you in advance! Again, I do appreciate any help I can receive!

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  • SimoneT

    Thank you for your response. I figured I was wrong with the whole gMatches thing... I just wasn't 100% sure. I am going to go back in today and play around with the event sheet, and see if I can figure this out (I really want the aha moment!!!)

    I am going to try what you have suggested again (thank you for clarifying in your most recent reply as well, I know I'll understand all this eventually, but I guess it is not completely clear yet). I will work with the gTotalMatches variable and see what I can do with it, I am assuming I just missed something, or just didn't put it in right.

    Thanks again SimoneT, I will update as soon as I can (and hopefully this time it is with the good news that I actually figured it out and that this program is really clicking with meh brain).

    Update: AHA! Okay, so I got it working where the score and the number of turns continues on until all of the decks have been used, and gives the final message at the end (then gives the player the option to go to the next layout).

    Now the only thing I notice is - each time the layout restarts, the matches and turns starts as a 0 and as soon as I make a match/play a turn the matches/turns will show the correct number (to clarify: when one deck is complete I have 8 matches 8 turns, when I go to the next deck/layout both matches and turns show 0 until I make a match/take a turn then the number goes to 9 and so on. So, I just need to find where to change this. I'll let you know how it goes.

    ps. I am so happy and excited, I could just hug you!


    Thank you for your example of the game. It is similar to what I was trying to accomplish. I do absolutely LOVE how the cards, when paired, sit at an angle, I think that is so much fun and would give the child the opportunity to look at the images/words for a much longer period of time. Thank you, again! If you don't mind, I just might use something similar to this effect.. it is a really REALLY neat idea

  • SimoneT


    First off, thank you for your time, you are just so awesome!

    I went through the event sheet and tried to make the changes as you stated above (along with some other changes). Every time it goes to the next "deck" the score starts over.

    I am assuming the problem is the On Start of Layout> Set gMatches to 0 that is affecting the score, as every time a new deck is shown the layout is restarted (at the end it does say restart layout) and the score is reset.

    I have tried altering the Set gMatches to 0, deleting it, changing it all together and a few more things, but any time I do anything to the Set gMatches, it allows me to make 4 matches, then it flies through the rest of the decks without allowing me to select anything.

    I also found, that as I try to "remake" the memory match game-following the tutorial, it won't always work. Last week I followed the tutorial 4 times before it would work for me. I am wondering if it is just because I don't have the full version yet, if it is what is causing some of these issues? I plan on upgrading soon, once life stops throwing everything my way.

    Well anyway, thank you for your time again. I really do appreciate it!

  • SimoneT

    Hi again! I wanted to drop in and give a little update (and yes, ask for help.. again . I wanted to PM you, but I don't have enough reputation points so here I am)

    I spent a lot of time reading through the manual and tutorials, taking notes, etc. I played around (alot) with the memory match portion of my game but took a small break to work on the menus and other mini-games within the game. So, now I am back to the memory portion and need your advice.

    The decks that you created with the arrays are exactly what I am looking for, but the current issue that I am running into is the number of matches and number of turns keeps resetting after each "deck" is used. I have tried to figure out how to get the matches to stay consistent and keep adding to each-right now when there are say 8 matches, the layout restarts and txtMatches returns to 0 instead of staying at 8 and continuing on with the next deck (so with 3 rotations of 16 cards, there will be a total of 24 matches-then the game will end with the final message)

    I am assuming (though very blindly, and probably very wrongly) that the area that I need to change is the gMatches=gNumberCards/2. My problem is, I don't know if I am supposed to do a system action, or an action with the array itself (like sorting through each deck, and when the last deck is used the game is over type of thing).

    I tried to do a for each but it caused issues (though I may have placed it in the wrong place in the event sheet). I have searched all over, and maybe I am not thinking of the correct terms to search, but I cannot find anything about how to keep score the score going (I have found tons about saving high scores, but my issues is simply carrying the score through each deck until each deck is used).

    I hope this makes sense, if not, let me know. Thanks so much.

  • SimoneT

    You are AMAZING! Thank you so much (again hehe). I appreciate your help more than you could know! I did think about pm'ing you, but I didn't want to be "that girl" -- you know, the creepy one that forum stalks lol. If you don't mind though, I might just do that in the future

    I looked at your CAPX, and it covers my question perfectly. I am going to use this (while going back through and reading through the manual, take my notes, etc... like I am a student all over again) so I can come to a complete understanding of everything that I have learned-and not learned-so far, especially about arrays.

    It might be a few days before I post again, since I am studying the manual before proceeding, but I will let you know how things are going! Thank you again, so much. If I could hug you through my computer I would!

  • So, I hate to do this (I feel like an idiot and I am completely embarrassed to even ask, but I have tried for DAYS and DAYS and cannot quite get it, AND I am posting in the same forum as my last question so I don't make too many posts)...

    I am using the advice that SimoneT had provided (which is what I need). I have more images to use, however, and adding them to the Animation "CardFace" doesn't really help unless I increase my card tableau (right now its at 6x4 and I'd hate to increase it too much more).

    So, what I am trying to figure out is simply: when all matches have been made (in CardFace animation), reset sprite and go to CardFace2 animation, and replay, when all matches have been made (in CardFace2 animation), reset sprite and go to CardFace3 animation. etc.

    I figured out how to transition to a new layout with the same set up whenever all matches have been made, but I am still stuck with the same animation frames (CardFace).

    Using Include Event Sheet doesn't seem so helpful either, as it relates to my Sprite "Card" I guess I could make an event sheet for each sub-level of my level, but I don't have the space in this version, and just cannot get the full version quite yet.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    I do really feel bad about asking, but I am at a point of giving up... and after spending 6 months drawing my artwork and spending so long learning Construct 2, and finally starting to make my game.. I would not forgive myself if I did give up. I have tried... every day all day for too long.

    Thanks again, in advance.

  • gumshoe2029

    Thank you for this example. After looking through it, I have come to realize that I have some studying to do when it comes to arrays. Your example will help me for sure. Thanks for getting this together for me so quickly, you're amazing!


    When I saw this, I started laughing like a mad woman. THANK YOU thank you THANK YOU A BILLION TIMES! This is exactly what I was thinking, and you have taught me so much with this! I will be honest, my event sheet looked much different than yours (and not in a good way) hehe

  • gumshoe2029

    I also solve problems in my sleep, isn't it weird? Lately I feel so confident when I wake up, but when I actually open Construct... it all leaves me. It's almost as if opening the program erases my slate lol. I know I will get it eventually, and what I dream about will actually make sense at some point, I just hope that point is soon

    Thank you again (and again, and again!). It is no rush, whenever you have time is perfect! I just appreciate your help so very much.

  • gumshoe2029,

    Thank you for your response as well! I read this last week, and have been working with Construct ALOT, trying so many different ways to get this to work. I am actually dreaming about it... I wake up in a cold sweat thinking about arrays and how to input the information (I used to dream about WoW...but that was so much different, it's like I am working in my sleep now).

    So, I hate to ask you, but would you mind giving a little more detailed of an answer when dealing with the 2-d array in construct? I know how to make an array, but I am struggling figuring out how to match the one item in the array to the rest (I am not sure what this would look like as far as the event sheet goes). I have read through information about arrays and such, and maybe I am overlooking it or just completely ignorant on what exactly it is I am looking for, But either way, if you could provide a little more assistance, I would be very grateful. If not, I completely understand. I just thought I would ask.


    I am still trying to see if your way will work as well. I think I am doing too much, and need to slow down and, just like gumshoe said, KISS! I will update as soon as I can (or can't) figure this out. Thanks again hun!


  • SimoneT,

    Thank you for your response, I apologize for not writing sooner (I promise I didn't just take off). I have tried the second method you suggested, and am going to continue trying until I figure this out. I feel like I am at a point of over-thinking what I am doing. Thanks again, and I will let you know what ends up happening.


    I started with one sprite (Card Back) and added the images for the (Card Front) into a second animation frame (like the tutorial video). This second animation frame will pair the images, but only if they are side by side.

    So... I have the LetterA and 10 LetterAWord pictures to match to the letter a (then the LetterB and 11 LetterBWord pictures to match to the letter b, etc).

    Then, because I couldn't figure out how to match animation frames, SimoneT explained his method, which I am assuming is a sprite for each object... So yes.. I guess I am using one sprite per object.

  • Hi SimoneT, thank you so much for your response, and sorry it took me so long to reply (my brain shut off after I wrote my post )

    N-e-ways. My game is going to work similar to this:

    It is for kiddo's, and will be a "Beginning Sounds" game. I would like to start with the first level focusing on A and B. It will be a repetitive game (where the child chooses the beginning letter and the picture/word that it belongs with. So, here is a sort of set up of my thinking:


    A_letterCard A_wordCard1 B_letterCard B_wordCard1 A_letterCard

    A_wordCard2 B_letterCard B_wordCard2 A_letterCard A_wordCard3

    B_letterCard B_wordCard3 A_letterCard A_wordCard4 B_letterCard

    B_wordCard4 A_letterCard A_wordCard5 B_letterCard B_wordCard6 etc

    ---The cards will be set up in a 6x4 grid with 24 cards at a time--

    I have a total of 10 A word cards and 11 B word cards. I plan on having the game rotate 3 times (with shuffle, so it won't actually be in the above order), while randomly throwing in the pairs to match for each rotation. The card back is a simple image that just has AB on it for the specific set.. or deck I guess... of cards.

    I am not sure if this is what you are asking for? Please bare with me... I am such a newbie

    I am not sure I completely understand what you mean when you said that I can match cards by their multiple of 5. I am looking at your example (I am assuming that the ceil(Card.AnimationFrame/5)==ceil(Card4.AnimationFrame/5) refers to what you mean? In this case, are we simply calling the card from the list of 5 (letter card + 4 word cards)? So, if I have 11 cards, will it be /11 instead of /5, or does it need to be an actual number divisible by 5? (So, instead of /11 I would need to go with /10)? I am so sorry if I am way off course here, I am just trying to fully understand and learn this program.

    Thanks again SimoneT, your help is very much appreciated!