keepee's Forum Posts

  • Make sure "Barrel on collision with Ground"

    is the first condition in the event

    so it goes

    +Barrel on collision with Ground


    +Barrel.physics.velocityY > A

         -> explode!

    If that doesn't work, add "For each Barrel" at the top, and have the above as a sub event.

  • Using another object with the blend mode set to "destination out" might be of use.

    It'll make it transparent, but also make the object underneath transparent where it overlaps.

    Check out the "compositing" section

  • Increase density / decrease elasticity / increase linear damping

    also i'm not sure exactly what type of game you're making but it looks like it could use walls on either side

  • If your "trigger once" is below the "for each element", try placing it above.

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  • yep, don't be afraid of assigning UID's, it's actually quite simple once you've done it a few times.

    First you'll need to give enemy01_box an instance variable which will contain the UID of the actual character sprite. I'll call the variable "CharUID"

    underneath "pin to..", add another action:

    -> enemy01_box set value CharUID to enemy_01.UID

    and then after this, in order to pick the correct character sprite for the box, add the following underneath the "For each.. " condition:

    + enemy_01 pick instance with UID: enemy01_box.CharUID

    *edit: I accidentally typed "enemy_01.uid pick" instead of "enemy_01 pick"

  • Nope.

    You can, however, instead of an imagepoint, store a position using instance variables.

    if you give the sprite two extra instance variables and name them, for example: "pointX" and "pointY"


         -> set sprite.pointX to sprite.X + cos(B)*C

         -> set sprite.pointY to sprite.Y + sin(B)*C

    Where B is the desired angle of the point from the origin, and C is the desired distance of the point from the origin.

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  • It's likely you'll get a problem solving response if you post the .capx..

    without it, it's hard to tell what is going wrong.

  • Though it's never been a problem for me, I agree that this should be a feature. it should be ctrl +drag edge

  • Nope, but a bit of maths won't do you any harm :p

    If you keep sizes to powers of 2 (2,4,8,16,32,64,128.. etc) then it makes everything easier to position and size though.

  • Change the size manually in the object properties.

    Also if you had snapping on, you could easily move it back to it's right spot.

  • If there's any patterning or imagery on the health bar you can use a 'Tiled Background' object.. and then just reduce the width. The image will be cropped.

    If it's just a plain coloured bar, you can use a normal sprite and reduce the width in the same way. Just remember to set 'sampling' to 'point' in the project settings. (this gets rid of any blurry edges)

  • Using any of the fullscreen modes will work, including when you click on the letterboxed area.

  • The problems with the layer..

    For the 'create object on layer' action you can either enter a layer name such as "Background" (with the quotation marks) or a number like 0 1 2 3, (without the quotation marks)

    The numbers go in order so 0 is the bottom layer, 1 is the next layer up etc.

    You've input a number and mistaken it for a name.. it looks right at first glance because the layer that you want is called "Layer 0" (which is actually layer number 1)

    so anyway...

    Create object Sprite5 on layer 0 at(sprite3.x, sprite3.y-20)

    should be

    Create object Sprite5 on layer "Layer 0" at(sprite3.x, sprite3.y-20)

    but you should rename the layers to avoid confusion. And your sprites!