justifun's Forum Posts

  • I can't seem to find that benchmark that i think Ashley posted once, that created thousands of sprites to test FPS.

    It keeps creating them until the fps drops below 30 fps then stops or something.

    Does anyone have it handy?


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Construct is working great in VMware fusion 6 on osx Mavericks for me. Just make sure to turn off the windows firewall in order to be able to preview over lan on your ipad etc.

  • Smolli - I'm trying to follow your instructions on how to get the wifi preview working from within a vmware fusion windows 7 environment.

    Can you write out all of the steps you did to get it working?

  • Try the basic platformer tutorial

  • You could also make the death animation a sprite animation that plays upon death.

  • make a variable called "counting"

    add 2 conditions

    every x seconds

    keyboard is down -> add 1 to "counting" variable

    compare variable counting > 3 -> do something.

  • Here's some more info


    So yes, to answer your question, you should not run into any issues.

    Each time a new instance is created it gets assigned a number (UID).

    Then depending on when you want to isolate that particular instance eg:

    Mouse on object click "enemy"

    ->pick by evaulate enemy.UID = 57 -> enemy Destroy

  • can't seem to download your example file right now, but here's how i would do it.

    create 2 image points for your ladder. (1 = top of ladder, 2 = bottom of ladder)

    On mouse click on object "ladder".

    (sub event) system compare 2 values distance(player.x, player.y, ladder.ImagePointX(1), ladder.imagePointY(1))

    < distance(player.x, player.y, ladder.ImagePointX(2), ladder.imagePointY(2))

    This checks the distance between the player and the 2 image points. If image point 1 is closer to the player, then you know he's near the top of the ladder, if point 2 is closer, then he's closer to the bottom of the ladder.

    Next, move the player automatically to the proper imagepoint location, then play the ladder climbing animation, while he automatically moves the other image point.

  • Each object that gets created gets assigned a "UID" eg: sprite.UID

    this number is unique to each object running in the game, so you can check against that to pick a specific instance.

    Using, pick by evaluate, or pick by comparison events.

  • Tutorial Here -



    [Sprite Sheet Plugin]






    Click to drag the arrow around and release to initiate the order.

    Feel free to ask any questions or suggestions on improvements I can make to it.

  • Is there a blend method or other way to take a gradient black to white sprite lets say, and overlap with another sprite. Then wherever the darker gradient areas overlap, makes the sprite start to vanish?

    Kinda like an area of opacity effect?

  • Check out this example


    You can read up more about it on google by searching for "tilemap bitwise"

  • Any floor that the player will jump through should only have a "jumpthru" and NOT a solid behavior on it.

  • - One solution for the example you brought up, would be.

    If your player becomes invincible or able to walk over lava etc., you could run a loop that goes through all "obstacles" like lava etc, and places an invisible sprite the same width/height as your obstacle temporarily over them. And then destroy them again once the invincibility wears out.

    Compare 2 values (player.invincible = 1)

    ->For Each "Obstacle" Create object "tempblock" at Obstacle.X, Obstacle.Y

    --->set tempblock.width = obstacle.width

    --->set tempblock.height = obstacle.height

    Compare 2 values (player.invincible = 0)


  • When you are checking which animation you are playing, you can use the "collision at offset" event and check a little further below your player. eg: self.y-50 to see if you are still on a floor,

    sounds like its repeatedly colliding/not colliding because of the rotations.