Josek5494's Forum Posts

  • Use my plugin with!

  • Cranberrygame's plugin pack has push notifications. But phonegap one is deprecated I believe. Still there is a Cordova one.

    I think Cordova plugin from Cranberry requires an account in, which don't accept more new users. I made this one with

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Version: 1.4


    Con este plugin para Construct 2 podrás integrar las notificaciones Push del servicio One Signal en tu app híbrida de Cordova.

    One Signal es un servicio gratuito que nos permite gestionar y personalizar nuestras notificaciones en su web, además de incorporar funcionalidades muy útiles como el seguimiento por usuarios.

    Al registrarnos en la web podremos acceder a diversos tutoriales para configurar el servicio a nuestra aplicación:

    Funciona en Android, Ios, Windows Phone 8.1 y Amazon FireOS.

    Plugins de Cordova requeridos:


    custom dependencies:


    With this plugin for Construct 2, you can install and use Push notifications through the OneSignal's free service. You can configure and create your own notifications for your hybrid cordova apps with a lot of amazing and useful features.

    Sign up to use the service and see some installation tutorials:

    Works in Android, Ios, Windows Phone 8.1 and Amazon FireOS.

    Required Cordova plugins:


    custom dependencies:

    Demo video:

    Example .capx: ... k5494.capx

    Propiedades / Properties

    Acciones / Actions

    Condiciones / Conditions

    Expresiones / Expressions

    Buy the plugin for 4$ (cheapest option) in my blog:

    Now in Scirra Store too!

  • Use one of these two plugins for Admob instead:


    Subscribe to Construct videos now


    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Follow the steps, it's easy and works!

  • If you downloaded the plugin before 13/06/2016, do it again and replace your current version. VERY IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE CODE

  • If you downloaded the plugin before 13/06/2016, do it again and replace your current version. VERY IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE CODE

  • Thanks for sharing!

    Your welcome

  • I think you get an error with both plugins installed because each one is trying to install a particular google library.

    Build proccess returns a duplicated file error: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/zzof$1;

    The solution: replace one of the plugins, or edit the respective library code in the CORDOVA Plugin (i don't know where or how xddd)

  • I've fixed it !!!

    I've created a global variable to control the the visibility of each layer, so i could trigger it when ever i like.

    My guess is that for some reason the chain of action for the home button event is too long (or complex ?) for construct 2 to execute it till the end. So i had to deal with the part that was not executed somewhere else in the code.

    Thank you anyway for your concern Josek !

    Srry for not helping you at all Good job mate!

  • Can you share some build error screenshots?

  • Again,

    I want to understad Why "random" is not working without floor. My first think is because the "random" use decimal value, isn't it ?

    Thank you to help me to understand better my error.

    Yes, random returns a value, which can be decimal. For example: random(0,2) can return 0.01 , 0.02 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.09...

  • I made this app a few weeks ago and i think is a good example for scrolling use, clamp for volumes... And unusual use of Construct 2.

    It's a simple scroll with ambients sounds (different places and things) in loop, which let's you to reproduce this sounds in a custom independent volume for doing stuff like studying or sleeping. There's a countdown below to stop the wake-lock screen mode and the sounds at X minute.

    Leave your feedback and opinions please, will be so nice to me!

    Some screenshots:

    Link to Google Play: ... sek5494.rl

  • Use floor(random(0,Dictionary.KeyCount)) or floor(int(random(0,Dictionary.KeyCount))) instead and see what happens.

    Are you sure the dictionary is well filled and the keyCount is returning a valid value?

  • Spanish:

    Con mi plugin para Construct 2 podrás utilizar el widget para compartir de tu dispositivo o hacerlo directamente a Facebook y a Twitter.


    With this plugin you can call the native sharing widget of your device, or sharing directly to Facebook and Twitter.

    Works with:

    cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing by EddyVerbruggen: ... Gap-Plugin

    Acciones / Actions:

    Parámetros de las acciones / Actions parameters:

    Images pasted from Github EddyVerbruggen post

    Widget in Ios 6:

    Widget in Android:

    Widget in Windows Phone:

    Instructions and demo video (Download links in the description):

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Not to my knowledge though I'll admit I haven't tried building much with it. Do you know which plugins I have to fetch in XDK for the official IAP to work?

    My problem last week was the "cc.fovea.plugins.inapppurchase" failing to install.

    I haven't tried it yet too. I think you only have to add it in Construct. When you export to Cordova it will automaticaly write the plugin line in additions xml file in XDK.

    Maybe there are some tutorials in this forum or youtube, take a look.