Jomnitech's Forum Posts

  • TheDom

    Thanks for answering.

    I have make it like this but set not a fixed number like +30 or+60. I have used the Platform Vectory X or Y. Now it works fine. Thank you.



    Ok it dosnt works so fine. The Problem is when i shoot again with an other BulletSpeed, the Bullets who Spawn earlyear Change the Speed to the new BulletSpeed. How can i fix that?

    Ok, i fix it with settig the command to the bottum, dont know why it works but it works

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  • In my Game i have make it with Physics. But you dont want to use it, so you do not Need to look at my game.

  • anty21ro

    You only have to set the "BulletCase"->Behaviors->Rotate->Accelaration , to 0. and it looks more realistic.

    Or make to the Bullet Case and the Ground a Physic Behavior and delete the rotate Behavior.

    You can check out how i have made it in my game: ... .capx?dl=0

    there the bullet shells bounce a little bit.

    (I`m a noob <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> )

    (only playabel with a Xbox controller)

  • Hi there

    I`m working on a Platformer-Game and have a Problem with the Bullets. When i shoot at Idle the Bullet spawns with the Bullet Speed, works fine. But when i shoot and walk the Bullet spawns as well in the Bullet Speed. I think its wrong. When i walk the Bullet Speed have to be: BulletSpeed+PlayerSpeed. So how can i realize it? I have try it to make a Event that ask how is the Player Speed an than i set the Bullet Speed to BulletSpeed+PlayerSpeedVariable. The Problem is i dont know how to ask the correctly Player Speed. I have tryed to set the PlayerSpeedVariable to PlatformBehavierSpeed. But it sets the Speed when i stand still to nothing. When i walk it works. But when i Jump Forward it set to nothing and when im falling forwart it sets to nothing. As well he set the Speed when i stand and jump to jumping strength. Its always static and not dynamic to the real Player Speed. Also i have to separate the X Speed and Y Speed? Or only take the X Speed. its enough.

    Anyone can help me? Or do i think wrong?

    *excuse my bad english*



    If it helps there is a capx: ... .capx?dl=0

    But i have deleted the variable bacause it dosent works.

    You can find the Position on Layer Game->Chars->Krigel->Player1->Shotgun->shoot_Krigel->Shooting

    It only can be played with a XBox Controller at time. Move =D-Pad, Jump= A, shoot= X

    Its my fist time i use construct 2 so dont be to hard if it is not programmed so smart <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • 99Instances2Go

    exacly this way. that is what im lookin for. So easy

    thanks a lot !

  • 99Instances2Go

    The shooting Animation is shorter than the walk Animation. The Problem is that i dont know when you press the fire button. For example wehn you press fire at the half of the walk Animation, than the Fire Animation starts linke you says and go on with the walk Frame ist not sync with the legs. When i Change the Body and legs anim together it Looks wierd because the legs jumps back to beginning of Animation.

    It should work like this:

    When you move:

    Body -> Play Walk Animation

    Legs -> Play Walk Animation

    When you move and shoot

    Body -> Play shoot Animation

    When shoot Animation finish -> go back to Body Walk Animation

    Now i want when i go back to the Body Walk Animation that the Animation not start at the first Frame (beqause it Looks wierd). It have to start at the Frame Number of the Frame that the legs have at this time.

    Or do i think wrong?

  • Hi there

    I`m new in construct 2. And i think i have a simple question.

    I`m making a platform-shooter an now i have a Problem with the Synchronisation of two animations.

    I have two Sprites for the Body an the Legs of my Character. The legs and the Body have the same number of Frames. now when im shoot the Body plays shooting Animation an have to return to walk Animation. but when i said after Animation shoot go back to walk Animation the Body and the legs are not sync.

    How can i do a simple thing like:

    set.body.animationFrame=legs.animationFrame ?

    anytime when i try it i have a Syntax Error. how do i have rite the line correctly?

    "excuse my bad English"