Joeriri's Forum Posts

  • Nice, it runs well. Perhaps you could prevent jumping after climbing a ladder when the up key is kept pressed?

    Fixed that, including some issues with the wallsliding. I will update the demo soon. Right now I made some art for the first stage, which has a city/metropolis theme. This is just the basic stuff with only tiles yet, and yes, it is supposed to look a bit like Megaman ;) What do you think?

    'til soon!

  • New update!

    I implemented Walljumping and -sliding behavior, simplified and improved a lot of code and built a State Machine, which I got the idea for from bclikesyou. I included an image of the events for it, which are actually quite simple.

    I also uploaded it onto my site, so you can play with the features there're right now: Stan (demo)

    Next time I got some art!

  • I think bclikesyou is talking about Finite State Machines.

    Really thanks for the link, now I get it. To get back to bclikesyou's question, I didn't now I could use it in that way. I originally stole the idea from Valerien and thought I could use it for my ladder behavior, but it didn't worked well. Perhaps I can still use it as a stat machine though, it sounds nice.

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  • Cool! I dig it.

    What does you state system look like? I like state machines but haven't had a chance to really use them in C2.

    Do you mean that 'State: moving' and 'State: idle'? I thought it would help with the ladders but it didn't turned out well. I just made the following condition:

    • Platform is moving > set State to 'moving'
    • Platform is not moving > set State to 'idle'

    That's it, pretty simple.

  • Hi all,

    I've never done a devlog before, but I think it would be good to start one. I really like working with Construct 2 and making games, but I struggle with completing my projects. (and the project I finish are not as good as I thought) So maybe keeping up a devlog, and especially the feedback, help me work better.

    The game I'm working on is a platformer called Stan, inspired by Megaman- and Mario-like games. Note that's my starting point, it can become something totally different. Right now I've set up basic movement for keyboard and gamepad. I also implemented a window transition and ladders (worst things there are, we need a Behavior for them!). I will need to do some art, just to make it look better.

    Here's a .gif for what it is now:

    Feedback and criticism are welcome!

    That's all for now, until soon!

  • It might be the different speeds at which it's playing are determining when it respawns a platform.

    Perhaps try respawning on the distance the platform has traveled instead, that way you can control the width of the gap.

    I've never done one of these, perhaps someone has a better method for platform timing.

    Thank you so much! I tried what you said and it works perfectly! I don't why it would run in different speed, but I'll just blame internet. At least I can go on now. Problem solved!

  • Hello,

    I am working on an infinite runner game, which is pretty new for me. But I don't know if my problem comes from inexperience. This is how my game works right now:

    In my runner game the player runs over Platforms (Tiledbackground). These Platforms repeat themselves, so it's infinite. For the challenging part, the player has to jump over Puddles with water (also Tiledbackground). Puddles spawn randomly, but only after a Platform, so that they don't overlap. After a Puddle the Platforms continue until a new Puddle spawns. The Platforms and Puddles that are outside the screen get destroyed.

    The whole concept I mentioned above works fine when I run the project in debug mode, but it doesn't when running in normal browser mode. A platform spawns, a gap appears, another platform spawns and then it just stops. I can't figure out what the problem is because it's working perfectly in debug mode! I don't get any error messages or something.

    This is the .capx:

    Any idea how I can solve this?

  • Hello there forum! My name is Joeri Ridder. I'm making games as a hobby and I'm using Construct 2 because it's awesome!