jobel's Forum Posts

  • The default font is mono-spaced, so there is no width data required - it's all the same: 16. It's really not a good example for the spacing feature.

    well, it's supposed to be, but it's not really. Capital 'I', 'T' and many others are not correctly aligned. I guess it's just a not-so-great font sprite.

    I'm teaching a class, and want to start them with SpriteFont instead of the Text object, but that's proving difficult since the default sprite font is not very aesthetically pleasing. And while the GiveYourFontsMonoSpace program is excellent, the workflow is a little too cumbersome for my students.

  • sorry to resurrect this old post.. what is the default font that SpriteFont uses? and why isn't there Spacing data already defaulted for it?

    How can get Spacing data for the default SpriteFont font?

  • Here's how you can add a desktop icon. It's not as easy as on PC, but it works.

    thanks for this!

  • Is there a way to Add C3 icon to Desktop like you can using Chrome with a PC?

    also when in preview mode, the window size doesn't seem to have a fullscreen mode? it's F11 on PC, but there's no option on the Mac as the game is in its own window with no tabs...

    anyone know the answer?

  • Haha it's okay, I only posted it today (been writing content like a mad lady!)

    oh haha! nice! I just assumed it was earlier in the week... since I'm SO behind... THANK YOU!

    and I just posted that forum post link to the Site Organizers Slack thread (which is all the global sites).

    We're looking forward to seeing what people make over the weekend!

    Feel free to post stuff in that thread if any of your students want to share

    will do!

  • Dooooeees this answer your question?

    amazing! thank you!! I missed that post!

    I have a feeling this jam will be mostly Construct (for our site) which will be nice..usually its all Unity and UE...


  • Hi Ashley or Tom

    I'm running a site for GlobalGamejam 2018 this coming weekend. Any chance we can get C3 unlocked for the weekend???

    The college I teach at we use C3 but only have licenses for my current students. Last year's students all used C2 and I know some might attend.. would be great to give them access to the full version of C3!

    think about it! (but think quick!) jam starts FRI 26th

  • There is no way AFAIK. Google is picking videos automatically each time. It's not a matter of plugin, it's simply not possible.

    okay no problem, I just figured you would know.

  • it definitely happens in cordova>cocoonIO>Andriod and that seemed to fix it.

    my audio skipped, distorted, muted, repeated non-stop etc.. but what I thought was weird was that none of the Music folder sounds were effected. That silent audio fixed the problem.

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  • awesome! I have it all working.. and I bought your plugin for Cocoon Rewarded Videos and it works flawlessly! thank you!

    one question: is there a way to make sure the video is a certain length?

    I give my players a certain amount of coins but I noticed some of the videos are only 15 seconds where others are 30 or more. Is there a way I can set this? I didn't see it in AdMob Ad Units.

  • I know the work around for this.. it sounds weird, but it works.

    create a short 1 second of silent audio.

    Add a System event to trigger playing it Every 1 second (not looping)

    that should do it, it worked for me.. don't ask why!

  • We have made some significant changes recently and released a big update, version 2.1.4 of our SDK (dated September 20th).

    haha... maybe that explains why all of a sudden I had compilation errors! perhaps you should email users when you change something that could effect their developments?

  • twg What is the differences between Canvas+ and Webview or Webview+? In which situation I should use which? I had tried Canvas+ but I got no luck.

    To get canvas+ to work make sure in your export you uncheck 'minify script'

    I've also heard loader layout can cause issue, so set your loading bar to None (not sure if this is even true or not)

    And lastly I've set Multidex to Yes (again no idea if this is necessary)

    I've updated the OP to reflect what I've learned so far.

  • Thanks twg for your input. Glad to know someone else got everything working. Maybe that GMSDEV (Verstala) plugin is the way to go...

    1. When exporting from C2 make sure Minify script if unchecked and PNG recompression is set to "None"

    this worked for Canvas+! up till now I've had to use Webview.

    2. When zipping your C2 project for upload to Cocoon do not include the config.xml file or the intelxdk.config.additions.xml file in the zip, I manually add the plugins myself in Cocoon.

    also, I used the normal Windows>SendTo>Compressed THIS DOES NOT WORK. I downloaded Winrar and that seemed to do the trick.

    3. Set Multidex enabled to "Yes" for Android builds.

    Mine is set to 'No' and still worked. although Ads aren't working..

    6. Check in Cocoon under Installed plugins and make sure Cocoon didn't add any of the "Whitelist" plugins to your project, I got a black screen everytime one of these plugins where included.

    yes these caused Blackscreen on mine as well I learned way back in the beginning.

  • The main thing I would want from the Scirra mobile build service is a complete Ios export.

    I could do the Cordova build manually with an expectation that it would get easier with experience, but with Ios you have the extra hurdle of using a service, or pay for hardware.

    Easily worth the $99 bucks a year.

    so you mean to skip the Xcode step? that would be huge... but I doubt that's going to happen.