jobel's Forum Posts

  • hi, has anyone noticed gamepad issues in C2 using Chrome?

    I've never had a problem before, but recently my gamepad won't work for my game. My system recognizes the gamepad, but it requires a reboot for Chrome to recognize it again. It seems random times when it stops working. But always requires a reboot. This has been only happening the past week or so. Is it happening to anyone else?

  • I think the different between Blend and Standard is a fade between pixels in the animation? I slowed down the animation and that's what it looks like..

    cool how you can highlight the color and see where it is..

  • Shmup?

    shoot'em up type game


    These are incredible... you can cycle through the different scenes and settings...

  • can you duplicate it in a small capx and post it?

    the bullet behavior is pretty bullet proof, no pun intended.. sounds like you are just overlooking something easy..

    do you have "set angle Yes" in your behavior properties?

  • anata excellent..I might use this! thanks for sharing...

  • mattkingz pretty sure you can do that effect with lens/glass and sine... or warp.. not sure but I know it can be done in C2 as is...

  • it's hard to say, do the bullets have to go through the monster to hit it's eyes? or are you saying you want to know if the bullet is going to hit the eyes before it happens? so you can then bounce them back if they aren't going to hit the eyes?

  • wow.. I only read the first page of comments from Steam.. but I can't believe how many people are commenting critically.. you have some serious buzz.. maybe not the buzz you want, but people are talking about your game! so, even though things might seem negative, you can spin this around...

    as for the art... don't change your art style! I'm no artist (I dabble) and I consider myself more of a producer-type. but your art seems good to me, I mean, what the hell is "good" anyway? Art can be whatever. If you have confidence in it.. just be like.. "hey, here's my art.." who cares what people say.. they'll look like idiots when your game does awesome and everyone starts copying your art style... I mean, does it look amateur? I don't know.. who cares.. if it does.. that's the games look.. just stick with it and trust in what you can do. Yes, things look bad when you try to do things you aren't really good at.. this is true for anything art related. So just do what you can do... Consider a high school kid that draws in his/her notebook all day.. say that art is "subpar".. but you make a game out of that art.. that would be so cool.. so who cares if it's "good"!

    Now your animation seems to need a little work... just get an animator involved.. find an animation student or something. They can even just fix the current animations you have. Also things like how the character transitions from left to right doesn't look great...almost like you cut some corners (you probably didn't but that's what it looks like).. . the stopping and starting.. I would try to get that tightened up and smoothed out. It will only help your art style..

    The other art comment is.. I'm not sure what it is.. but the characters seem to be "on-top of the background. It doesn't look like they sit in the environment really.. not sure if that is your "line quality" (too much outline) or shading.. I don't know.. but they feel kind of paper thin... maybe you can change the line quality (at least on the edges of the sprite).

    I think also your willingness to be open about who you are what you are all about is opening you up as well.. I don't think it's a bad thing..but I would not respond to negative comments... that's just pulling you into a direction you won't be able to return from.. ala Phil Fish...

    seriously good luck.. I think you need to just find confidence and also try to distance yourself from the game itself. The game isn't "you" so don't be offended by anything. It's hard to be so close to something and look at it with an objective eye. Gamedev is a long and winding road of learning...

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  • yeah Magistross is probably more accurate.. I'm still thinking in the 90's

  • you could just run a test.. but I would imagine it's an unsigned integer..

    approx 4 billion

  • yup I do the same...

  • I would expect on the start of your layout if Random() doesn't produce a 1 or a 2 then those triggers would not happen.

    Are Family Objects being destroyed a lot? i.e. is that OnDestroyed event being triggered a lot?

  • Fimbul is this behavior still supported? I'm having issues with the values of the behaviors "moving angle" its not the same angles that C2 uses.

    Moving in the RIGHT direction with the Spaceship behavior returns an angle of 180 whereas C2 considers this angle 0