Joannesalfa's Forum Posts

  • Keep in mind the Ouya is an annual console (new model every year,) so it's going to keep getting easier to develop for as it gets better hardware.

    how do you know about this?

  • DirectCanvas sucked, CocoonJS is improving a lot, sometimes i get smooth 60 fps of all my games on my iPod touch 4, i'm gladly scirra keeps updating CocoonJS platform plugin.

  • I don't know man, I'm trying to make a big game on it and I'm amazed at how well it works. I'm using a bunch of layers, particles, behaviors and whatsoever and nothing has ever crashed with me.


    Before Construct I used MMF to make my games and I lost around 2 or 3 games because MMF decided to crash whenever I opened my projects, after some time.

    Link to that prototype :

    andreyin i love your prototype!

    Also im developing another zedla-like game, here is my prototype

  • Another excuse thread.

    It depends on your design.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Replace .ico in C2 installed directory yourself

  • Not only more professional, easy to remember than colorful icons and you could identify faster in the event sheets

  • Kyatric, thanks i will take a look to other files and .xml file to modify

  • I found a code makes looks like damaged VHS effect or camera gets hit.


    uniform float p;

    uniform float amount;

    uniform float seed;

    uniform float lines;

    uniform sampler2D tDiffuse;

    varying vec2 vUv;

    float rand(vec2 co){

        return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);


    void main( void ) {

    vec2 position = vUv;

    float y = floor(lines*position.y)/lines;

    float disf = 0.01*(cos(position.y*130.+p*10.)+sin(position.y*183.+p*80.));

    float parity = 0.; if(mod(y*lines, 2.)>0.5) parity=1.; else parity=-1.;

    float a = smoothstep(0., 1.0, p);

    position.x = amount*a*(y*0.3+disf)+position.x+

            amount*0.5*parity*smoothstep(0.6, 0.65, p)*(sin(position.y*(12.+40.*seed))+smoothstep(0.64, 0.65, p));

    vec4 colorInput = texture2D( tDiffuse, position );

    gl_FragColor = colorInput;



    I wonder how to integrate it on C2?

  • Awesome sample!

    I've seen your events, i'm quite confused how to modify when you click one purple block with nearest another 2 purple blocks would be destroyed and how to remove "swapabble"action.

  • Awesome, it would be new MUGEN :)

  • Yes, These plugins what im talking about, according Ashley would cannabalize node-webkit that JohnnySheffield did.

    I tought it would have official node-webkit plugin and exporter settings from package.JSON (You can't edit json after of exporting node-webkit)

    Is true Scirra won't develop official platform plugin for node-webkit exporter?

  • lemo oh my bad, about Smartfox, i doubt it comes UDP for HTML5; i don't think everyone uses server as Java.

  • lemo Smartfox doesn't include any HTML5 example, it means no HTML5 support.

    Orbiter uses WebSocket, old news.

    Cubeia, only for Java, not javascript!

    A lot of people thinks Java is javascript, it's another huge mistake

  • Does Scirra create 2 modules (plugin and exporter settings) about node-webkit features like AJAX to file:// path to resource loading, node.js basic API, window properties, etc.?

    Just saying.

  • writing in notepad is better as learning yourself than reading a printed sheet