Hey again, so I'm working with an object family now, and all these objects have their own instance variables containing their dialogue. ObjectA: Dialogue1, ObjectA: Dialogue 2, ObjectB: Dialogue1 etc. But I'm still having trouble trying to send these instance variables to my main function. I'm pretty sure it's just the syntax I'm using. I just can't figure it out.
I would assume I do something like:
Player On Collision with "Talkers" > Call Function "Pull Dialogue" (Talkers.UID)
Function On "PullDialogue" > Set DialogueHolder to Function.Param(0).Dialogue1
I thought this would find the current sprite by UID, and pass the instance variable 'Dialogue1' to the function - REGARDLESS of which object came into collision, it would find that object's 'Dialogue1' and pass it on ... but no matter what I try it says there's something wrong. Ideas?