Jetta88's Forum Posts

  • Most Windows tablets only run on arm architecture, which means it won't run C2.

    Then there's the whole mouse thing....


    The earlier gen Surface (non Pro) tablet used an ARM processor which is why it was running Windows RT and not a full PC version of Windows 8.1/10 at the time. Windows RT isn't supported anymore for the simple fact, you couldn't run x86 programs and only run programs/apps from the Windows Store. Nobody didn't like that *****

    Most cheap Windows tablets nowadays uses Intel Atom processors.. Which is x86.. I've ran Construct 2 on a cheap Windows tablet that I brought from Best Buy before, so I know what I'm talking about. The only problem was the mouse, but you can just hook up a Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse... So no problems...

    Current gen Surface PROs now uses Intel i3,i5,i7

  • I wouldn't worry about it too much since Intel XDK uses an emulator for testing and it's not accurate.

    If the links work on a real mobile device, then you should be good.

  • Waltuo yes I know it would be damn cool if C3 would come also in that way.

    I own the surface pro 3, and the surface book, but none of them fit in my pocket. I meant it as in an app version, a mobile as in phone, you know, pocket. But your small tablet comment is not a bad idea

    I just couldn't imagine trying to use the events system on my cell phone. That would be annoying for me... just saying.

  • Lol, I just love all the haters..

    At the end of the day, it's a business. I've mentioned this many times on the forums. You have people here complaining why their not making any revenue from their apps and I tell them you need a funding to promote that game. You can have the best designed game in the world, but if no advertising is being done then you might as well not waste your time. App reskinning is just another way to monetize. Only reason why it's faster to make money flipping because you have Flippa which is one of the biggest websites to sell apps, websites and domain names. Big companies are doing the same ***** Look at King.. Candy Crush Saga, Candy Crush Soda Saga, Farm Heroes Saga, Pet Rescue Saga. It's basically the same damn source code with different graphics and how much they're making from it is crazy, but they have the funding to advertise these games unlike a regular indie.

  • Lol, if you want a mobile Construct 2.

    Buy a Surface or a cheap Windows tablet and install Construct 2 there...

  • Are you serious?

    Apparently so, if copies been sold already..

  • , I have asked, how many pages of this guide are actual content. Not if your customers are happy or why you write the way you do. For me 7 pages don't make a book as I have written books before and there is certain parts in a book that should be there so you can call it a actual book. 7 Pages is roughly a guide, an article maybe.

    I have asked about how many pages are actual content, as I ran ove these "how to make money guides" quite a few times before. 30-40 pages in total, 20 pages are title page, index pages, forword blah blah blah. Total waste of time and money. I am happy that you make some cash with it, good for you. But my question was a different one. As you have avoided to answer it and tried to justified your work, I will answer it for myself. Thank you!

    I've already mentioned to you that when I write content, I cut to the chase and write the relevant information that you need to learn how to do what I do. I don't like to sit down and tell my life story. So that should give you an estimated" guess" on how much pages are actual content in my books. You do as you please. At the end of the day, I call my content whatever I want to call it. Whether it's book, guide, a piece of paper.. If people want to buy it.. Good.. If not, then I'm not stressing lol. Anyway have a good day.

  • Alright, I'll be finally releasing a long needed update to this book on this upcoming weekend. From the past emails I've received from this book, there's alot of questions that weren't answered in the book and I will be adding those in. I recommend those that already have the book to download the new version.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • You only need to use "Preload Banner Ad" event in your project once. In my project, I use this event at the start of my main menu screens.

    Use "Show Banner Ad" and "Hide Banner Ad" events to show and hide the banner ads. It's quicker than using "Preload" everytime.

  • With all respect, but you call 7 pages a book? How many of them are actual content?

    Doesn't matter if a book has 7 or 70 pages. If it has valuable information then people will read and apply it. You don't have to buy anything, it's anyone's decision if they want to buy my content or not. At the end of the day, I will still live.

    My "Making Money with Flippa and C2" has 10 pages of relevant content, Sold over 70 copies on the Scirra store and I've received "Thank You" emails and PMs from people successfully doing the same thing I'm doing on Flippa.

    My other book "Making Android Games within 1 hour" is 40+ pages only for the simple fact that has lots of photos explaining the process step by step. That book has sold over 60 copies.

    Not to mention, I priced each one of these pieces of content dirt cheap.. I probably could sell it for more because of the simple fact that it shows how to make apps and how to monetize. Also, if someone doesn't understand the content that I wrote. They can always contact me for assistance.

    I'm sorry, when I'm writing content... I cut to the chase and don't feel like bullshitting on 70 pages of time wasting reads.

  • Check out my new eBook I've just published in the Scirra Store. This ebook explains the basics of app reskinning and various tools that you can use, popular game genres to flip and ways to monetize your flipped app. This book doesn't show you how to reskin Construct 2 games step by step. That will be in another eBook that I release later this year. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

    You can get the book for $4.99 or you can get the book for $2.49 with the "Learn C2 and Make Money" Bundle which is a popular bundle buy. For those that previously purchased the "Learn C2 and Make Money" bundle, can get this book for free.. Just send me your purchase proof receipt of the two books to


    Learn C2 and Make Money Bundle: ... undle-3725

  • App Reskinning for Profit — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>App reskinning is a trend that small independent and even big companies use to make extra passive income. App reskinning is a process of taking existing written source code and just changing the assets to make everything look like a new game.</p><p>This book will give you a brief overview of the app skin process and reveal some of the tools that you can use to reskin your games.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about App Reskinning for Profit

  • Good read. Thanks.

  • Starting next week, I will be adding some new items to the Scirra Store. So I'm doing a bundle I'm taking off 75% off the price for all the items I've uploaded in 2015 except for my eBooks.

    Items included in the Bundle:

    All of this now selling for $5.82

    You can grab the bundle here:

  • Happy New Year folks. Here's my Dec 2015 Income Report..