jeeba's Forum Posts

  • Problem Description

    When using Pick by Comparison to filter between two families, only some of the sprite are selected

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    At the start of the game, all sprites in Abductables and Units family should move to the right of the screen

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      Just Start the game

    Observed Result

    Only some of the selected Sprites move. for what I understand, only the sprites that are before the upHealth sprites in the abductables family move. upHealth is an abducatble but is doesn't belong to units family

    Expected Result

    All of the abductables and units family should move

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bits, Service Pack1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 168 (64 -bits)

    NOTE: I have put some events that alter the order of the families being picked, this works. Also if we enable the action units->formard units.speed/5 pixels, and disable abductables->move forward units.speed/5, it work. Only units have the speed parameter.

  • Hey just got some problems using wait inside functions but this entry clarify it all. I would suggest to put in the documentation on function about not using a Wait action inside a function!. It will help people

  • I feel like it's the inner shadow on the letters, for example in Muffin Musket, the i is a bit hidden

    Maybe separating the letters a little, like applying letter-spacing (from css), but I think that doesnt exist on C2.

    I'm wondering, that border effect on the letter, are you using the Toon Effect? I used it too for some letters on my HUD, kinda have the same problem, but I make the letter bigger and use Impact as the font. Not quite beatiful but for my demo I'm ok.

  • Well done, a really great game!. Didn't found any bug also, just a minor thing, the font on the Upgrade Menu, it's a little hard to read, but I'm testing it on a big desktop monitor

  • I'm impress by the smoothness of the game, It doesn't feel like it's a HTML5 game, maybe it's just me. Looks promising.

  • My way is using a hidden sprite with ScrollTo Behaviour. Now when you want to scroll, just make an event like

    On every 0.1 seconds

    ->Hidden Sprite Move Forward 1 Pixel (this is just an example, here you should put your logic to move to your desire position)

    It's useful when you have a main character with ScrollTo behaviour but you want to focus to another element for just a moment. In this case you don't need to disable the scrollTo of the main character, just unpin the HiddenSprite from the main character an move it to whenever you want (here you can use the lerp technique of Sargas)

  • Hi there guys, I just want to put this useful Application for image compression:

    I got a game of 17mb, was exported using brute force. After the exportation, I put all the images on TinyPNG and now the game weight only 10mb.

    That makes me wonder, what other tools do you guys knows for Image Compression?

  • You may need to modify the index.html file to center it. Open that file and look for something like:

    <div id="c2canvasdiv" style="width: 538px; height: 349px; margin-left: 242px; margin-top: 0px;">

    That div contains your game. You may need to change the margin-top:0px to something like margin-top:200px.

    This is a static solutions, it will leave a space of 200 pixels on the top. To really center divs, you should take a look at google for the keywords: html vertical align.

    Tell me if it helps!

  • Awesome small and quick answer. Did'nt see the Menu ...well thanks Ash

  • So we have a plan to implement a laboratory of game development in our local university. As C2 is a great tool to comprehend game mechanics and educate people without a background in programming, we want to know if maybe there's a special license of some sort like other software products.

  • Hola tavito, pregunta en espa�ol y yo traducire esto al ingles

    Hello tavito, ask it in spanish and I will translate it to english!

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  • Wow, that it's an awesome solution, thanks for the idea OlivierC.

  • How about a Family Filter, lets suppose we have two families, we made a ForEach FamilyA condition, and then apply the is also a Family FamilyB condition, also, we could use instance variable from FamilyA and FamilyB, and thanks to C2 that doest allow instance variables named the same, I think it could work :)

    What do you guys think?

  • This will work for me, but I was wondering, maybe we need a family type condition like:

    +family is "Boss"

  • <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> oh well, that solution of a family variable is my current method of work. Well thanks Mad for the input :)