jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • The great thing about PhoneGap and the Apache group that has made Cordova. Is that talented programmers can build interfaces from native to the JS level. While PhoneGap probably doesn't have a built in solution. this doesn't stop us from making or better yet finding solutions.


    http://www.tricedesigns.com/2012/01/25/ ... -phonegap/

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  • That's one path I was thinking of using. There are some good plugins already. There is just no cohesive whole in the IDE. I'm sure Ashley could add a curve window if he felt the feature was worth it. Personally I think it is, especially after having use it so extensively. But I honestly didn't think they were that big a deal until I did.

  • I thoguht the blog explaining IOS would be enough.

    IOS8 WebKit that all browsers(except when running safari) are now able to access Nitro(accelerated javascript runtime compiler) and WebGL(full GPU acceleration). This means that PhoneGap will get access to it's weakest performance areas. The JS runtime and the GPU which Phonegap could not use. However this only counts as IOS8+

    IOS7 does not allow PhoneGap or other browsers including WebApps to access Nitro or WebGL. So when running a game not in Safari will suffer large performance loss. So people made Ejecta. Which has a good JS runtime and a good graphics rendering.

    If you want to support IOS7 and lower. You need to sue Ejecta/CacoonJS. If you are willing to support only IOS8+ then PhoneGap is probably going to be the better choice int he long run. Also and this is my favorite news. PhoneGap allows Cordova plugins. And... drool. Someone is making a PhoneGap WebRTC plugin. Where as no one is doing that with Ejecta. So when the that plugin is done.

    PhoneGap =




    Full memory management.

  • I've requested functions to be a primitve rather than a plugin. As a primitive then they would get the auto correction. however that's not the case. if you need a fix for now.... sigh. I've done this before.


    Object.YourFunctionVar = "foo"



    Function.OnCall( "foo" )


    Function.Call( object.YourFunctionVar )

    Under this model you only need to actually spell your function 2 times. Once for the OnFunctionCall and the other in the object variable that holds the string. For some reason you can't do

    Function.OnCall( object.YourFunctionVar )

    makes me a sad panda.

  • the second is trig.

    Loop this

    angle =+ 1

    radius =+ 1

    x = cos( angle ) *radius

    y = sin( angle ) * radius

    then tinker as needed.

  • I should addendum. That the curve editor in question would be able to support more than one curve. The curve should have key's and tangets to support multiple curves. I'm not requesting a single curve based on an algorithm, but more complicated curve patterns.

    So to be a little more clear. I'm looking for this.

    http://math.hws.edu/eck/cs424/notes2013 ... ezier.html

    and not this


  • Oh assuredly one can use pure mathematical curves logorithms. In fact i use Lunaray, lerp and cubic here and there. However having actually used a full on bezier curve editor allowed for a lot more fine precision modifications easily.

    Spriters curve editor is more appropriate as an example to be user friendly. I've done the code wise and it works fine. But the editor style is just more of a pleasure to use.

    The alternative is to find a curve editor and create an evaluator plugin. Then use some copy paste the curve into string. It would be just more pleasant to use an in editor window to do so

  • Personally I think Maor has done an amazing job. He has managed to get the game running under Android well enough to publish. Especially since the game wasn't mobile optimized when the mobile part of the journey started. So I'm rooting that we can get this to work. This project would certainly be a testament to the human effort and larger games. Even if it's not something like Crysis

    I think bjadams has an idea. Might as well try it out. out of all the optimizing done you never know. A lot was changes on being more efficient on rendering on many levels.

    Good luck Maor. I think when you have a Mac on Friday that can help identify the problem.

    In the mean time. how about another experiment. Full game, but remove the audio from the project entirely. I wouldn't think there would be much of a problem with audio if it's not being called. but might as well experiment. audio also tends to unpack to larger sizes in memory.

  • Ashley

    Bezier Curve Object

    Bezier Curve window

    Ok. As part of my job I work with Unity. I wasn't into curves before. But after doing some unique animation, movement and all sorts of stuff. I found that bezier curves are magical, amazing and by far one of the most amazing tools to have in game development. I could manually write a bezier curve plugin and evaluator. However what I can't create is the window to create curves. That's an element of the IDE level we don't have.

    What would be fantastic would be a variable like instance based that stores as a Bezier Curve. That way the curve could be added to Objects, be a global variable or a group variable. So it would sit similar to Number,String

    Some of the stuff I have done with bezier curves.

    *Custom sized banners that animate the size to the speed for nice bounce effects.

    *Easily controlled "jump" effect objects(for not platforming game. just feed back for something simple)

    *Animate 30+ objects with different animations with a single set of frames with 1 animation.

    Let's start with Spriter a tool we have access to.

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    These are just some of the simpler stuff that can be done. However it shows that as a curve is evaluated position, scale, alpha can all be set based on a time. With curves having controllable tangents allows these evaluated to visual numbers can have some excellent effects.

    Here is an examples of both curves and algorithm

    http://www.motionscript.com/articles/bo ... shoot.html

    At work for my part of a project as a sample. The lead designer requested a procedural generated bush animation that could mimic different states of wind blowing.

    no wind, light win, medium winds, heavy, rapid. When looking at the art there were 40 sets of animated objects to work with. Most of the bushes, grass in various colour tones. The idea of making 40x5 animations was kinda daunting. Since this was procedural I took advantage of curves.

    I had 1 master curve that would represent the scenes wind strength at a long given period of time. The sample used 15 seconds. With the last 5 just representing calm to test out no wind.

    There were 6 curves timed at 0.5 to 1 second a piece. These child curves represented a percentage based animation frame. So 0 was 0 frame, 0.5 was middle frame, and 1 was last frame. So no matter how many frames there were there was a translation 0 to 1 as a percentage to match up the with the animation frames.

    A child curve then represented a cosine wave usually about 2-6 times over 1 second with all of them at varrying heights in the curve. Usually apx 20-30% difference.

    When a child had no animation(first and finished) it would evaluate the current time of the master curve and get the wind strength. Then it would get a random value from current-1 to current +1 out of the child range.

    In the end this produced a very nice wind like effect that conveyed the feeling of the wind at the time.

    Of course this could be just randomized and use more code like methods. however using curves made doing all of this a breeze. It was very enjoyable that just changing a curve would change the results.

    So it would be fantastic if you could please implement a curve window into C2 IDE. Spriter is awesome, but at times could be considered overkill.

    Please, please add bezier curves to the IDE. It would raise C2 productivity many fold on the visual side.

  • Tetriser

    Yep. More the Unity Asset Store than workshop, but then I don't know workshop all that well. Here is why.

    1. The community consists of divergent opinion on 3rd Party Plugins. We have those who will never touch non official plugins. And we have devs who throw any and every 3rd party plugin in. In fact in some cases it's so bad that dev's are throwing in broken plugins and obsolete plugins. Where as those who never use plugins are losing out on quality dev and time.

    An official asset store fixes both. It offers a ranked repository. Increases plugin quality(because low quality will get filtered out). And people who make good plugins could optional charge a cost. This will will have numerous effects as noted in 2.

    2. An asset store would improve every ones development time an quality. Offer financial aid to more advanced programmers. With the overall increase in quality this would get other developers to see C2 as more viable and mainstream. For example people could give/sell solid mobile templates for various games. Unique game controls. Right now there are some super clever code and stuff floating around in old forums posts. But unless you have been around for a few years people don't know about.

    So having an asset store. Improves everyones quality. Improves perception. Increases money flow to programmers with talent. Having an asset store would stop with these ideas that C2 is for prototyping or toy games.

  • Where possible I've started cramming all my controllable logic into an Every 0.033 tick. I generally create a "kernal" where the 0.033 tick will then just call functions that refer to the wanted code.

    This has helped a lot for more intensive math on mobile devices. Also Lunaray made a modified LiteTween which uses an update function. I often noticed intensive trig go from 15fps to 60fps. However I don't have control over any behaviors like platformed. If we can't good control on FPS what about LPS?

  • > I remember when Unity was for prototyping and making toy games. oh how far Unity has gone.


    Same probably could be said about game maker/studio.

    What Im not really fond with construct2 is pricing model, its not really sustainable. Once they will fill userbase and only small ammount of people will keep buying it wont be profitable to them and they might need to find new ways to monetize.

    im just hoping for the best for team because its really extraordinary tool to make html5 games.

    Your right. And for about 2 years I've been saying that Scirra should open up an IDE asset store. Where deveopers can share CAPX, Plugins and modular CAPX that work like plugins. They can be put up for free or for a cost. If it's for a cost then Scirra get's a slice.

    However. Regardless of their pricing model. That has little impact on how much it's a fantastic tool. I do agree there are stuff in C2 I would really like. Or some stuff that should change. But that is a discussion for another time and matter. Not here.

    C2 is more than just prototyping. However if that's what someone wants to use to prototype. Then yeah C2 is is the best 2d prototype out there. brining it home however... C2 has some hurdles.

  • It's not stupid, but the answer is lingering in the forums some where.

    PS4 will likely come in the future. When ever PS3 runs WebApps. Wii U does, so it would seem likely Sony will follow suit.

    Vita. I don't think so. But that would be cool.

  • I was going to look at the capx. But uses a SpriteFont that isn't official. I will pass on installing a plugin I won't use. Good luck. When sharing CAPXs the less thirdparty plugins the more likely someone will take a look.

  • I remember when Unity was for prototyping and making toy games. oh how far Unity has gone.