jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • I dont' see a requirement of your needs to change anything. What you need can already be done.

    For the host when the game starts go into PlayMode. When another joins kick them.

    As for ready state and play state. Just note those on the host.

    Tons of games have the features you want in standard host/play, but the mp system already supports it. You just needs to figure out how.

    Good luck on your project. However as a word of advice. Do simpler MP first. The MP world is an entirely different beast to tame. I've already seen developers think just because it's in c2 that MP suddenly becomes easy. While C2 does lower the programming barrier. There is not a low that makes MP all that simpler.

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  • Eisenhans

    Canada is starting to pick up on Black Friday. I believe this was due to Canadians going cross border and doing big online shopping on these days. So we are picking up on this for local shops to counter balance this spending behavior.

  • Yep. I think my request was done in 2012. But possibly under some form of improved inheritance..

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  • Could you give a case sample of your want.

    Why do you need to close the room?

    Why do you need to open a new room?

    Why do you need to do either after a round?

    You Rooms are not associate to layout. Just set a share variable between everybody that represents room state and use messages when a room state change occurs.

  • I heard Chrome had some legacy features removed which has caused an issue with Arcade. However Arcade has an update coming soon.

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  • Ashley

    Yes. That would be fantastic middle solution

    Trigger Button is down

    --loop through all to find who is down THEN function.call with controller info

    because right now it's

    Loop through all controllers

    -- check fro button A down

    -- check for button b down

    -- check for button c down

    -- check for analog x

    -- check for analog y


    With the top version I'm not constantly having too loop through all possible controller input every tick. Now it only checks the whom on the input when an input occurs. I like this way much better.

  • +10 vote with Shinkan. I see these "improve image editor" requests too many times a month. Instead the image editor needs to be reduces and increase the the features of animation, collision box, image points.

  • "Looks cool but I don't know how heavy it is if it is being used in runtime. I'm all in for something like this, but it seems like a big support request."

    I appreciate Dee explanation of some of the information. However I would also like to clarify on top. That DLamp does not generate Normal Maps at run time. Normal Maps are generated outside C2 and added to the project by other apps.

    "Without a proper shader or a sprite object that supports the separate maps, I find it hard to believe that this is actually feasible. Don't forget that for each Sprite object that we want this effect to be applied, we need at least one extra sprite overalyed, that will hold the "bump" effect. "

    Elios as a good point here. First it's feasible, but we have to create a little mini system to support this. It would be nice to have Sprite plugin to support Maps or a Behavior to support Maps. As it is right now. The best way is to create a MapLayer under/over? the sprite layer. Pin the Normal Map to the sprite. And set the layer to which ever layer it needs to be. There are samples of light mapping on the C2 forums here and there. However it's not as convenient as other systems, which attach the map to the texture groups or objects. But maybe some requesting to Ashley.

  • I 100% percent agree with you. The way it is very annoying and counter intuitive.


    A. Create an Input for each controller


    B. Iterate through each controller and check for state.

    both are not the best way to handle input.

    It would be a lot nicer to do

    OnControllerButton A

    --FunctionCall("FireAction", GamePad.ID)

  • Can you give a sample case where this would make a difference?

    As far as I understand this is a tablet that docks with a keyboard. If that's the case then the only aspect of the change is support for keyboard. So as long as you support keyboard/mouse and touch controls then I don't see any issue of Desktop/Tablet mode.

    The technology seems to be less about gaming features and more about change of how to use the computer feature. Which has little impact on game design. Except for control input. But a test sample would do wonders to put what your thinking into perspective.

  • I like this better than Sprite Lamp. I like the idea of these, but lamp required 4 images. I ilke the 1 image and produce on this one. Looks easier.

  • NodeWebKit is a platform and offer file access. However NodeWebKit plugin only works on the NodeWebkit platform. If you are using say Chrome, Crosswalk, Ejecta, HTML.... everything but NodeWebkit platform then the plugin won't store anything.

    So the question isn't which is stable(which is the same). It's what do you need? If your going to run on anything else than the NodeWebKit platform then you have to use WebStorage. If your only using NodeWebkit then do you need more advanced storage. I suggest reading up more on the plugins themselves to determine your needs.