jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • For such an endouvar I like to use

    Bullet behaviour

    with set angle to motion as OFF/NO

    per tick

    bullet: Set angle of motion angle(asteroid.xy, player.xy)

    bullet: set rotate angle z

  • agreed check to see if your using an object and not a variable. However if it is a variable make sure it's in the same scope.

    Which could be a global which is freely open and if it's a group make sure your reference is in the same grouping. I've done this a couple of times where I try to use a var which is in a different group :D

  • oooohhhh, just commenting. That will help me work on my metroidvania rpg like game in 6 or so months when I get started :D I was wondering how I was going to handle conversation scripts. This is good :)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Can you put a C2 game on IOS and Andoid. Yes.

    I know where your coming from. I know there more 3rd party steps to go through. However newt points it out. C2 exports html5 export ready for native distribution models.

    There is also a difference in misleading advertising and false advertising. False advertising would be the case that C2 has no way to be put on these platforms nor any support. However there is a bit of information that could be expanded on to make sure interested parties are well informed.

    Also to point out another person on the forums here experimented with Ejecta(from ImpactJS) and managed to get a C2 demo running. However the individual had to modify the webcode by hand to get it working. I don't see Scirra suddenly advertising Ejecta compatibility.

    So I will disagree with the OP opinion.

  • I'm sure in the newer beta release there is a basic catapult template to build off of.

    If you want to get the path. I suppose you could make an invisible sprite that shoots of on every angle change. Then draw a dotted line as it goes.

  • Yes you could make a SCUMM like game or AGILE engine using C2. I would love to see a generic capx that implements all of this generic basics that other people could build upon.

    Good luck. I can easily see C2 doing what you want.

  • the only thing painful to this great work. Is that it's not on mobile :( boo no webgl on mobile ;(

  • The is pretty much the mind set that I went to develop js games. I debated on using craftyjs, but then I stumbled onto to C2. phhhhh no brainer there. Hand code or let some else do most of that.

    HTML5 will end up being the base framwork that will be standard for "apps". It' too bad it uses emacs script(js) :|

    I think it also has to do with people get fed up with everyone creating so many different languages. Ruby, Python, Java, JS, Silverlight, .NET so on etc. While some fit great for certain purposes it's just getting to many.

    HTML5 bundle is multi component, it at least fairly uniformly cross platform and design in comparison to other cross platform languages.

    Also disruptive technologies is being bantied about far too often. HTML5 is not disruptive. It's too old. It's more a growing and capable technology that is slowly fitting into more uses effectivly as our computing devices are becoming more broad.

  • I believe there is a plugin that does 3d objects if your looking for rendering into 3d.

    THere is a copperlicht plugin and I believe 3dbox. There used to be a great stickied thread that had a great list of plugins and behaviours, but I can't seem to find them :|

    Also you can do the old style and create a ball that is composed of many 2d frames that mimics the angles for 3d.

  • I could be wrong, but I believe there was a discussion that the Scirra arcade was meant to be family friendly. So yes I do blieve there is a limiation to content.

  • Miu3 I have a question for you.

    The game commisions that you are getting. Does that also include the you doing the art assets? I would go commision also, but I can't really draw or do art assets in a professional manner.

  • Being someone who sits down weekly to play Table Top pen and paper rpgs(sigh to the fact I even need to mention Table at all). I find that most erpg's aren't very rpg'ish. So this game looks interesting to me.

    I've been wanting to take my BRPG(board rpg) and make it into C2 at some point in the future.

    If you can manage to capture the social experience that table top gaming brings and avoid the dickish online behaviour. I say go for it, but finish your first project since it's nearing completion.

  • "The Personal license

    All the free edition limits are removed with a Personal license. However, the rules for commercial use are different for individuals and organisations.

    Individuals may use a standard license for commercial purposes up to a revenue limit of $5000. Once revenues associated with creations made with Construct 2 exceed $5000 (including associated advertising/promotion) a business license must be purchased. However, no business license is necessary before that point.

    Not-for-profit organisations like schools, libraries and universities may use personal licenses to remove the free edition limits. Bulk discounts are available.

    Commercial organisations cannot purchase standard licenses: they must purchase business licenses."

    I'm pretty sure you can.

  • Rory will work. you can also do

    condition: on any keypress

    alertTime = wallclocktime + 10

    condition: every 1 second

    condition: wallclocktime > alert time

    -> do alert

  • Use ARRAY. This is what it's built for as you get a nice Download and Load feature using JSON storage. So it's a great way to use webstorage or AJAX.

    I can see you need a lot of data and I'm not sure if 3 levels deep is enough. I would suggest maybe an alternative storage model than 1 node = 1 piece of data. Check out the manual for Expression on strings and tokenate function. Tokenate splits string data by character.

    String = "name|x|y|gravity|wealth|minerals|foo|...."

    example = "Zebes|100|200|0.5|poor|low|hostile|...."

    so then you array can be


    Or you can use Spritebank(plugin) which I think will store all your sprite data and reload them when you want.


    By default browsers easily allow up to 5mb of data. Past that browsers prompt users for the website to use more data. However even at 200 systems * 10 planets. You will still have enough room.