jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • I really could use the compiling process. I hasn't managed to demo it yet either.

    I could use the compiling effort. I really appreciate the offer. I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later, but i'll take it :)

    dl.dropbox.com/u/14087254/DragonJoust.zip%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0exported for phonegap


    Afterward there is somekind of certificating? and as you same mainifest file to mod.

  • I have a prototype, but I'm banging my head on getting the phonegap instructions and getting it all working

    Also you got "enter" working. Does that map to one of the buttons or the start button?

    I also minimized my control scheme. It's a bit unpolished to use. But mine uses Left/Right   Up/Greenbutton(A on Xbox)

    I would love to submit it with some help. but I can't even get it to compile :(

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  • ok. so working with containers and i'm having a problem that as I understand should not be occuring.

    From the manual

    "Placing objects in a container has the following effects:

    If a condition picks one object in a container, every other associated object in its container is also picked.

    The third point is the main purpose of containers. Containers are also picked in events as a whole. This makes events treat containers as if they were one object. For example, if a condition picks a tank base instance, it also automatically picks the base's associated turret."

    This is actaully not happening. Picking seems to be very subjective to how containers work.

    Ok. So I have my player sprite. I use instances of the sprite to represent differnt playrs. however my sprite is part of a container. Which include leg and mouth sprites as attack sensors.(let's stick to leg)

    When my sprites leg sensor hit's an enemy the player bounces, gains some stamina and hp. however that's not what is happening. instead EVERY player bounces and gains hp and stamina.

    What's worse is that when PvP players hitting each other with the legs has worse effects. The player that is hit by the legs works, but the owner of the leg sensor isn't picked.

    Simply put. It seems that there is no picking going on or I'm missign something. So i'm asking here first.

    Here is how it looks

    -legattack "On collision with Fairy"

    +player platform vectory Y to -200 // this is to bounce

    +player add fairy.staminaRestore to stamina

    then this occurs to all players. So did I do somethign wrong?

  • Any update on the controller plugin for phonegap?

  • ok, so trying to use Spriter. I'm having difficulties with a mirroring effect. I read on a prior post that I can use -originalwidth.

    Doing this or mirror of the family in sprite just creates a mess of misplaced sprites.

    In Spriter trying to create mirror animation I can't find any width at all. And if I try to just flip the sprites the animation get's all twisty.

    I haven't found either way to make it work right. Anyone can help me get this right :)

  • I love you :) Thanks soooooo much :) time to move this from my proto's to my practical work states :D

    hugs and kisses :)

  • ugg. nm


    I had a couple of thoughts and did some tinkering. I'm starting to think my USB borked some file :|   well first for everything :D if an awesome person who knows the the xml scheme could figure what went wrong and maybe a fix. i would be very thankful.

    Hower, even if not capable. I can recreate it when I wake up.

  • Hey all. I tend to put my project on a usb so i can work on my prototype projects on the go. However, last night I decided I liked one of my proto's and started tinkering with it more as to maybe finish it.... however when i got home to load it up I got an error regarding a bad file for one of the xml files.

    here is my uistate

    PK      ڰ�?� c    DragonJoust.uistate.xml�T�j�@��S�+)-zX+�bZCv=��vdmX�ݑ��z�'�:��Ŏ��4��̛�#���K\?7v�vv�|Ȯ@[:��f��T���.�#Q~lu I�/��x���Z�[��I��AHAS��YBK�0�^�1 �m@�3��%B@"�`_�= ��=aI��� n�6��[qA��t%�, H��y�0N*~�ڵL� `^A�Z���F����Zź�k=��ʽ3�ǣHa�Z���r`]�C��7� �ɢ�q����ǭ ���4=���+�i���C=ddIz�'�!�lp�|[-n>%����](x��2I���hwJr}&�������bvw3�.�>0��_�JI1].g����b1��>.f���0��NC�HE "?

    ����q�7�kGON�7a��c�����K���=i<s��v��[^]TѪ����e<~/N���H}�V�=,��?�_�/g����`Q�F~O���;G����ku��PK      �*�� � !   Animations\player\Default\000.png�[��PNG      IHDR   ?   8   JZ g   sRGB ���   gAMA �� �a    cHRM z& �� �   �� u0 �` :� p��Q< "IDAThC�ZklSe�&Ā�c���h�o�!�2�2–us���� ��n+�N׮�h�܆s w��`���c������(�E�`� w���}��ѕӝ�gmMl����y�����f��!����KGF�_�|�Xֲe�KGGW<\���~��'+k�LNfM &-��Ջ�>#�k+��њ�9z�p0�,|��7@n�̡�%|Sg�cEπ��7     �����ba�^?�27�|?�df8�I�!��&��sOg�g     �3� �]���eMD2��k ���1�+�U

    �wK/?+g��<_(���꙰�]����� �c@N��-ܞQ�*�q ��fL8����p��\��x�Ai���>�2�? �Oж���M[B��`�h��ﺲ��V_���R(IK2��� X�� my alternatives are Hope someone who knows C2 better can offer a quick fix :) create a new one using a different project tempalte and guess all the info or start fresh :(

  • LOVE THIS GAME. This is awesome. Finish it.... or sell it on ios/android..... that might be hard actually.

    This is one of the best platformers I've ever played. There are no stupid monsters. The entire point is level.

    I don't know about most people. but throwing in monsters where they don't belong just spoils the level design. This is fantastic level design.

    It progressivly get's harder. The game doesn't punish you for dying. well not enough to throw the keyboard. It's tough.

    My last suggestion. Offer easy, normal and hard difficulty modes. that determine the length of the draw bar. Easy for 3s, Normal for 2s, and Hard 1s. That way people get the choices they want for challenge. otherwise I found 2s perfect for myself :)

    I hope you get to enter this game in a contest and win it. It get's my vote. and it get's my wifes vote. She doesn't even like platformers :D she found 1s to short :D... but she might really enjoy 3s option :D... anyways. great game :)

    ps. did forget to mention it. fix the jump. there is a response issue :|

  • link the capx?

  • That's great. Fun and simple..... i can't help be bitter that I can't finish any :D

    .... must..... pull self...... away

  • I like it, but maybe try it witht he feature of rotating the level instead of jodi.

  • I got around this by using Group local variables. I will often end up creating a group/event sheet for the level. Then define all the variables on the startup event. That way EVERYTHIGN in that group get's it. Even sub groups.

    Otherwise I tend to use level loaders, but mortar melon looks easier to do per level. good looking game btw :)

  • stop colliding with the table. turn that right of. remove the solid behaviour from the table. You don't want any solid behaviour in your game using this engine for what you want. you won't be able to use some of the nice benefits bullet. your going to have to do this manually for the effect you want. YOu really just try to create an old classic 2d tennis game :)

    create a new variables for your ball called depth and force

    get force based on the flick strength. You can find that in the touch.

    depth default starts at 0.

    As your ball is "thrown" it starts descending. Start decreasing depth and moving your ball forward. As your ball.depth goes down. Modify the size of your ball so it get's smaller.

    When your ball depth reach -30(abstract table depth) make you sound effect and then start increasing the depth towards 0. As it changes continue to resize the ball larger. This will simulate the bouncing.

    AS for your cups and collision. You will need 2 set's of object collisions. Rims and Cup holes.

    Everytick check for depth and overlap. your cups have a depth of -20(abstract).

    If your depth is 20 or less. Then check for overlapping. If overlapping rim then new angle based on the rim. If depth is 15 or less and overlapping cup. Then destroy cup.

    This of course is only an abstract model. You will need to implement, tweak and improve it :) good luck. but it's doable using this kind of system. Whiteclaws is right though. C2 doesn't support 3d collision. So you need to work around it and use old school development.

  • Isn't it fascinating that this exact question was asked yesterday :D