jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • Well honestly about half decade I cam to the conclusion that it's only a matter of time. A time when Browsers become OS. I still think that way, but that doesn't mean there aren't hurdles to overcome.

    6gb games are still to large to play through a web browser for heavy reasons. Lack of file storage structure, download times are pretty hard knocks against the technology. Clearing a cache will erase the game. Then if you go into downloadable Webapps, then the technology is almost an environment unto it's own.

    browsers also aren't exactly friendly towards resoruce sharing. Security is heavy handed. nope, while graphical fidelity is going along nicely there are many other factors that just don't work out so well.

    but who knows what the future holds and how browsers may change :)

  • There isn't without re writing your code every where. I have one temporary solution and one permanent solution for future use.

    Temporary to quick fix your problem

    Global Var HPTransition

    On Layout End

    -- HPTransition = player.health

    on Layout Start

    -- player.health = HPTransition


    Dictionary Object name Global

    On Layout End

    -- Global.set("HP", player.health)

    on Layout Start

    -- player.health = Global.get("HP")

    Long term solution.

    Whenever creating your game and you either need to check or change a value for players, enemies or objects. Create a Group Object with functions to use as Getters and Setters.

    Player Functions // this is a group

    OnFunction "fPlayer.getHP"

    • return player.hp

    OnFunction "fPlayer.addHP"

    • player.hp + Fn.Param(0) // -num will work as subtraction for add&sub

    Using said functions. Never use any other form of accessing the players.hp. Only use the getter and setter function

    Event collision with enemy

    -- FunctionCall( "fPlayer.addHP", -10)

    Event collision with hazard

    -- FunctionCall( "fPlayer.addHP", -5)

    -- FunctionCall("check death")

    Event collision with health restore

    -- FunctionCall( "fPlayer.addHP", 20)

    OnFunction "CheckDeath"

    -- if(Function.Call(fPlayer.getHP) <= 0)

    ---- do deeath stuff

    As you can see none of your game logic every looks at or modifies your player HP outside of the dedicated functions. This means that if you need to transition your variable player.hp to global hp you can with minimal effort

    Player Functions // after modification

    global var HP

    OnFunction "fPlayer.getHP"

    • return HP

    OnFunction "fPlayer.addHP"

    • HP + Fn.Param(0) // -num will work as subtraction for add&sub

    good luck :) If your project is big. it's worth going over an applying organized code structure. If it's a smaller project, then just hack what you need :)

  • Ashley has mentioned that C2 will not provide it's own Concurrent Versioning System(CVS). Instead you will need to use another system for such activities. I think a suggestion was DropBox, but maybe Bitbucket or some form of file driven GitHub maybe.

  • construct.net/en

    when you click the "download license" a list of instructions shows up to tell you want to do with your license file.

  • CocoonJS. There is personally no other viable option at this time. Phonegap has no canvas acceleration, appmobi acceleration is iffy depending on hardwre.

    Cocoonjs is getting webgl soon which will pretty much end debate in regards to performance.

    GameClosure and Pender are great alternatives, but will requiring to get your hands dirty on the coding level. CJS is easy to use.

    When it comes to the situation the Debugger/IDE and Modularity/MP/Tilemap all comes down to the type of support. Improve current support on a technical level or continue efforts to grow a community. Technical improvement only really help the upstream developers which is a smaller group of people. Where as community features help the whole.

    Do we need a debugger now. No, should a debugger be soon on the list yes. Personal order of implementation that I think would support Scirra best.

    * Stronger highering efforts :D

    * Modularity

    Reduce the barrier and increase plugin development.

    * Tilemap(elements that bridge different communities)

    I don't see it. But there is TMX creators on the web. This leveraged an already existing tool and community. This would lean support from other TMX game makers to look at C2 more. More tools and communities to intermingle the better that strengthens our community. I will add that the pathing system be added with this one :D

    * Debugger

    * IDE improvements

    * Multiplayer

    I want this in the number one position. But all the other prior factors would make this one better as a down the road plan.

    * Platform support


    Your on a developer forum. :D

    I really, really want the multiplayer. However, I cast my vote for modularity. The reason I vote for this is because the modularity will be far more valuable as an infrastructure. For C2 overall, the community and best of all for multiplayer down the road.

    Having C2 created plugins, exhangable Sheets and so many other community yummy's will make every better overall.

    Being able to share say a touch analog dual object is way better than sharing the capx. being able to pop in such features major community bonus.

    So with modularity structure in place. It will be far easier for the community to support multiplayer. Though that doesn't change I would rather have MP :D

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  • Actually even on an Export to CocoonJS for IOS or Android. It's in fact running on effectivly a browser based technologies. Often either using Mozilla or Chromes V8 to handle JavaScript. A UIWebView which is a minimal browser window.

    However, often many of the extention features are lacking. Audio, Mic, camera, tilt GPS. Then the writers of the wrapper link them it.

    In away Its' a custom browser with the only job of running the one web application as fast as possible.

  • So how is it? I hear the 3DS is getting Monster Hunter, I love MH :) How is the browser?

  • fantastic :) I'm glad you managed to get it working. Looks and plays pretty darn well :)

    did you do your own art. It looks great :)

  • NM, I ran it off as a theory. Since JS would allow this kind of theory. However, after shifting one of my prototypes over to the design. It won't work. Function OnFunction"" must be a constant. Not a variable of anykind. So I also tried global's. which didn't work either :|

    it seems that the On Function even requires a string. This is annoying. However it can still work Action and OnCall.

  • lunaarray easeTween please. It's b...dy awesome. Though it could use some polish. I find all the options and how it's layed out to be unintuitive. but it's been a great, fantastic tool that has made my simple animation jobs a lot easier.

    Also an official version is great, because then it's allowed on the scirra arcade.

  • ugg. I'm having troubles with my computer at the moment. I upgraded my router and for some reason I can't preview over LAN at the moment. I will check on it as soon as I have that going.

  • MouseOver object

    --opacity 50%..... check working :)

    X MouseOver Object

    Once while true

    --opacity 100%

    that should be what you are looking for. A invert of MouseOver object, then a trigger once.

  • well how about posting you capx. so I can get a hands on look. I can't see what's wrong by images. Yet what I put up is working on my device.

    Also the information of

    * testing device

    * OS

    * version