Javanie's Forum Posts

  • You're welcome :)

  • lol, sorry I tough you want to disable the iframe scrolling on iOS, sorry for my bad.

    Here the example,

    Edit 1 :

    Note: Test it on mobile, not on pc browser.

    Edit2 :

    Tested on xcode iOS simulator:

  • thanks for your suggestion!

    Where should I add: iframe src="" scrolling="no" ?

    Sorry, I am forget HTML5 no longer allows the scrolling attribute on an <iframe>. Use css instead, on your css : "overflow" auto change to "overflow" hidden.

    For iOS 9+

    body {
     overflow: hidden;
     position: relative;
  • try add this <iframe src="" scrolling="no"></iframe> then combine with css:

    	.iframe {
    		overflow: hidden;
  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hello again! I'm trying to test ads with Admob, but nothing happens both when I preview in browser and when I tested a debug apk on my phone. I believe I have the proper interstitial ID set (however, am I supposed to put the App ID somewhere? I just pasted it into the banner ID since I don't use any banner ads). By the way, there is a third option on Admob for rewards that I wanted to use, but I don't see an ID slot for it in the CS2 plugin.

    I want to let the player earn a life by watching an ad. I have the event set so that when the life icon sprite is tapped, to preload interstitial ad. Then on interstitial received, to show it. But when I run my game, it doesn't do anything. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!

    AdMob ads only can appear on native mobile platform, if you want to try I have video tutorial for "AdMob Rewarded Video Ads"

  • After adding this line to the config xml phonegap can build the apk for my project successfully.

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-ad-admob" spec="1.0.112" />

    However, the resulting apk fails to work in emulator and in actual android phone. When I remove the admob object from the project then everything is ok.............

    Now cocoon is dead already, is there any new tutorial that can tell exactly how to get admob to work with contruct 2 games?

    Alternative way you can try, hopefully can help.

  • Hi, anytime and you're welcome.

    You can use shorten url like bitly or actually, example Scirra address on google map:,-0.1948931,17.92z/data=!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sscirra!3m4!1s0x48760c8e76cfffff:0x4c00075f30af7814!8m2!3d51.456598!4d-0.195597

    then shorten using and the result next step use this shorten url inside your app/game.

  • Make one variable with text type, example variable name is URL_Map then insert variable value: ('" & Geolocation.Latitude & "," & Geolocation.Longitude', '_system')

    Next step, use Browser Execute JS and use variable name "URL_Map" without quote.

  • Hi, no problem.

    Just use browser Execute javascript then add (select one):

    //For open URL using system browser use this:

    "'', '_system');"

    //For open URL using Cordova InAppBrowser use this

    "'', '_blank');"

    Also don't forget in your config.xml have:

    <access origin="*" />

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" />


    Note: This will not working when you run layout preview on PC Web browser.

  • Hi, you're welcome.

    I can't answer your question about "Does Scirra no longer support this plugin that is part of Construct 2?", maybe this post can answer your question:

    Scroll down until you find heading "THE FUTURE'.

  • Alternative method you can try hopefully can help.

    • Post link icon

    You can use cordova-plugin-ringtone to set an audio file as ringtone, notification tone or alarm tone.

    Call the plugin JS function using browser object.

    If your Android target SDK 22+ then you need cordova-diagnostic-plugin to prompt app permission before using this plugin. For how to implement this plugin in Construct 2 you can watch video tutorial

  • Are you mean the new page design without search feature on this tutorial page?

    You can use google, just type:

    For Construct 2 Tutorial *Your Keyword here*

    example platform tutorial

    For Construct 3 Tutorial *Your Keyword here*

    example platform tutorial