Jase00's Forum Posts

  • Ruskul You'll find yourself under-productive, waiting for an off chance that something will change.

    Wise words, can apply to so many things in life. Need it framed and placed next to my monitor.

  • I wonder but haven't tested: Once you export with nwjs and disallow chrome dev tools, can a player force chrome dev tools back on? Would it be easy as opening package.nw and adding an extra parameter, or more tricky?

    I am not sure the power of chrome dev tools, and I'm sure minifying would obsfucate variable names and such, but I suppose maybe worth knowing in case you had browser log commands that output important info since you'd assume noone would see it.

    Assuming you could run JS this way, would there be any common vector of attack that someone could exploit?

    Random example relating to multiplayer, is it obvious for someone to write some JS to force-send messages to host or peers? Or would it be easy to write JS to "output any incoming messages into browser log" to gather information about messages (and thus exploit further)?

  • Thanks as always for the very descriptive explanation, Ashley!

  • Very very interesting!

    So, assuming someone plays with webgl1, if you have a game with a LOT of load image from url, is there a likely performance impact? I prob need to force webgl1 and measure.

    I'm curious what load image from url does under the hood - I presume it kinda tells the C3 runtime "hey, this specific frame of this specific animation must display this single image file". I assume this means the image that we get from load image from url is not somehow injected into a power of 2 image (or maybe it does?).

    Does it matter if you change 10,100,1000, or 10000 images like this? I'm very interested in making projects that rely on EVERYTHING being loaded via url externally (making it easy for me to expand the project with extra content, as well as modders), so good to plan ahead accordingly!

    Definitely need to measure but still just curious overall.

  • On the topic of mod support, I think C3 is excellent for this as it stands, but I do wonder if there could be just a few bits extra (I say "just a few bits", but probably enormous work behind adding such things), probably need to add a suggestion.

    Exposing extra bits to allow things such as, adding/removing animation frames, adding animations, adding/removing/setting/getting the collision polygon, setting origin point x and y, adding image points.

    Also keeping consistency with all objects, so SpriteFont could use Load from URL and allow more exposure to other parts of SpriteFont via events so we can essentially have fully-customised fonts. Particle object could benefit from Load from URL too, whilst we do have sprite option for particles, we lose the performance gains by doing this.

    One extremely important addition would be having the option to load unique images for a sprite, perhaps a good method could be having a new action like "use image set" and then pass a name, so then we could have hundreds of externally-loaded objects into the game without having to workaround everything or have 100 empty sprites to load images into. I don't see this as straightforward, as, if you had more frames for a mod, then how to determine this with a "use image set" action... Maybe a "Mimic image data from other sprite" action... Who knows, there's probably a good idea here somewhere.

    This can all be technically worked around but it's an enormous amount of work that doesn't utilise C3's excellent tools such as the animation system and image points and such (e.g. You can make your own origin point system via events and such even with rotation around the image point, can use collision polygon from a mesh although very tricky since you can't have a mesh with just an "outline" of points).

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  • Just to be super clear, like, having a special "On Signal" that can pass SOL and parameters, which is almost exactly like a function except with ability to have multiple event blocks with same "On Signal" tag, right? Correct me if I'm missing something!

    If that's the case, then, at this moment, I don't see what could be made with this updated "On Signal" that couldn't be made with a function. By having multiple event blocks with same trigger name, then, well, any time you do a "Signal" event and enter some parameters and pass SOL, it's gonna pass all these paramsters and SOL to each event block with same signal tag... So it kinda just works like a function, except separated into different blocks? So the one benefit being organisation? Or is there a logical/technical thing that can be gained that I'm missing?

    So assuming signal was updated, then upon doing a signal, it'd instantly trigger all those event blocks with same signal tag, one after the other - so if this is the case, couldn't the same exact results be achieved by using a function? The signals will only run one after each other, so could just use function and place all events in same order as your multiple "on signal" triggers.

    Perhaps if there's a quick easy example, like an explainable situation that can fit in a paragraph or two?

    I want to agree if it's going to grant us power, but just need to understand better.

  • > > E.g. player would select scale factor 1, 2, 3, 4 etc and it would resize the window based on that.


    > Why not use letterbox integer scale? That essentially does that and supports any window size. So then you shouldn't have to be trying to change the window size.

    The key aspect is that the player should be able to select this in an option screen instead of having to manually adjust the window size by dragging the corners, which doesn't give a professional impression. Especially for selling games on Steam where it's common to get negative reviews for missing these type of settings.

    Attached two screenshots from Celeste and my own previous game for reference (Velocity Noodle).

    Heh... To have Vsync in options for a C3 project... One can dream.

    But yes, I agree with this, better to have scaling option rather than manually adjusting the window size, particularly for pixel games. Could argue that "just set to fullscreen " but sometimes players might have a monitor resolution that shows black bars with integer scaling - so a cleaner windowed mode that's perfectly sized is more appealing.

  • Hmm, I wonder if there could be equivalent plugin to NWJS but for webview to do some fundamentals such as window positioning and sizing. But at least there's 2 chances of that happening with either Scirra or the community creating this!

  • As someone that's just started using containers for linking arrays/dictionaries/JSON to sprites (usually I stored UIDs in instance variables), having them work with families would be amazing! I'm fairly sure it is true that families cannot be in containers, but need to double check.

  • Here is an example of what I can see using C3 on an ultrawide:



    (cropped out my taskbar)

    Omg I need this in my life NOW. You can read all events clearly and even have 3 columns of side-bars!!

  • Interesting question! I'm fairly certain that it's about how much money you make from selling your game. But Scirra will have the right answer and I'm sure they'll chime in.

    It's interesting because, if you used C3 as a tool for yourself to make visuals and such for a stream or videos, and those streams/videos earned you millions, then... Should you need a business licence with C3, or not, since it's not a sold game?

  • It does not remember where popup windows are positioned unfortunately, and doesn't remember that they are popped out, so you just popout and position every time you use C3. I wonder if it's possible to have this implemented, I think I've seen some use JS to move the window around, so maybe!

    I agree with 1440p, although I'm super curious how an ultra wide would be.

    Going back to 1080p on a smaller laptop I have, I've personally found that I don't have enough width! I zoom the event sheet text out and it starts to become harder to read on a smaller 1080p display. But! We can mount layers/project files/properties into 1 area and then tabs appear to switch between them, which is honestly extremely handy and we should really explore this more, there might be a more optimal setup!

  • I use 2 monitors with Construct! You can right-click pretty much any window and click "pop out" or something, then you can drag it to a different window.

    I usually put my "Find" results, on a 2nd monitor, but you can put your bookmarks, another event sheet, and well pretty much anything over to a 2nd monitor.

    I haven't tried a ultra wide monitor but I'd LOVE to try that, and I have a feeling that C3 will adapt very well.

    Pro tip if you ever make online multiplayer game: Hold ALT whilst clicking "Preview", and it will give you a 2nd preview window, which you can drag onto your 2nd monitor and observe 2 players connecting online (can keep doing ALT+Preview to make even more previews windows if needed).

  • You can achieve this by using a "pixellate" effect (a default effect in C2/C3), and setting pixel size to 1, and having linear sampling for project settings.

    Only downside is, at least in C3, the sprite must be perfectly square, otherwise the effect doesn't seem to apply. If this is different in C2, then you could simply add this effect to an entire layer and get nice crisp pixel art whilst having linear sampled game.

  • Yeah we all want to see this software go far, Scirra's team and subscribers alike. Hope we get to a good middle ground. Maybe the solution is beyond what's been suggested here and needs a whole new approach. Anything that bridges the gap between freedom and safety.