Problem Description
construct 2s 'platform' behavior has a small re-positioning glitch that sometimes occurs when you collide with the side of a 'jump-thru' behavior floor object. it seems to occur when the lowest point of the platform object is within a certain distance from the highest point of the jump-thru object. it re-positions the platform object to be atop the jump-thru object causing a sudden and noticeable glitch.
Attach a Capx
Description of Capx
The CapX simply features an automatically moving platform object moving from left to right. jump-thru objects are positioned around the layout at specific heights to demonstrate the collision problem.
Steps to Reproduce Bug
no input is required. running the project will demonstrate the bug several times as the auto moving object collides with the edge of jump-thru objects.
Observed Result
The platform behavior object collides with the jump-thru object while its lowest point is several pixels lower than the highest point of the jump thru object, and the platform object is abruptly re-positioned to standing atop the jump thru object causing a sudden and noticeable jitter.
Expected Result
The platformer object should fall thru the jump-thru object if its lowest collision area is any number of pixels bellow the jump thru objects highest collision area. then there would never be a jitter or at least only a re-positioning of 1 pixel would be possible.
Affected Browsers
Chrome: (YES/)
FireFox: (YES/)
Internet Explorer: (unchecked)
Operating System and Service Pack
windows 7.7 service pack 1
Construct 2 Version ID