JackieChan's Forum Posts

  • Problem Description

    Moving a sprite right and hitting a wall triggers the is not moving condition, but moving a sprite left and hitting a wall doesn't trigger the is not moving condition.

    Also the debugger says the sprite's vector x and y are not 0, but the text object says they are 0.

    Attach a Capx

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ftv6nsm9k3rwv ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    The text object shows you the sprite's vector x and y and it shows you if the sprite is moving or not.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Move the sprite to the right until you hit a wall.
    • Move the sprite to the left until you hit a wall.
    • Move the sprite up or down until you hit a wall.

    Observed Result

    The text object says the sprite is not moving when moving right when hitting a wall, but it says the sprite is moving when it's moving left and hits a wall.

    And the debugger shows different values than the text object for the vector x and y like in the pictures below.

    Moving right and hitting a wall: https://i.imgur.com/5QJbSES.png

    Moving left and hitting a wall: https://i.imgur.com/YDFPX9R.png

    Expected Result

    The text object should always say is not moving when hitting any wall.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • FireFox: YES
    • Internet Explorer: YES

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • I added the collision tag suggestion to the official suggestion system and you can vote to see it in construct 3 here: https://construct3.ideas.aha.io/ideas/C3-I-203


    I don't have another link for it.

    R0J0hound Can you please reupload your link because the old one doesn't work.

  • R0J0hound

    I think I found a bug where the paste layer and paste object actions paste invisible objects.

    Link to bug: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3gfk7plpsm9vj ... .capx?dl=0

  • I added this idea to the official suggestion system and you can vote to see it in construct 3 here:


    You can even vote on it multiple times so everyone please give your energy so we don't have to use workarounds for this.

    Also, the construct 3 workaround list for this feature is here: ignore-selected-solids-workaround-list-for-construct-3_t190186

  • IMPORTANT: I added this idea to the official suggestion system and you can vote to see it in construct 3 here:


    You can even vote on it multiple times so everyone please give your energy so we don't have to use workarounds for this. Let's vote to get this idea to the top of the list!

    Zebbi , Ruskul , Aher0 , Scofano , digitalsoapbox , Colludium , Waltuo , megatronx , tgeorgemihai , Tokinsom , Elliott

    In construct classic the platform behavior has ignore list actions that you can use to select which solids you want to have collisions with and which solids to ignore collisions with, but this feature is not in construct 2 or 3.

    Below are the workarounds you can use to get this same effect in construct 3.

    1. Use the default Physics behavior to create your own movement, then use the "Enable/disable collisions" action to choose which solids to ignore.

    2. Use R0J0hound's collision filtering example that was made using events.

    Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i1vr8srq201gw ... .capx?dl=1

    3. Make your own movement using the custom movement behavior or without using behaviors at all.

    4. Make your own "stop movement" or "push out" system that could push the objects out of selected solids when overlapping them.

    If anyone knows any other workarounds let me know so I can add them to this list.

    To view the construct 2 workarounds for this feature, check out this thread:


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  • In this thread I will list ways to improve the preview times of construct 2 projects.

    1. Change your preview browser.

    Using lots of animations frames can DRASTICALLY increase preview times, even if you don't have any events!

    So if you have a sprite with lots of animation frames like this example: dropbox.com/s/4fphcl68artl6jm/long%20preview%20times%201.capx

    or if you have many sprites with very view animation frames like this example: dropbox.com/s/cmhz198rkan8eyu/long%20preview%20times%202.capx

    Your game can take a long time to preview. But changing your preview browser can reduce preview times greatly.

    Surprisingly, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge preview much faster than Chrome and Firefox for me.

    2. Uncheck preload sounds.

    This can decrease preview times if you use a lot of sound effects. This doesn't affect music files though.

    If you know of any other ways to decrease preview times please let me know so I can add them to this list.

  • Zebbi You want to ignore specific solids with the platform behavior right?

    Construct classic had this feature and it had ignore list actions.

    I made an example of what you want here: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fi ... 8541791130

    The example I posted requires construct classic to open. Is this the type of feature you want in construct 2?

  • Yes my graphics card is up to date and the problem happens on my 2nd mouse too.

    I'm still getting the issue here. Did you test it on chrome? The bug only happens in chrome for me.

  • Problem Description

    When you hold the left mouse button and drag a layout above the webpage, then release the left mouse button. The mouse object doesn't function correctly. It causes the on mouse button down condition to return true even when the mouse button is not down.

    Also the cursor changes into a black circle.

    This bug only affects chrome with the fullscreen in browser setting switched to off.

    Here's a video of the bug. The bug starts at 0:05


    Attach a Capx

    http://www.mediafire.com/download/6m30c ... litch.capx

    Description of Capx

    The text changes to "the left mouse button is down" when the left mouse button is down and "the left mouse button is not down" when the left mouse button is not down.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Create a new empty project.
    • Set the preview browser to chrome.
    • Set "fullscreen in browser" to off.
    • Run the layout.
    • Hold the left mouse button and drag the layout above the webpage, then release the left mouse button.
    • Drag your cursor around the layout and your cursor will change to a black circle and the mouse object will not work correctly.

    Observed Result

    The text says the left mouse button is down even though the left mouse button is not down.

    Expected Result

    The text should say the mouse button is not down when the left mouse button is not down.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • FireFox: NO
    • Internet Explorer: NO

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release r228

  • Problem Description

    If you hold the left mouse button down while dragging your cursor across the screen, Sprite 1 will move to your cursor's position when you release the left mouse button.

    But if you hold the left mouse down while dragging your cursor across and past the list box object, sprite 1 won't move to your cursor's position when the left mouse button is released.

    This bug also breaks the drag and drop behavior as shown in layout 2.

    Here's a video of the layout 1 bug. The bug starts at 0:08


    And here's a video of the layout 2 bug. The bug starts at 0:06


    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    Layout 1 moves sprite 1 to the cursors position when the left mouse button is released.

    Layout 2 allows you to drag sprite 2 around the layout with the mouse.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Hold The Left Mouse Button Down.
    • Drag the mouse over and past the list box object.
    • Release The Left Mouse Button.

    Observed Result

    Sprite 1 will not move to the cursor's position when the left mouse button is released. Also my cursor changes into a black circular caution sign.

    Expected Result

    Sprite 1 should move to the cursor's position when the left mouse button is released.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • FireFox: NO
    • Internet Explorer: NO

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 228

  • You are right. C2 doesn't know the right moving one needs to be resized so I specified a "ChangeThisOne" variable to tell the difference.

    Also my second request is fixed as well, and it's in the second layout. Here's the finished cap:

    Link: dropbox.com/s/t7d0jravc14y2kc/overlapping%20same%20object%20check%20variables.capx

    Thanks blackhornet! You fixed everything! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • It's almost working, but I actually need the sprite moving right to change it's size to 50,50 not the one that's moving left.

    And why does the sprite in the top left corner, This sprite:

    Why does it have its size changed to 50,50? It should stay the same since it doesn't overlap a sprite with a powerup.

    Sorry about all the questions guys!

    It's just that getting the same object type overlap to work is extremely confusing for me since it doesn't work like a normal overlap between two different object types.

  • No the power value doesn't change with the change in size, but what if I needed it to? Can you show me how to do both?

  • I think of it as the second sprite being a different object.

    Like instead of the 2nd sprite being a green sprite, what if it was a red sprite? If the second sprite was a different object the event would work perfectly, but I need both sprites to be the same object type.

  • I tried changing it to work but it still doesn't. If a sprite with a powerup overlaps another sprite with a powerup only the 1st one should change to 50,50 but it's not working.

    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/hg4fv ... ables.capx