irina's Forum Posts

  • I see that problem is in variable "rotAngle" wich i dont know how to adjust to dergees.


  • ah... ok.

    Its working now.

    I must say entire scirra site is kinda in slo-mo lately.

  • Ok, it rotates a bit longer (full 360) but still it has end and it wont rotate permanently... :(

  • Yes ... but on double tap it rotates 45+45 at once... thats whats bothering me. :(

  • California

    Both of those sugestions produce instant rotation and not nice scrolling... :(

  • beufreecasse

    i was trying that in order to avoid on double key tap to rotate 90? at once.

    I want it to rotate step by step. Untill first rotation step is not finished next one shud not begin.

    Is there any other way to produce that?

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  • For some reason i cant reply on my last topic... <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    this is what i have so far:

    And it works on left arrow (but only one full circle and i woild like it to continue indefenetly)

    But on right arrow stops aftre first click and thats it... no more movement.

    Is there any kind soul to help me out on this?

    Thank You!!!

  • Im trying now with

    System: set layer angle

    anglerotate(LayerAngle(0), LayerAngle(0)-45, 45)

    This is better becouse it rotates particles too but i dont know how to set nice smooth transition... it just jumps by 45? :(

  • its not working... :(

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  • This is how it looks now.

  • Hm... its not working.

    how exactly to:

    When the layout has finnished rotating, set the variable to 0 again

    Couse i think im making error on this point.

  • I have some problems with seting my entire layer to rotate on keyboard.

    1. I'w managed to create rotation per 45� in arrow keys but i have problem if key is pressed again until first 45� transitiion is not yet finished... than mine 45� become eg. 45�+ 15� and everything falls apart.

    im usnig this formula:

    left arrow: set rotate to target angle to (immage.Angle + 45) % 360 , clockwise

    right arrow: set rotate to target angle to (immage.Angle - 45) % 360 , clockwise

    how can i make that mine arrow key rotates immage 45� and if pressed twice it wont apply rotation again untill reached exactly 45th degree?

    2. i cant make my particles rotate (once they are created) along with rest of the screen? I'm assuming that i can only rotate point of origin and not each particle on the fly... is that correct?

    Can particle rotation be even achieved at all in this manner?

    Thank you!

  • Help needed...

    I am looking for a way to apply an event when object stops movement.

    Anybody got some idea how to do that?


  • That is what i am aiming for but cant figure out how to set sleeping false auto as soon as they start rolling again... :(

    I guess ill wait for your example tomorrow.


    I think i'w solved the problem for now...