This new one is even better...
hm.... i got this now whet i run capx
Javascript error!
SyntaxError: in strict mode code, functions may be declared only at top level or immediately within another function, line 193 (col undefined)
I'w downloaded latest zip and extracted it properly.
I can start new project but i cant open their capx or my own game capx
it says:
Cannot find action by ID
Can you please set on dropbox proper plugin and capx for us?
Please... write a review, rate.... etc.
You feedback is most appreciated... Is it interesting, to hard, to easy!?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
My bad... i missed that...
i will switch to that topic.
it wont open my capx...
error says:
... did anyone tryed my game?
hm... to me their capx i still totaly screwd... no?
does anyone have capx that works?
it's not that i don't value their work...
but you simpliy can't say it is done and set it live and then realized that it dont work... they put plugin live some week ago and attached capx... and they both simply dont work!!!???
Man, i can't believe how incompetent they are...
It seems that we dont have any tutorials on this matter...
Can anyone give me some pointers / examples on how to implement IAP for game with no adds?
Thank you!
Looks really nice... no free version?
Hello all...
Here's mine first creation on AppStore:
Please... feel free to comment, rate.... etc.
Is it interesting, to hard, to easy!?
It seems like mine icon now has some wierd black aura (i left some transparency around it) so i must submit yet another fix.