irina's Forum Posts

  • iw tred that but units are behaving unrealistic... pushing eachother every wich way...

    only way i think of it that could be done in realistic manner is when units are selected we set that number to variable and on move click we create same number of destinations in certain formation so that each unit targers its own destination (that coordinate save in units variable) spot and than move them in order of proximity... closest starts first and so on.

    And then use FOW for speed corrections so when unit has in designated FOW other unit it reduces its speed untill fow is clear... and call that units variable to recalculate path to target.

    but i dont know how to set each selected unit to its position in formation... but i think that is the key.

  • megatronx


    Any success on this matter?


  • nah.. its all ok... hes approach has flaws.

    basicly bullet travel distance must be replaced with something better becouse disabling units bullet and platform at destination causes that following unit overlaps it if it has not yet reached desired travel distance.... especialy if it gets pushed by another unit from behind.

  • Thanks, i'w seen and tryed that also... but its not working as it should... units still overlap eachother when in large number and are guided (moved) several clicks in the row and theres no pathfinding involved.... try my capx

    Existing C2 pathfinding is not good for multiple units with colision.

    I have a basic idea what needs to be done... but since i am not coder i can't produce desired AI behaviour...

  • Fireche

    hi, iw tryed your approach but i still have units overlaping eachother after several clicks with larger group of units...

    please... can you take a look... am i missing something here?


  • TheWrappening

    Thank you but iw been doing that for some time now and theres nothing like what i need outthere...

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  • Hello,

    I am trying for quite some time now to create units movement like in RTS games but with no luck...

    I am willing to pay someone that can produce such smooth movement.

    So that units use pathfinding but also interact/colide with eachother (not overlaping eachother and don't bounce of eachother etc.) and with other units/statics while moving.

  • hm... noone thinks this is a good idea?

  • Hello!

    I recently encountered some serious problems when using multiple behaviours.

    I noticed that they very offten colide with eachother and break the desired combination of behaviours.

    I would like to propose to Ashley and Tom to allow us to chose and set behaviours hierarchy.

    Curently we have in behaviour selection window option to move particular behaviour up or down but i did not notice any functional difference (correct me if im mistaking).

    Could you guyz set behaviours hierarchy acordingly to their defined position in units behaviour window so that second only work as long as it dont breaks the logic of the first one... and so on... and on...

    I think that would be very helpful in creating some complex behaviour combos.


  • Colludium

    Omg, played the demo and.... game shuld be called " a 1000 ways to die! "

    other than that... looks great!

  • Ashley

    Please try my capx .. at 90° it counterspinns... to 0° and vice versa depending on the moition of the body.

    Is it a bug or am i doing it wrong?

  • Do you have any ideas how can i achieve desired effect (moving the body and that its parts move acordingly and interact with the solids along the way)?

    thank you!

    PS: ... or anyone else for that matter!?

  • Sisyphus

    thank you for this input...

    Do you have any ideas how can i achieve desired effect (moving the body and that its parts move acordingly and interact with the solids along the way)?

    thank you!

  • Problem Description

    when body moves in circular fashion attached arm follows as sopposed but at certain angle just goes bezerk and counterspinns till it settles in a starting angle.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    body sprite has car movement so just try to drive it in circle

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • move with arrow keys body sprite in circle.

    Observed Result

    attached arm sprite at certain angle makes a spin on its own.

    Expected Result

    well.. if im not doing something wrong i would expect arm sprite to follow its body within designated angels?

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (not tested)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 7 64 pro uptodate

    Construct 2 Version ID

    latest stabile build 206

  • huh... am i doing something wrong here or shall i report this as a bug?