irina's Forum Posts

  • Horrible color selection on this new forum :(

    Hurts my eyes!

  • ...user also need internet access to even get your game, no?

    start here:

  • you must decide do you want to bind score, save game state etc. to user (can play on diferent machines eg. PC, notebook etc. ) or to single machine?

    I would recommecnd to bind personal data to user account (thats why we have login to every game) rather than to a machine.

  • Ashley

    Maybe you can help me?

    Is there a way, when notification is read / activated, to open an app in dedicated layout?

  • its not opening a default APP?

    I was hoping that it works like that google map URL method iw posted, where that URL first try to open google maps APP (if you have it installed) and then (if theres no APP installed) opens google map in browser.

  • Kyatric

    Using the browser object and using the URLs provided by Facebook and Twitter will allow you to post and share whatever you want from your game.

    Use the "Open URL in new window" action and provide the appropriate URL/message.

    myVariable is a variable (possibly global) that value is either text or numbers.

    For Twitter :

    "twitter://post?text=" & urlencode("My message with #hashtags and directed @twitterhandle and concatening " & myVariable & " as a value.")[/code:2sdqrmuw]
    For FaceBook
    [code:2sdqrmuw]"" & urlEncode("URL_THAT_SHARES_AND_IS_SET_IN_THE_FB_APP_TO_SHARE) & "&picture="& UrlEncode("URL_TO_YOUR_PICTURE_APP_IF_YOU_HAVE_SOME") &"&display=popup&ref=plugin&src=share_button&quote=My message with #hashtags and concatening " & myVariableValue & " as a value."[/code:2sdqrmuw]
    You have to know though that on iOS/some mobiles for this to work, you have to use the button plugin only that will count as a user action.
    Using CSS it is possible to make the button invisible under/over a sprite and still have a good looking app, but this all depends on your program.

    Is this works like googles maps URL method ( first targets APP and then if app is not installed opens in browser or it directly opens browser regardles of APP being installed?

  • Hello,

    I have question for those that use some kind of notification service.

    Upon receiving notification, how do you set app to open on particular layout... depending on notification topic or content?

  • Yes i can see that information as general number per interval but i am looking for more individual info... wich user exactly made uninstall...

    Something like silent notification ping.

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  • Hi all...

    Does anyone knows if theres some way to know if user has uninstalled my app?

  • Hello,

    Is there a way to set web font or sprite font in LIST form control?


  • interesting:

    i would try like... give user a choice to chose language and then load apropriate spritefont.

    ...and use google translate for translations... i think that would work?

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  • Ashley

    Thank you... this is exactly what i am looking for.

    Any hints on how to detect an actual size of the screen (not resolution)?

  • does anyone have any idea?


  • try something like... on tap disable draw function?