InvaderXYZ's Forum Posts

  • Does the object have more than one frame, and is its speed zero?

    The object has one frame with a speed of zero.

    I also just discovered that when doing it to the Paster object, shrinking the window size makes the image suddenly visible. Now, I know this has something to do with setting the resolution, but I'm not sure what to set it to since setting it to the window width/height breaks it.

  • Hey, I've recently run into an issue where whenever I try to have Paster or a sprite load an image by imageUrl, It will load for a split-second and then disappear. I have no idea what is causing this or how to fix it, it seems to have something to do with the imageUrls themselves.

    I'm getting all my imageUrls from Paster.imageUrl, so none of them should be messed up? Can someone help me with this?

  • Sorry for not helping earlier, I totally forgot about this topic.

    Here's a fixed version of the shader:

    Fixed Crop Effect

    C2 uses pre-multiplied textures, which means the RGB color values are stored multiplied by the alpha value.

    So to avoid glitches you first need to divide the RGB by the alpha to get the real color values, then you do your pixel manipulation, and multiply the RGB by the alpha again at the end.

    Anyone still have the working link to this?

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  • Perhaps it doesn’t work anymore. I don’t really know. Maybe just draw with white for erasing.

    I got it to work! I just drew a Quad around the object I wanted to use as the eraser and made that have the Destination Out blend mode instead. Thanks for your help!

  • I attempted to to that, but there is no effect. I even tried all the blending modes too.

    Here's a GIF of me attempting to do that in-action:

  • Paste an object with the destination out blend mode. That erases.

    Hate to revive a dead post, but this isn't working for me currently. Been trying to figure out a way to erase but no such luck. Sadly, my original idea didn't pan out. Any ideas?

  • Wondering if there's any way to replicate something similar to a paint bucket function?

  • dop2000

    1. I removed the trigger once, and now it seems like all of the Player objects have their arms swing rapidly, not just the second and third players. Was that what I was supposed to do?

    2. How would I do that if the Left and Right Arms are the same object? Like when they're created, how would I sort through them and assign one to be the left and one to be the right? Or would it require two different objects to work properly?

    Thanks for helping me out, I appreciate it!

  • Hi!

    I've been working on setting up a Player object with multiple parts for a friend's project. I created a Player object in which the arms are separate from the player, and therefore can move independently of the Player. However, I ran into two huge issues that I cannot seem to fix. I am honestly frustrated.

    You can check out the CAPX here.

    ( )

    The First Issue

    As you can see in the CAPX, I set the Sine Magnitude and Period to be exactly the same for each arm object, except one is negative and one is positive; depending on the side. However, for some strange reason every Player sprite created at any point farther along the X-Axis than the first created Player sprite, has the arms swing wildly despite the debugger showing them as having the same magnitude, period, and sine values. And I know it has to do with the X-Axis because I ran it the same with all of the objects having the same player number and it only triggers if the object it created farther to the right than the first.

    The Second Issue

    For whatever reason, the arm objects refuse to move in-front of or behind the Player sprite for any of the Player Objects that aren't the first one. No matter what, they're either both on top of the sprite or both underneath; and on the rare occasions where I get it to work, mirroring the Player Object messes it up again by moving both the arms behind the Player Object.

    I seriously have no idea why these are happening, or have any idea to fix these. If someone could help me out with this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.

  • matpow2 It's fine, though if you could respond when you see the email, that could help!

    Mostly I was contacting to see if I could compare quotes with another Switch Porting group so we could do with whichever would be of the least expense for us. But I suppose you're saying that it would cost around $108,000 to port it, yeah? I suppose that's waaay over our budget, so I don't think we'll be going with Chowdren.

    Although, I think you should clarify more of this on the initial forum post. Since there's no frame of reference for quotes or information about any of the things you pointed out, it can lead to situations like this, and could help you weed out emails.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond!

  • matpow2 It's been two weeks since I replied to your email, did you receive it?

    I'm not much of a fan of the two week waiting time in-between emails, this is about the second time.

  • matpow2

    I sent you an email about 11 days ago, yet there was no response.

    Did you receive it?

  • Sure thing!

    The random() expression is used to find a random number.

    - Random(X): Used to find a random number between 0 and X.

    - Random(X,Y): Used to find a random number between X and Y.

    Red_Square.Width and Red_Square.Height are expressions that return the width and height of the red square in pixels. Red_Square.X and Red_Square.Y are expressions that return the red square's X and Y position in the layout.

    Since the sprite's origin is placed in the center of the sprite by default, we can find the edges by doing:

    - Left Edge: Red_Square.X-Red_Square.Width/2 (Lets call this A)

    - Right Edge: Red_Square.X+Red_Square.Width/2 (Lets call this B)

    - Top Edge: Red_Square.Y-Red_Square.Height/2 (Lets call this C)

    - Bottom Edge: Red_Square.Y+Red_Square.Height/2 (Lets call this D)

    This is because since the origin is in the center, that means the edge of the sprite would be half of the sprites width/height away, yeah?

    Now that we have the edges of the Red Square, we can just plug it into the random expression.

    Using random(A, B) would get us a random point between the Left and the Right edges.

    Using random(C, D) would get us a random point between the Top and the Bottom edges.

    And that's pretty much how it works! Was I clear enough or should I explain more?

  • Oh, you mean remove item from the layout? Then yes, you are right, your code will not work, because as Kyatric mentioned, "Item is NOT on-screen" condition actually picks all items that are not on-screen. So when there are no item instances at all, this event will not be triggered.

    Oh good, that works! Thanks so much, I guess I've been misunderstanding that event for this entire time. Thanks for being patient and helping me out with this.

  • I tested your game and everything works fine. The dog goes "Woof" and I am able to pick up a can of beer or battery or whatever that thing is.

    I think the problem appears when you have items in the inventory/UI. You need to exclude items that are pinned to the UI. So add "Stage_Item is NOT pinned" condition to all three events #175, 178 and 181.

    I applied the fixes you suggested, it still doesn't work. When removing Stage_Item from the screen, you can no longer talk to the NPC, or at least I can't. Does that happen on yours, or is there something wrong with my computer?

    Thanks for the help so far.