imothep85's Forum Posts

  • nope because i use the vbs with construct2 with the multiline box so its a problem with multiline box i think

  • hi i get an error whe i try to put this as a text

    ""Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    WshShell.Run chr(34) & "bat.bat" & Chr(34), 0

    Set WshShell = nothing"" to the multiline box the error is detected at the word "WScript" how to correct that?


  • can this method with php work for geting files from the ftp to the hdd??

  • Hi i have added two files inside my app, i would like to extract thoses to a folder in the hdd , and execute one of them, its vbs and the second file is a bat.

    so here its a screenshot of my app

    can someone help me?


  • i found this in node js.

    can someone help me with that ?

    Ftp.get(remotePath, localPath, callback)

    Stores the remote file directly in the given local path.

    ftp.get('remote/file.txt', 'local/file.txt', function(hadErr) {

    if (hadErr)

    console.error('There was an error retrieving the file.');


    console.log('File copied successfully!');


  • well in my app i just have one button, download and when i do

    Onclicked -> AJAX -> Request "url+filename".

    AJAX -> Ajaxlastdata completed -> Nodewebkit -> Write AJAXlastdata to file "C:\temp\test.doc"

    bu that does nothing at all :s

  • well i still cant write a file from my ftp to my hard disk :s

  • hello all i received a small code

    var fs = require('fs'),

    http = require('http'),

    path = require('path'),

    ct = {'Content-Type:':'text/plain'},

    //The file to send

    file = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve('.\\DOC\\','test.doc'));

    http.createServer(function (req, res) {switch(req.url.toLowerCase({

    case '/route': res.writeHead(200,ct); res.end(file.toString()); break;

    default : res.writeHead(404,ct); res.end("404"); break;


    cwhat i want to do its i cal lthat file with ajax, the file name is "route" i put that on my ftp and its supose to help me to download a file to a folder in my hdd.

    can someone tell whats wrong???

  • can you explain your code?? thanks

  • well my file is just here:

    where i have to pur your code???? the rest of my app is good

  • well i tried creating a folder C:\test but that also change nothing, it looks impossible to copy a file from an ftp to the hdd :s and also i trid to put the file inside the app and extract that fiel to the hdd, but its impossible :s

  • hi again the same question maybe more structured, so i got no answer about this problem, and still looking for a solution.

    Im trying to COPY a file fro mmy ftp to a folder for ex: "C:\temp"

    so i put a buton "download" and i added ajax+nodewebkit in my app.

    the actions i use are:

    Onclicked -> AJAX -> Request "url+filename" the file is an empty file named "test" without extension.

    AJAX -> Ajaxlastdata completed -> Nodewebkit -> Write AJAXlastdata to file "C:\temp"

    i also tried Write AJAXlastdata to file "C:\temp\test"

    and i tried a lot of stuffs but nothing works...

    ajax or nodewebkit cant copy file from ftp to hdd??? why...

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  • well i have done this One butto download, so i put:

    on clicked, AJAX request "link+file"

    on AJAX lastdata comleted nodewebkit WRITE "c:\temp" to file Ajaxlastdata.

    but that doenst work

    how to simply copy a file from an ftp to the hard disk??

  • nope i still can't copy a file from the app "files" folder to my hdd, and also can't copy a file from an ftp to a folder in my hdd :s

  • nope :s