imagsol's Forum Posts

  • Made quite a headway making my platformer game.

    Check out the video and let me know your thoughts and feedback <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Hi Mod,

    I hope that all is well.

    I just posted a new topic under construct 3.

    My topic had 2 links in it.

    1. A youtube video of my WIP game.

    2. A wetransfer link to the construct WIP game that i wanted people to try out.

    Instantly, the post was deleted.

    May i know the rules for what we can post and not as i did read the forum rules and it did not mention that we cannot post links to file transfer websites to share our games plus i have seen many people here share their websites and urls so this seems like to me i was handpicked when it came to deletion of my post.

    I would like to know how i can share my WIP construct game with people here.

    Looking forward for feedback.


  • Damn....very very nice man...i love the graphics and the controls they're tight for this kind of a game!!! id say put some more time in, add enemies, weapons and more levels and you have an awesome game like death rally or micro machines.

  • Check out the game-play footage from the early prototype game!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Just started using Construct 3 for the first time. Made a Mario like game with a couple of levels in 3 days with bought assets. Now plan on completing the game. Any advice would be helpful on making a game from start to finish. Will upload a video of the game later today.

    Right click image and "open image in a new tab" to see images in proper aspect ratio.