hugone's Forum Posts

  • Great man!!!!

    thank you so so much!

  • I seen your files and see there is two new ones...

    was helpful? is what you need?

    really try to update the example post by dop2000 its great as it shows you how to make it with tween or bullet, and in bullet he made a smart way of bounce... worth to see it

  • Here you have an example... but please try to update... if not takes longer time to help you

    I made it all in global variables so can be seen whole idea in one screenshot... if you got the idea then can include in variable instances and play with tweens etc

  • I suggest you to update your C2 to R277 as it is much more optimized than your version...

    I tried to open your CAPX but Google drive asked me for permission

  • Thank you for your answer,

    there is not problem parsing JSON,

    I wonder if you could be so kind to post an example with what is need in PHP side and Construct events too as you made before but this time in reverse direction (send from PHP to Construct)

    thanks in advance

  • Hello, I would like to know if there its a way to interact with the native APK that shows a C2 HTML5 web app by WebView.

    I found one example but my skills with JS are very basic:

    the android part I think I can solve as I am working with a person that makes this part and have the proper skills...

    but from my side (C2) I could not find the way.

    I would really appreciate your help so much!

    Thank you!

  • have you tried using paster plugin to set incrementaly lower resolution?

  • > I understand what is supposed to happen but I'm having issues with the parameters? Whats the tag for?


    Here is a basic example on how to get this working with uploading a file to your server:

    Here are the events

    Here is the PHP script that needs to be hosted on your site.

    Great Explanation! Superb! Thank You, is only example I could understand!

    I may ask you... and its possible to receive data into the C2 back from server this way?

  • here an example:

  • Try Construct 3

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  • regarding what you indicate:

    1) you don't move the background to make an illusion of moving: must see if you are using a tiled background or sprite and the size of it must impact on performance...

    1) the enemies you do not need to destroy them 1 second after start of layout. do it without a delay of one second, not problem

    2) checks for an item in local storage will not cause any problem in CPU or GPU performance

    3) lite tween gesture??? why gesture?

    4) resizing an object with that plugin may not have also any impact on performance!

  • Hello Ary_Ary! with this info its really hard to understand why performance it´s jaggy or so slow in your code.

    This up and down on fps its a problem we always faced in construction but there is some workarounds could be applied...

    if you share a CAPX will be more simple to help you.

  • Hello NamelessPFK...

    in my modest computer Chunks are never taking more than 4%... world1 and raytrace takes most of the CPU...

    So I do not understand exactly what you are facing...

    nevertheless and regarding to this "chunks" I got a question for you: its there any reason to have as many as "sector" as separate 67 objects?

    I suppose you need it to detect when it´s created as you use "on create" ... but this is unnecessary

    you can use "on created" followed by a wait 0 (to wait to next tick) and then pick the one you need... by doing this you can simplify your code a lot and save some video memory (as same object will not be as heavy as 67)

    example here...

  • jatin1726 sorry for writing you here... could not post it in the original post: there's a post where you said you solved how to share text in Whatsapp... could you be so kind to help me on this?

  • matriax I am trying to make a simple scratch game... just need the part of erasing a block and throwing particles of different shapes... is exactly a dream for my project..

    I tried to download your links but server says it´s in your drive garbage.. would you be so kind to recover or place a new link?

    it will save me many many hours and will never get as good as in the example of first gif you got!

    will really appreciate


  • Yes, please Nepeo! ;) could you upload again for us?
