Horace T's Forum Posts

  • I must apologise this is for construct 2.

  • How do I get this to work? Cant use the rotate behaviour and so far am using the "rotate towards angle" which is triggered by another action (it rotates very nicely). My main issue is getting it to repeat. ideally I need my object to appear, wait a few seconds, then rotate shoot. The appear and wait bit I've done. Its the repeating of the rotate action thats proving difficult. Would a variable of some kind do it?



  • Thanks. I just played your game, it's quite fun.

    My idea is for the player to go through a tunnell of some kind so option 3 I will try. Tried option 1 and 2 (2 is not what i'm looking for). It's not an inifinate level, I want the wall's etc to change as they move through.

    Thanks again and good luck with your game.

  • Hi,

    I'm struggling with a major element in my game. I want to create graphic movement/scrolling like the game in the link. Another similar game is bike rivals. Mine is a space shoot em up. Can't get scrolling and repeating graphics to work.


    Please help.



  • I will try it.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I mean objects as in obstacles, maybe a large rock or other item. Working on a side scrolling game and want my obstacles to scroll in and scare the player.


  • How do I make objects (not enemy ships) scroll in, as they do in Super R Type video game etc. I've searched the internet and will put in some serious searching on the forums too but if anyone can give me a starting point. I know about spawn points and i'm sure it's to do with instance or global variables.



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  • playable.

  • I thought that would be possible and was planning to try it, thanks for confirming.


  • Good question. Not sure which is the best way to go. At the moment I've got a scrolling background with my space craft, movements etc, but I want it to enter a tunnel where all the action starts. It would be solid ground with objects falling from the top and maybe some shaking. It did dawn on me about using the platform template. Advice welcome.


  • Hi,

    I'm a bit confused about something. I want my player to travel through a tunnel, which has falling rocks etc inside it. Player then needs to go down another tunnel and maybe up also. What's the best way to do this? Should I create a full map of the game ? i'm making this for mobile devices and learnt a lot so far. I want things to be off screen so the palyer does not know what's coming next.

