heyguy's Forum Posts

  • Hey tunepunk! Thanks so much for the break down and taking the time to create that capx! It'll be invaluable as I set up my own scene! Thanks again!

  • Hello all! I just have a quick question about the feasibility of creating "pseudo" 3D games similar to the original Resident Evil or Alone in the Dark. I'm not talking about the console or PC versions with some actual 3D graphics. I'm specifically talking about the downgraded Game Boy Color versions of these games that used pixel art and sprite scaling to imitate their big brothers. Obviously I use the term "prerendered" loosely here.


    https://www.unseen64.net/wp-content/upl ... /04/42.gif

    http://pocketmedia.ign.com/media/news/i ... /2_big.gif

    http://pocketmedia.ign.com/media/news/i ... /1_big.gif

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    If it is possible, can someone give me a small breakdown on how it might be achieved? Not actual code but how to approach thinking it or the logic behind it. I'm still learning Construct 2 and I've only learned to create basic 2D games.

    Here's how I'm thinking this could possibly be achieved. I'm an artist and so I could create all art for the backgrounds, character animation, etc. I guess every single background would have to have it's own sort of invisible "ground plane" that specifies what the player is allowed to walk on. This "ground plane" would also record the characters position in "3D" space so it would know when you're standing right next to a door and when you're just in the foreground overlapping a door no where near it. Depending on the layout and angle of the background and movement of the character, the character sprite would grow and shrink (along the ground plane?) producing the effect of walking through a 3D space.

    Here's another thing I'm thinking but I might be over thinking it. Essentially the game would run two versions of itself?? The visible "pseudo" 3D game and like this behind-the-scenes overhead map game that lays out and updates the players position in an overall room. For example, if a room is one large rectangle (like the dinner in RE1), I'd paint maybe 3 backgrounds that make up exploring the entire room and the position of the character on the overhead map would translate to the correct position on the painted backgrounds. Does this make sense?

    Anyway, thanks for looking at my post. Is this kind of game possible on Construct 2? If so, how might one approach creating a game like this? Any examples of it? I know I saw a game on here (in WIP or completed creations) that had actual prerendered 3D graphics and prerendered 3D character (Mortal Kombat style) but it was strictly a side scrolling brawler.

  • Bump

    I'm still having this problem and I still can't figure it out. I've edit my original post and removed my other question. I'm just seeking how to properly dash to the left. Thanks!

  • Hello all! I'm currently trying to solidify game mechanics for a game I'd like to make. I want the game to plays like an action adventure platformer similar to games like Metroid, Castlevania and Megaman. So I want dashes, wall jumps, wall slides, ledge grabs, metroid type ball morph movement and other complex movements. It's been a fun learning experience watching tutorials, reading text tutorials, going over other peoples capx and expermenting as I go along. I think I've done a pretty decent job accomplishing what I've tried to set out to do but I think my code is kinda sloppy and I'm running into a lot of issues now. Mostly issues related to my hang move.

    One of the main issues I'm having and I think I'll continue to have is swapping in and out of animations and preventing certain animations from playing when they shouldn't be. An example of this is when my character is hanging from a ledge. If I press left or right, my character will change his hanging position from left to right and vice versa, while still hanging. Obviously I don't want that to happen. Also, since the characters body is up against a wall while hanging, pressing left or right will change the character to a wallslide animation. Don't want that either.

    Another issue I'm having with the hang function is climbing and dropping from the hang position. I know the issue has something to do with the overlapper that spawns and checks if it's colliding with an edge when jumping, falling or hanging. When jumping (or falling, currently disabled in my capx), the overlapper sets its position on the player animation. I guess I'd have to create a function that says something like "when the playerbox is hanging, disable the overlapper when climbing (pressing W, same key as jump) or falling until the player is on the floor again" or something like that but I haven't been able to figure out how to get that to work yet. Related hanging issue, if I jump on to a right ledge, my character lines up perfectly and it looks like he's hanging from his hands. On a left ledge, it looks like the player is hanging on by his crotch. What's up with that?

    And one more smaller but related question. How can I dash to the left? I can dash to the right (pressing E) no problem but pressing Q to dash to the left isn't working properly. It's dashing my character left, right, left, right, left, right.

    I'm sorry for such a wordy post and complicated questions. I have a feeling a greater knowledge of instance variables would help me with most of my problems. I'm currently experimenting by going over theme and adding "compare instance variables" events in right places. Anyway, can anybody suggest to me how to handle this stuff or people point me in the direction? And if anyone has any tips on reducing or condensing my code while still keeping all the features, I'd appreciate that too. I'm getting close to that 100 event limit. A decent chunk of my code is about preventing the player from entering a wallslide animation while on the floor and pushing against the wall. Seems like there would be a much smarter way to do that though. Anyway, thanks for reading my post and thanks for the help! I'm adding a updated capx, the current code for my dash function and an old choppy gif demonstrating the problems I mentioned above.


  • Hey! Hold control down and click on each object you want to move. Everything you click will be highlighted and you can move them all together.

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  • Lost my previous message due to inactivity so I'm going to keep this brief :-/ sigh

    I can't dash left properly. Dashing right (E) is no problem. While trying to dash left (Q) multiple times, I dash left then right then left then right, etc, etc, etc. Not sure what the problem is. Well, I imagine a bullet speed of -400 is the problem. What can I do to fix this issue?

    Added my capx, a screen of my code and a choppy gif for your viewing pleasure. Thanks for reading my post! Oh, and I've got gamepad support working too in case anyone wants to mess around with that

    edit: removed a paragraph


  • hey ultrafop, thanks for the help! I actually solved my problem another way. I just added the event "Playerbox - platform is falling > Set Platform max fall speed to 1000" at the top.

  • Hello all. I've been watching with a bunch of tutorials lately trying to learn all I can with Construct 2. I'd like to eventually make a "Metroidvania" Action Adventure platformer one day. Today, I've been messing around with the event sheet trying to solidify the game mechanics I imagine my game having. Right now I'm working on a wall slide function.

    I seem to have it mostly working right but there's a problem. If I keep holding left (or right once I add that bit of the code in) after there's no more wall to slide on, my character keeps floating down in the wall slide animation until I land on the floor. Basically, my character goes into a wall slide if the player is holding correct direction and the player jumps onto or falls onto the wall. I'm adding my capx and a screenshot of my wall slide code. I'm pretty happy I mostly figured it out but it's not right yet.

    And another quick question. Unrelated. Should I be using my tilemap the way I'm using them. I've got one tile map and I'm using it two different ways. I've got one cut up into 8x8 and the other cut up into 32x32. I imagine I'm wasting space and should just use the 8x8, right?

    I'd also appreciate it if someone would let me know if there's a easier way or shorter way to accomplish what I'm trying to do. Anyway, thanks a lot!

    edit: Hmmm, I'm not really sure how to attach my capx the way I see other people do it through scirra. If someone can tell me how to do that too, I'd appreciate it. I just uploaded my file to mediafire in the meantime. Copy and paste the link directly below. Thanks!


  • Hey all, I' m trying to create an autorunner similar to Punch Quest, Robot unicorn Attack and Jetpack Joyride. I specifically want to make an autorunner that includes slopes, ramps, inclines, drops, platforms, obstacles, etc like Punch Quest. Here's a video of Punch Quest.


    I began this game using most of the code from the autorunner game example. I was using a transparent square sprite stretched out as the grass floor and that was working. Now I'm working on a tile map and I'm not sure how to create a level that spawns, tiles and connects all these different pieces of tiled art correctly. It'd be easy to paint everything if this was a platformer with a start and end point like Super Mario but presumably autorunners randomly generate their levels right? How can I make a game like Punch Quest? Here's a look at my artwork.

    What I'm simple trying to do right now is make the game spawn the flat grass floor platform. I've turned the grass floor artwork into a tiled background and I'm trying to figure out the code to spawn it endlessly like the background. Then I want to add drops, ramps, upper platforms, etc. I'm still trying to figure out the code but I figured I'd ask for help. The second part (adding drops, ramps, etc) is what I can't wrap my head around.

    One problem with using the tiled background instead of a sprite is I can't set a collision model. The player is actually suppose to run along the middle of the grass path, not on the very top of the grass. Can anyone suggest what I can do to fix this?

  • Hey wow, this is pretty impressive I think! Like mercuryus said, there's a interesting complexity to it.

    I kept getting the message to check my journal with j and go find some work every time I entered and exited a building. It got really annoying. I suggest adding an animation when searching. Right now you can grapple on to a grapple point from beneath the floorboards in an interior. Also, in city hall, I got stuck on the bottom floor. I used the elevator and bugged it out I think. It went down and just left the world, haha! Well, just a couple of bugs and comments.

    Anyway, I really think it's awesome how you've created AI for the npcs. It inspires me to keep working on my own game and it shows off what's possible with construct 2! I need to keep playing it but it's very cool. Regarding how it runs, the performance seems find on my PC but I've got a very powerful gaming. Will you add a story to it? Keep it up!!

  • Oh wow! Interesting! No, that's not the effect I'm trying to accomplish LittleStain but thanks for showing me that! That could definitely be some sort of attack or something since I plan to add an upgrade system. Thanks for telling me about the beta link too, never noticed.

    Here's what I'm trying to do. Basically, I'm trying to do the opposite of what yousef77 explained. Instead of moving the background quickly, I want to move the player quickly. It might be that that just not possible...? The capx I added is basically what yousef77 told me to do. I change the bullet speed of the enemy and block so it looks like the player is dashing.

    If I where to do it this way, how would I add the short amount the player just gained to the total distance? I imagine it would be something like:

    system Add Block.Bullet.Speed + 300(or whatever the amount of pixels I just moved) * dt?

  • Thanks yousef77! That bit of code definitely helped out since I was having trouble doing even just that. But I'm actually trying to create an endless runner another way though. I'm trying to just boost the player character instead of boosting everything in the background. Isn't there a way create an endless runner like that? It seems like it would be less messy then having to boost/dash multiple objects. I want to increase the players speed for .75 seconds or whatever so the player actually dashes instead of shifting all the background sprites to create the illusion of dashing.

    You see, right now I only have the platform block and one enemy but I'm going to add more of both. I mean, I don't know. Which way would be the best way to approach creating a moderately fully fleshed out competent autorunner?

    LittleStain, I can't open your capx. It seems you might have a super advanced alpha beta professional build of Construct 2! I only have r178.

  • Hello everyone. I've been working on an autorunner and I've run into some problems. Har har! I've actually done quite a bit research but I can't get the dash to function correctly.

    So basically I just want to make my player dash forward for a moment. I've checked out a few different posts and learned a little more about what goes into an autorunner. If I used the original autorunner template, I would have to change the speed of every object except the player to create the illusion of a boost.

    So I found this post explaining how to just add a boost to just specifically the player but I can't get it to work.


    I've downloaded a few different capx dash examples and but the lines of code won't seem to work with my project. I imagine it's not working because I have the player set in place so the game can't boost the players speed because he's set in place. I'd appreciate any help on this issue. I've attached the capx. Thanks!

  • Hey ryanhagz, thank you so much for your help! That was a real simple question! Man, I have a lot to learn!

    I have another question now kind of a long the same lines. Should I make a new post or just post here? I'll probably have a couple of dozen questions regarding his game in the future. Anyway, now that I know how to spawn a single object like a coin or enemy, how would I spawn multiple coins or enemies? Say I wanted to created a 5 coins in a line or create a heart shaped cluster of coins. Stuff Jetpack Joyride did.

    I don't know much about coding but I imagine I'll have to create a function or array that holds the coin information (like how many coins spawn, where they spawn, in what shape they spawn, etc). Am I thinking correctly?

  • Hey all,

    I've been working on my first game and it's going to be an infinite runner game similar to Jetpack Joyride. I've looked at the autorunner template and I've modified it to suit my purposes. Right now, I have the floor spawning consistently in the way I want it to. I'm having problems though spawning single objects like an enemy, coin, set of 5 coins, ramp, etc.

    I tried replicating the "NextBlock" code structure from the template but I couldn't get it to spawn single coins. As you can see, I changed the code and now I have the game spawning what appears to be 125 coins just pixels away from each other in a line. A bunch of ramps seem to be spawning on top of each other too and the game is spawning ramp upside down.

    How can I spawn using code, say, a rectangle of 24 coins or like a set of coins that says "BARRY" like Jetpack Joyride or something. I figure if I understand how spawn a certain amount of coins whenever I want, I should be able to do that for enemies and more. I have another question regarding autorunners and creating artwork for them. I guess I should be creating my artwork (floor pieces) in increments of 2, yes? 32*32, 512*256* 16*32, etc?

    So this is my first time creating a game with Construct 2. I've gone through a couple of video tutorials and examples and I'm still learning! If there are any tutorials out there that anybody thinks I need to see in regards to my problems or creating an infinite runner, please link or mention them. Thank you! And thanks for the help!