How I can Find Light Object In C2?
something like the light object on CC
Thank You so much
I want something like drag and drop behavior for Xbox 360 controller
and when something is dragging ,dont pass from objects
sorry for my bad English
Thank You
Thank You It worked
I downloaded it but I can't open some of the examples and the error is
"Your Program is Old you should download the new version" but I have the newest version
Thanks for your help
Thank you for your help
I need right analog Like the mouse of computer
for example
I have a player that have a gun I want to rotate the gun with right analog
I want to Use Xbox 360 Controller in my game but it has
"Control is Down" I need "on key released" And "on key pressed" but it doesnt have
and how I can use Right Analog like the Mouse??
I want be in Hidden Froum
What should I do?
Can We make games for OUYA with Construct Classic
What is IE?
Can we use Construct Classic?
How I can use Drag & Drop behavior with X360 Controller?
Are there any program for it?
Can we make games for Xbox 360 with Construct Classic?
or If I make a game with Construct Classic can I port it with a program for Xbox 360?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I can't understand
Can I sell my game?