Helix0's Forum Posts

  • My apologies, When I say away I mean I want the enemy to find a position thats not overlaping an object, maybe 1000px away thats in the opposite direction to the player.

  • Thank you to all who responded with advice, I think ill use Arisu51 idea of using an instance var

  • Hello all! I was wondering how to make an object smoothly rotate to a angle/position in a single trigger. When i say single trigger I mean events such as "On created" that only set off its corresponding actions once, as opposed to something like "Every Tick"

    In other words, I want to make a function that can best be described as smoothely roatating until an objects angle or the position its facing meets a specified value


  • Hi! I was wondering if anyone knew how to get an object to run away using pathfinding. The context is that I want enemies to run away when they're on low health. I just dont know how I could apuire the position to move to.

    With all things Id like to keep this system dynamic if possible. Thank you!


  • Worked Perfectly, thank you!!!!

  • I am making a top down shooter game, and I want an element of bullet penetration. This means bullets can pass through solid objects under the right conditions. But I cant get a bullet to go through a solid object, even when I use collision filters.

    Does anyone have any advice?

  • Im working on a top down shooter game, and Ive been experimenting with the enemy AI for quite some time now. I really need to move on in my project so I was wondering if anyone on here could lay out their take on how I could acheive convincing combat AI.

    There are 5 enemies each round, as well as 4 allys.

    Things that are imperitive to the AI are is knowing when it is appropraite to pursuite or run away from a target. Things like breaking LoS could warrant pursuiting. And running out of ammo would warrant running away from target.

    Id also like enemies to change positions after firing a burst. A relitive position where the enemy can still see and engadge its target (up to 500 pixels from the target) would be ideal

    Any help is greatly appreciated :)

  • In my game, the player fights alongside AI teammates. And when the player dies, I want them to be able to spectate the a teammate until the round is over.

    Things to take into consideration is that there are 5 team members not counting the player.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

  • I've made the system you described, but there's a problem. The reload sound gets played rapidly, making a buzzing sound. I don't know how to prevent this from happening other than "Trigger once while true"

  • This is incredibly helpful advice, I have one question though: In the event where the code chooses an enemy to run to, how would I check to make sure the target isnt reloading?

  • I've been at this for a while now, and honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. My goal is to have enemy's runaway to their teammate and reload at the same time when they run out of ammo. This is my current code that's not working:

    + Enemy: Ammo ≤ 0

    + Enemy: Pick nearest to (Enemy.X, Enemy.Y)

    + System: Trigger once

    -> Enemy: Pathfinding: Stop

    -> Enemy: Pathfinding: Find path to (Enemy.X, Enemy.Y)

    -> Audio: Play Array.At(OpposingGun,13) not looping from Sounds at volume 10 dB at object Enemy (inner angle 360, outer angle 360, outer gain 0 dB) with tag ""

    -> System: Wait Array.At(OpposingGun,11) seconds

    -> Enemy: Set Ammo to Array.At(OpposingGun,6)

    The array is for storing the properties of the weapon, In this case the reload sound effect and reload time.

  • That Worked! Thank you :)

  • Hey! I'm developing a shooter game and I've made an AI that keeps its distance from the player. Which means if the player gets within a certain distance of an enemy, they will stop moving, and then back away if the player comes any closer.

    I have one issue though...while the enemy's back up, they do not stop for solid walls, so they just move through them. IM not sure how to solve this problem.

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated

  • I'm very new, but ill definitely look into the array.

    I currently use the 1st suggestion, where I set a global variable to a random number and set the guns properties according to the number.

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  • I am making a shooter game that gives you a random weapon each round. Each weapon has its own unique properties and there's plans to be over 200 different weapons.

    Because of this, I want to code a random weapon assignment system as efficiently as possible. Can someone help me?