Hasan999's Forum Posts

  • Hi, I've almost made a Multiplayer game.. I was wondering it is possible to "Save Friends" using some permanent Friend's ID? So that people can "Add" (save) their friends they played with, and later able to see a list of which friends are "Online", so they an offer them a Match.

    Is it somehow possible?


  • Hi, I'm making a similar game, I realized working with multiplayer stuff is much easier than I initially thought. And yes, this was the very first challenge: Send your name to host/peer, and retrieve his/her name.

    This can be done through "Send Message" option of Multiplayer, and likewise, "On Message received"... In fact, my whole multiplayer game uses only Sending and Receiving messages to communicate, and it works perfectly! (i.e. as long as it is a turn-based game)

    So, let's say, when you type your name, On button pressed, you can choose > Multiplayer > Send Message

    (this will be done in common, right? whether it is the host or peer), so you need to include a sub event there:

    if host > Send Message (to Multiplayer.peerID, tag: "name", message: name.Text or whichever)

    else > Send Message (to Multiplayer.HostID, tag: "name", message: name.Text or whichever)

    Then, in the Host Group only, have a condition:

    On receive message "name" > Set oppname to Multiplayer.message

    And likewise, in Peer Group, have similar condition:

    On receive message: "name" > Set oppname to Multiplayer.message

    If you can do this, you can communicate anything from peer <--> host by just sending "messages" with information, throughout your game.

    Let me know if this helped.

  • Hi, I am creating a "Letter Peak" or "Wordscapes" type game where the user is given SIX letters, and they have to make words that will be checked with an array of English dictionary.

    Well, that part is done. Works great.

    However, when the random letters are assigned, I want an Array to store all possible valid words that can be made from these letters. This is where I'm getting stuck. I tried a method with double-for-loop that iterates each permutation of these random 6 letter words with each word of english dictionary, it does work but it gets stuck for 10 seconds to do so. That's because my Dictionary array is 14k words, and combined permutations of the 6 letters are also 1000+. So, some millions of iterations.


    I want to reduce these iterations to extract and store all valid English words from the combinations of randomly given 6 letters.

    Any help will be appreciated!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hey guys.. I've just published my first game on Play Store! (created in C2)

    I would really appreciate if you can spend some time to play and provide your feedback!

    It's called FallDown Revamped, a unique concept of the classical FallDown game where you have to navigate and pass through random obstacles. Lots of power-ups to keep you engaged.

    Give it a try: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.falldown.revamped

    FallDown Revamped - Direct Link

    I'll be waiting for some feedback! I hope you'll enjoy.


  • Yes. That official scirra plugin is of no use. They did not bother updating it.

    Also, they did not add Rewarded Video ads in their official Admob plugin.

    Best is to use Cocoon.io Google Play Games and Google Ads plugins. They work perfectly. They're free.

  • So you want a few variables (counters) that do not get reset.

    Use "WebStorage". (the newer versions of C2 have LocalStorage, but I prefer using WebStorage instead, this you can get by adding a New Object then right-click to select 'Show Depreciated Objects').

    WebStorage (or LocalStorage) basically saves and keeps the value... even when you restart or close the whole game and come back the next day. This is normally used for "Best Scores" and "Total Coins Collected", etc. You can use this in your Game layout as a counter. And the Menu or Levels page to reset it.

  • Anyone?

  • It's easy. First make a "Family" of all the "items" you have.

    Then, do this:

    For Each box:

    --- if box overlapping with Family ------ | Set box.occupied = true

    --- else ------------------------------------------- | Set box.occupied = false

  • Thanks RayKi, I have done the "save" state and "load" state part already, works great!

    Yes, I wanted the user to also be able to Record a Video and save, upload and/or share his attempt (performance) with friends, through a video file.

    Hoping this is possible and someone would help me out in this..

  • Hi, I am creating a Brain-it-on DIY Physics type game (with Inventory), where you can create and watch a chain-reaction based events with Physics objects once you click Start.

    I want the users to be able to "Record" a video of their game-play (chain reaction happening) and upload OR share it with friends. Similar to the famous game Brain Dots.

    I could not find a plugin or a way to do this. Any idea on how can I implement Video Record and Share feature on C2?



  • Ashley We really need to have Admob plugin updated so that we can officially use its Rewarded Videos instead of going long way with third-party unreliable plugins. This will be the ultimate solution! Please please please update asap! Thanks!

  • Hi.. I was wondering:

    1) If C2 Projects will be compatible and usable in C3 Editor?

    2) If our C2 License will be workable and applicable for C3 as well?

    3) Will C3 have support for 3D Game Making? (is there a chance?)



  • does Scratch's interface inspire your students?

    Excluding the age group 5 to 6, we have to agree: everyone hates the Orange Kitty!

    Well, at least they updated it to make the UI background as "White". It was way too dull before.

    I don't think the interface inspire students, it is the output that inspire them. When they "do" something in programming and it "works".. that's when they get inspired and excited. And when they do something and it doesn't work, that's when they troubleshoot and learn.

    I would personally go for Scratch if I have to teach them programming. I would go for C2 if it is a "Game Development" class.

    It more depends on the 'Instructor' to make it interested or boring, lesser depends on the software.

  • glerikud Thanks!

    Yeah, that will work. By giving a broken/incomplete game and they figure out why it is happening and how to fix. Likewise, a car behaviour can be made using events and actions.

    In fact, that is why I like C2 as being the most fun game making tool.

    However, since this topic was about comparing it with Scratch... let me re-emphasize that (for a kid or beginner), advancing from Scratch-like Programming to any Syntax based programming (like Python/C) would be far easier and relate-able, than jumping from C2 to a syntax based programming <-- simply because of the flow of programming structure. Don't get me wrong, C2 will definitely develop/boost algorithmic thinking, and so will Scratch.. but both have slightly different applications and learning outcomes.

  • I may be responding to this post too late, but I find myself very relevant to answer and appreciate this question.

    I've taught Scratch for around 5 years, to Ages: 6 to 18 (currently, I am teaching Scratch as a starter for "Introduction to Programming" at University level... if you might know Harvard University does the same!)

    I've also taught Construct 2 for around 2 years to similar age group, mostly younger ones.

    Based on my years of usage and teaching experience for both softwares: Scratch, the way the programming flow works, it resembles any other syntax based programming (top to bottom), similar loop/if/else structure. I think if "Teaching Programming" is the aim, then I would go for Scratch despite its poor FPS and lack of game-making simplicity.

    If, on the other hand, "Making Games" and/or "Logic Building" is the aim, then I would definitely go for Construct 2. The difference is, C2 is the most sophisticated yet simplest 2D game making software I have ever used (among 15+ more that I've tried). All the behaviors, the relevant list of conditions and actions, the necessary yet optional set of settings for each behavior, layout, layer, objects, (etc) - All of these does not let you get stuck anywhere, and it just helps implement 'your' logic the way you want very easily <--- Doesn't it? but here's the catch: It won't help the person 'learn' the structured programming or even the classical troubleshooting skills, which could be learnt with Scratch. Meaning, things are made so simple* in C2, that for a beginner, jumping to an actual programming language will be very frustrating, despite he/she will be too good at algorithmic thinking.

    * Example: A top view Car game... in C2, the user will just select the Car behavior with Keyboard object and a good percentage of the game is already completed without a single line of coding! - No Learning really - In scratch, the user will use several if/else commands with variables to achieve that Car like control - Decent amount programming done!


    Construct 2: 70% Fun, while 30% learn Programming skills,

    Scratch: 30% as Fun, but 70% helps learn Programming.

    So, it depends on what is the 'aim' of the course. For me, I used to go with C2 during Fun Summer Camps (short courses), and I choose Scratch for a longer term "Programming" course to prepare them for syntax based coding in future.

    Hope this helps.